Build a Top-Tier Hospital Management System for 2024

Build a Top-Tier Hospital Management System for 2024

For individuals who operate manually in hospitals, efficiently managing the hospital sector can be challenging. Thus, to overcome such problems in the rapidly evolving healthcare industry, building a top-tier Hospital Management System (HMS) is crucial. 

Choosing HMS offers efficient hospital operations, improved patient care, and enhanced services with constant workflows. This article will take you through the essentials of creating a cutting-edge HMS for 2024, highlighting key factors, considerations, technology hacks, and upcoming trends.

What Are Hospital Management Systems?

A creative and all-inclusive Hospital Management System (HMS) software solution is designed to handle healthcare sectors’ financial, clinical, and operational aspects. HMS is an integration of modules that helps in managing patient data, appointments, billing, inventory, and more. In addition, it is easier to remotely control routine tasks and provide real-time data access with the assistance of HMS. This enhances the efficiency and potency of hospital management.

Top Key Features of a Top-Tier Hospital Management System

Patient Management

Efficient patient management is a robust task for the health sector. Executing effective HMS should offer significant patient management features, such as electronic health records (EHR), appointment scheduling, and patient enrollment. This module ensures that patient information is correct and easily accessible to enhance both operational effectiveness and patient care.

Appointment and Scheduling

Automated appointment scheduling helps individuals save time and travel expenses. In addition, patients can analyze when to meet with professionals, reducing no-shows and optimizing the use of hospital resources. Hospital management software provides an individual with various features like online registration, reminders, and calendar integration to improve the patient experience and streamline hospital performance.

Billing and Invoicing

Precise cash transactions and billing are crucial for patients and hospitals. A tailored billing module should be efficient enough to handle all money transfers, including patient billing, insurance claims, and the payment process. Hospital management software ensures accuracy, lessens operation burden, and improves revenue cycle management.

Inventory Management

A hospital has extensive inventories that need proper management. Hence, proficient inventory management is vital for keeping up stock levels of medications, medical supplies, and devices. Clinic management software gives real-time stock tracking, automated reorder alerts, and careful reporting to anticipate stockouts and wastage.

Laboratory Management

HMSs integrate with laboratory management systems to operate the seamless diagnostic data flow. Features like test ordering, result tracking, and lab report management improve accuracy and speed up diagnosis.

Reporting and Analytics

Present-day reporting and analytics devices can empower hospital administrators to make informed decisions. The same clinic management system offers customizable reports, data visualization, and predictive analytics to assist screen performance, recognize trends, and optimize operations.

Security and Compliance

Patient data and hospital regulatory compliance both require a system to secure the information. Well-developed custom clinic management software incorporates strong security measures, including encryption, access control, and review trails, to secure delicate patient information and comply with controls like HIPAA.

Factors To Consider For Building a Hospital Management System

User-Friendly Interface

A user-friendly hospital information system ensures that staff can quickly and efficiently adopt it. Building an HMS with an intuitive design, easy navigation, and responsive customer support is essential to maximizing user satisfaction.

Customization and Scalability

Hospitals have unique necessities, so a customizable and adaptable clinic management system is crucial. Custom hospital management software permits for joining of specific features customized to the hospital’s needs and can scale as the hospital develops.

Integration Capabilities

To ensure a cohesive and successful healthcare system, an HMS should consistently integrate with different systems, such as EHR, research facility data systems, and telemedicine platforms. 

Cost and Budget

The overall cost of ownership is significant, including development, usage, support, and training. Choosing the best hospital management software that balances cost and features is essential for long-term maintainability.

Vendor Support and Training

Reliable vendor support and comprehensive training are essential for the successful use and operation of clinic management software. Ensure that the vendor provides ongoing support, upgrades, and preparation assets.

Revolutionizing Technology Stacks For A Modern Hospital Management System

Cloud Computing

Cloud-based hospital management software offers scalability, adaptability, and cost-effectiveness. It enables further access to information, empowers collaboration, and diminishes the requirement for an on-premises establishment.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI-powered highlights like prescient analytics, computerized decision-making, and chatbots progress calm care and operational efficiency. AI can additionally help in overseeing huge datasets, distinguishing plans, and making data-driven choices. 


Blockchain development guarantees information security, judgment, and straightforwardness. It is fundamental to keep up a tamper-proof understanding of records and enable secure information sharing among different healthcare suppliers.  

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT gadgets can collect and transmit real-time quiet data, empowering nonstop checking and early mediation. Integration with IoT improves patient care and improves operational productivity.

Step-by-step Guide To Build A Hospital Management System

Step 1: Define Requirements

Conduct a thorough needs appraisal to understand the hospital’s requirements. Distinguish the key features, client roles, and workflow processes that the HMS ought to support.

Step 2: Choose the Right Technology Stack

Select an innovation stack that adjusts to the hospital’s needs and future versatility. Consider cloud computing, AI, blockchain, and IoT innovations to construct a present-day and strong hospital management system.

Step 3: Design the System Architecture

Make a detailed system design that outlines the data flow, integration points, and security measures. Ensure the plan supports versatility, reliability, and performance.

Step 4: Develop and Test the System

Follow agile development techniques to construct the HMS in iterative stages. Conduct thorough testing to ensure the system meets useful, performance, and security requirements.

Step 5: Implement and Train

Implement the HMS continuously to diminish unsettling influences. Give comprehensive preparation to staff to ensure they can successfully utilize the system. Offer continuous support to address any issues during the move.

Step 6: Monitor and Optimize

Continuously screen the system’s performance and client feedback. Make fundamental optimizations and updates to improve functionality and address developing needs.

Future Challenges And Ways To Overcome Them While Building HMS

Data Security and Privacy

Ensuring the security and privacy of patient data may be a noteworthy challenge. To secure delicate data, vigorous security measures, regular reviews, and compliance with controls must be implemented.

Integration with Legacy Systems

Joining the HMS with existing legacy systems can be complex. To encourage seamless integration and data exchange, create standardized APIs and utilize middleware arrangements.

User Adoption

Encouraging staff to receive and viably utilize the modern system can be challenging. Provide comprehensive training, and progressing support, and include clients in the development process to ensure buy-in and ease of utilize.

Keeping Up with Technological Advancements

Healthcare technology is quickly advancing. Stay informed about developing advances and persistently update the HMS to use new advancements and keep up competitiveness.

Exploring Future Trends In Hospital Management Systems

Telemedicine Integration

Telemedicine is becoming increasingly vital for providing inaccessible care. Future clinic data frameworks will coordinate telemedicine capabilities to encourage virtual meetings, inaccessible observation, and persistent engagement.

Prescient Analytics

Prescient analytics will play a significant part in proactive healthcare administration. Future HMS will use AI to foresee quiet results, optimize asset allotment, and make strides in preventive care.

Upgraded Persistent Engagement

Patient-centric highlights like portable apps, quiet entrances, and personalized well-being bits of knowledge will improve persistent engagement. Future HMS will center on giving consistent and personalized quiet encounters.


Interoperability will be a key center, empowering consistent information trade between diverse healthcare frameworks and suppliers. This will improve care coordination and guarantee an all-encompassing view of well-being.


Building a top-tier Hospital Management System for 2024 requires careful planning, the right technology stack, and a focus on user needs. By joining progressed innovations like AI, blockchain, and IoT and tending to future challenges, healthcare suppliers can make a strong, productive, and patient-centric HMS. As the healthcare scene advances, remaining ahead of patterns and persistently optimizing the HMS will be significant for conveying high-quality care and accomplishing operational fabulousness. 

EMed HealthTech has experts in developing custom hospital management software and offers several services and solutions to cater to modern needs of hospitals and clinics. Contributing to the best hospital management software and custom healthcare arrangements will guarantee that your clinic is well-equipped to meet the requests of advanced healthcare and provide extraordinary, quiet care.

EHR/EMR Software Development Trends

The Future of Healthcare: EMR/EHR Software Development Trends

In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, electronic medical records (EMRs) and electronic health records (EHRs) are more than digital versions of paper patient records. These essential elements of EMR/EHR software development help improve medical services’ efficiency, accuracy, and delivery.

These systems have undergone significant transformations recently, influenced by technological advances, regulatory changes, and the need for more dynamic interactions with health data. Looking ahead, integrating new technologies and focusing on improving user experience signal exciting trends that will shape the future of EHR software development.

Technological Advances Driving EMR/EHR Trends 

1. Integrating Artificial Intelligence(AI) And Machine Learning (ML) 

-> Predictive analytics for patient care and outcomes: AI and machine learning are emerging to revolutionize how data collected from EHR/EMR integration systems is analyzed to predict patient outcomes. This technology allows healthcare providers to detect potential health problems before they become serious, allowing for developing preventative treatment strategies.

-> Automatic diagnosis and treatment recommendation: AI algorithms can suggest possible diagnoses and recommend treatments based on historical data and patterns, increasing the accuracy and timeliness of diagnosis patient care.

2. Increased Use Of Cloud Computing  

-> Accessibility and scalability benefits: Cloud-based EMR Software development allows healthcare professionals to securely access medical records from anywhere, anytime, supporting faster and better decision-making.

-> HIPAA Compliance and  Security Measures: Cloud solutions still pose serious security concerns despite their convenience. Developers are continually improving data encryption and security protocols to comply with regulations like HIPAA, ensuring patient data is safe from breaches.

3. Applying Blockchain Technology 

-> Secure and tamper-proof data exchange: Blockchain offers a promising solution to many privacy and data security problems plaguing today’s EMR/EHR systems. Maintaining a decentralized, tamper-proof record of all patient interactions ensures data integrity.

-> Blockchain for Patient Data Privacy and Interoperability Case Studies: Various pilot projects are exploring blockchain to improve patient data privacy and interoperability, Combining different healthcare systems, suggesting a trend for broader adoption in the future.

Improve User Interface And Experience 

Focus On Mobile Solutions First 

-> Mobile application development: Moving to mobile solutions in EMR/EHR mobile development systems facilitates remote patient monitoring and real-time data access, transforming care delivery outside the traditional clinical setting.

-> Impact on patient engagement and continuity of care: The mobile app improves patient engagement by providing direct access to their health records and facilitating communication with healthcare providers, leading to better management of chronic diseases and overall health.

Improving Interoperability 

-> Challenges related to seamless data flow: Despite progress, achieving seamless interoperability between disparate healthcare systems remains challenging. The goal is to establish a unified system capable of effectively exchanging information, thereby minimizing redundancy and errors.

-> The role of standards such as FHIR: Initiatives such as the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR) are essential for developing frameworks that support better data-sharing capabilities across different systems.

-> Personalizing healthcare Customizable interfaces for different roles: EHR/EMR integration systems increasingly have customizable user interfaces to meet the specific needs of other healthcare providers, thereby improving efficiency.

-> Tailored Patient Portal: Enhancements to the patient portal that allow patients to personalize interactions with their health data can significantly improve satisfaction and engagement work.

Regulatory Impact And Compliance Challenges 

-> Overview of global regulatory changes: With global initiatives such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and changes in healthcare policy in the United States, operators’ Regulatory regulations continually shape the development and use of EMR/EHR software development systems.

-> Compliance is the driving force in software development: Developers must ensure that the EMR/EHR system not only complies with current regulations but can also adapt to future changes. This includes data collection and storage, audit tracking, and sharing.

-> Future regulatory trends and their expected impact: Anticipating and preparing for future regulatory changes through scalable design and flexible functionality will be essential for the EMR/EHR platform to stay relevant and compliant.

The Future Role Of Telemedicine In EMR/EHR Systems 

EHR/EMR mobile app development systems increasingly integrate telemedicine features, allowing providers to deliver care remotely. This integration becomes necessary as telemedicine becomes a significant part of modern healthcare practice.

Healthcare businesses will be able to reinvent healthcare delivery with the aid of EHR and EMR trends. Healthcare practitioners may need to access patient records and reports through a secure network that is only accessible by authorized individuals in the not-too-distant future.

In the upcoming years, trends in EHR and EMR will be crucial for the healthcare sector. For healthcare companies to guarantee that their patients are receiving the best care possible, they must constantly monitor changes and stay up to date with new technology innovations.

Challenges And Opportunities In Healthcare 

Integrating telemedicine involves overcoming significant technical barriers, including ensuring reliable video communication and data exchange. Telemedicine integrated with EHR/EMR mobile app development systems has the potential to significantly expand access to healthcare services, especially in rural and underserved areas.

EMRs are required to be compatible with other EMR systems, and they typically integrate less with these systems. All patient concerns are addressed by the overall idea of Electronic Health Records (EHR), which also facilitates patients’ access to information when needed. Interoperability is the one characteristic that separates EMR and EHR, despite the fact that there are no appreciable differences between them.

The growth of EMR and EHR has been aided by the rise of cloud computing, blockchain technology, and standardization. Maintaining documents that are current, safe, and easily accessible has never been simpler.


The future of EMR/EHR software development is bright, with technological innovations paving the way for more efficient, secure, and user-friendly systems. These advances will improve the functionality of EHR systems and significantly change the healthcare landscape.

Going forward, the focus will likely remain on improving interoperability, adopting cloud and AI technologies, and ensuring compliance with evolving global regulations. With these developments, EMR/EHR systems will continue to play an important role in shaping the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery worldwide.

EMed Healthtech, one of the leading EMR/EHR software development service providers has a team of experienced and skilled EHR/EMR software developers offering top-notch healthcare solutions tailored to your needs.

Healthcare Software Development Company_ How Can It Transform Healthcare

Healthcare Software Development Company: How Can It Transform Healthcare?

Healthcare software development companies are driving a technological change in the medical industry. They are using cutting-edge techs like AI and IoT to craft innovative solutions that are changing the way we see the medical world. 

These solutions are making waves from patient care to clinical decision-making and overall operations. IT solutions like telemedicine and electronic health records are helping doctors provide a more data-driven, patient-centric approach. 

The potential these solutions have for the future of the healthcare industry is immense. Let us take a look at how healthcare software development company is changing healthcare as we know it. 

Enhanced Patient Care

With technology, there is better access between patients and doctors. Patients can access the doctor in time via telehealth systems. Doctors can provide better treatment thanks to more information and coordination between systems. Using systems like electronic health records (EHR) also helps bring together better treatment plans. Overall, the patient gets better healthcare. 

Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring

Telemedicine app development is a major advancement in recent times that has completely changed healthcare. It enables remote delivery of healthcare services like consultation, medicine delivery, and follow-ups. This technology is also used via IoT healthcare devices. Patients can gather more info about their vitals over time which leads to better treatment plans. Doctors can also monitor chronically ill patients. They can provide better health management and care. 

Efficient Medical Workflow

The medical workflow has become smoother and more efficient thanks to software solutions. There are specific solutions that automate administrative tasks. Software systems patient management software also takes care of other aspects like booking visits, billing, and record keeping. This reduces the amount of paperwork. When the staff is free from such admin loads, they can focus on more productive work and better their services. 

Data Analytics for Insights

This is the age of data, and healthcare has no lack of it. Software services in healthcare collect vast amounts of data. Data analytics derive meaningful insights from this data. It helps in many ways. Firstly, it helps identify trends and patterns. It can help understand potential health risks and lead to informed decisions. With healthcare data analytics in the picture, there is a vast improvement in patient outcomes as well.

Improved Medication Management

Previously, tracking a patient outside of the hospital or clinic meant dialing them in person and enquiring. There was not much control over how they managed their medications. This meant the effectiveness of the treatment could not be ensured. With healthcare solutions, there are provisions for this as well. Healthcare providers can send reminders, track prescriptions, and more. Patients can also gain info about drug interactions and timely intake. On the whole, medicine adherence and patient safety become better. 

Coordination and Data Exchange

When technology and healthcare come together, there is a new possibility of coordinating healthcare between different clinics and hospitals. Exchanging info, patient records, and treatment plans between healthcare facilities means doctors can work together to improve care options. They can understand the effectiveness of treatment plans and alter them if needed. The patient ends up getting better care than before. 

Patient Engagement and Education

Technology has made it possible for the patient to become active in their healthcare journey. They are more engaged than before, thanks to the different software that connects them to healthcare providers. Patients also have more information than before. This software makes them more aware of their conditions, treatment methods, and expected outcomes. With this knowledge, they are more likely to follow their prescriptions. An empowered patient plays an active role in bringing better outcomes. Here is a detailed guide on Patient Engagement software development.

Remote Training and Education

Remote education has recently been a major part of technology, especially during the pandemic. In terms of healthcare, this has found many applications as well. Healthcare professionals use remote education and training for learning and skill development. This way, they can stay updated on all the recent developments in the world of medicine. 

Security and Privacy Measures

With technology in the mix, there is more focus on the privacy and security of patient data. But thanks to robust security measures in healthcare software, patient data is more secure than ever. Strict rules and healthcare regulatory and security compliances are in place to ensure patient data security and discretion. 

Growth Potential of Healthcare Software Development 

Healthcare solutions play an important role in increasing business growth. There is a major shift from paper-based administration to a digital one. Patient data is stored in cloud systems, which means a lot of work is automated and needs little maintenance. Operating costs are also lower this way, raising the ROI. 

Growth Potential of Healthcare Software Development

Easy Access Across Devices

Software systems used for healthcare have one major advantage. It can be accessed from different types of devices like mobile phones, tablets, and desktops. This means it is used optimally and in sync. Users can log in wherever they are, enabling real-time data access. 

Improved Healthcare Quality 

Custom software solutions are changing the traditional healthcare system by integrating cutting-edge technologies. Features like automated systems and advanced processes make healthcare delivery more efficient. Every aspect of healthcare, from patient appointment scheduling to data storage, undergoes a redesign to align with current healthcare standards. This software removes outdated procedures and makes the whole process faster, ultimately increasing the quality of healthcare services.

Scalability and Sustainable Growth with Custom Software

Unlike off-the-shelf software, custom solutions offer healthcare providers major advantages. One of them is the possibility of scaling up with growth. Custom healthcare software development means that the software can level up along with the company’s growth. The software can be maintained according to the needs of the hospital or clinic. It is a sustainable model too. 

Picking the Right Healthcare Software Development Company

The impact of technology in healthcare has changed how we give and receive medical care. There is a software solution to every problem out there, making all our lives better. Doctors can perform their duties better, and the staff can focus on theirs. With mundane tasks automated, patient care and experience improve. 

In short, the whole process of healthcare delivery has changed. Rapid advancements are also making patients more active in their healthcare journey. With custom medical software development, healthcare centers can create apps that fit their exact needs. 

If you are looking for one such healthcare software development company, we are here to help. At EMed HealthTech, we are a healthcare software development company with an aim to innovate. We create custom solutions that fit your needs and enhance your business. Our solutions give you the choice of scalability and better returns too. 

If you’re looking for reliable healthcare software development for your business, reach out to us today and take advantage of our expertise.

Evaluating the Role of Telemedicine Apps in Health Care Services

Defining the Role of Telemedicine in HealthCare

Telemedicine as a concept dates as far back as the 1950s when healthcare providers used technology to deliver healthcare services. It has been holding global attention for a couple of years now. Since the COVID pandemic shook the world and confined us to our homes, people turned to technology to make telemedicine happen. Telehealth appointments witnessed a remarkable increase of 154% compared to the same period in 2019.

Technology is advancing as time passes by. With 5G connectivity, IoT, and wearable tech making telemedicine more accessible and democratic, it is changing the way we interact with the medical industry. 

In this article, we examine the role that telemedicine apps play in modern healthcare services. We also look at their benefits, challenges, applications, and future implications.

The Evolution of Telemedicine Apps

Telemedicine owes much of its popularity to the pandemic times. This is in reference to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting surge in the use of these tools. We can safely look at the timeline of telemedicine app evolution in terms of the pandemic. 

With that perspective, let us look at how this tech has evolved…

The Evolution of Telemedicine Apps

Telemedicine in Pre-Pandemic Era

Before the pandemic, telemedicine apps existed even though they were not widely used. It was also not adopted as much by healthcare providers. 

The existing apps mainly functioned as basic video chat platforms with limited medical features. The regulations surrounding the use of such platforms were not very favorable to the cause. It restricted the coverage, as well as limited reimbursement options for virtual care services. Telemedicine apps were only seen as supplementary to traditional in-person visits. They could not be thought of as a replacement. 

Telemedicine in Pandemic Era

The onset of the pandemic marked a significant turning point for telemedicine app development and use. The COVID-19 lockdown forced people indoors. Social distancing became a norm. It was then that telehealth experienced a rapid and substantial surge in usage. 

Healthcare providers were quick to adopt telehealth as a means to provide care while sticking to safety protocols. Regulatory changes played a crucial role in this shift too. Healthcare regulatory compliances now expanded coverage and reimbursement to include telehealth services for patients covered by Medicare and Medicaid.

In response to the growing demand, telemedicine app developers rolled out advanced features that went beyond simple video calls. These apps evolved to enable remote examinations, streamline care coordination, offer patient education, and manage chronic diseases from a distance. As consumers adapted to the new normal, their comfort level with using telehealth apps to access medical care from the comfort of their homes increased.

Telemedicine in Post Pandemic Era

As the pandemic gradually receded, the impact of telemedicine became lasting. Telemedicine apps have now moved from a niche concept to a mainstream healthcare solution. Systems like the electronic health record (EHR) are a part of these apps.

Many healthcare providers have incorporated telehealth as a permanent component of their clinical workflow. Regulatory support has become favorable, reinforcing its use and reimbursement of telemedicine services.

Furthermore, telemedicine app developers have incorporated advanced technologies to make it more accessible and effective. Technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), and wearable devices increase the capabilities and value of their applications. 

With consumer expectations transformed, the demand for virtual care options and mobile health management has become an integral part of the healthcare landscape.

Challenges and Benefits of Telemedicine apps

Telemedicine App Benefits and Challenges

Telemedicine became popular in the first place because of the advantages it offered. Here are some of them: 

–> Convenience and Accessibility: Telemedicine apps provide patients with convenient access to healthcare services, eliminating the need for unnecessary travel and wait times.

–> Reduced Transmission Risk: Telemedicine lowers the risk of communicable disease transmission, a crucial factor in pandemic-like scenarios.

–> Efficiency and Time Savings: Telemedicine reduces overall time taken for visits, benefiting both patients and healthcare providers.

There are challenges to using Telemedicine as well. Some of them are: 

–> Challenges in Replacing Physical Examinations: Telemedicine apps offer numerous advantages, but it has one major limitation. It does not allow for a physical examination, which is an important part of a medical diagnosis.

–> Accessibility and Device Limitations: Device and network availability can become a roadblock to universal access to telemedicine services.

–> Technical Challenges: Network disruptions and technical difficulties can impede the effectiveness of telemedicine apps.

Overcoming Challenges for Widespread Adoption of Telemedicine 

If telemedicine has to reach its potential and change the face of the medical industry, it has to overcome several challenges. And these challenges need strategic solutions. 

Healthcare policies have changed in recent times to accommodate reimbursement of telemedicine services. It has been pivotal in driving its adoption. 

However, addressing licensing and regulatory barriers is equally vital to extending the reach of telemedicine services. To gain patient acceptance and confidence, it is important to maintain the same high level of quality in telemedicine services as in traditional in-person care. 

It is important to address the security risks associated with this tech. Healthcare involves a lot of sensitive info about a patient. The provider has to ensure the utmost data privacy and security. There should be strict enforcement of the regulations like HIPAA. It is essential in building and retaining patient trust in telemedicine apps. 

Collectively, overcoming these challenges is essential to realizing the full potential of telemedicine and ensuring its integration as a reliable and effective healthcare solution.

Future Perspectives and Growth of Telemedicine and Telehealth

Here is what we can expect from Telemedicine and Telehealth in 2023 and beyond. Three major factors are fueling the growth of the telemedicine industry. Let us look at each of them in detail.

Future Perspectives and Growth

1. Need for Convenience

Firstly, the aging population and the increasing consumer preference for easier and more accessible healthcare services are acting as strong drivers. Older individuals require more frequent medical attention and visits.

However, mobility is an issue they face along the way. Telemedicine offers them an alternative to getting medical care from the comfort of their home.

For instance, elderly patients with chronic conditions like diabetes can now monitor their health parameters using wearable devices and telemedicine apps. This reduces the need for frequent visits to medical facilities.

2. Technological Advancement

Secondly, continuous technological advancements are shaping the evolution of telemedicine apps. These advancements are making apps more complex and more accessible to people. From AI-powered diagnostic tools to real-time remote patient monitoring, healthcare delivery is becoming more accurate and comprehensive. 

For instance, advanced telemedicine apps can now analyze medical images, such as X-rays, and provide immediate insights, expediting the diagnostic process.

3. Connectivity

This is the era of 5G and ultra-high-speed data transmissions. Healthcare is also showing signs of change in this regard.

Moreover, the rise of the “connected health” model is ushering in a positive shift, powered by these telehealth apps. This model empowers patients to actively engage in their healthcare journey through features like health tracking, medication reminders, and personalized health recommendations. 

It also promotes self-management and timely interventions. The connected health model reduces hospital stays and improves overall health outcomes. 

For example, patients recovering from surgery can use telemedicine apps to receive post-operative care instructions, reducing the need for prolonged hospital stays.

Measures for the Future of Telemedicine Development

We need to consider the sustainable and scalable growth of telemedicine apps. It takes strategic planning, including integration with existing healthcare systems, to make a robust infrastructure that can handle the traffic load. Scalability and data security are important factors to consider when it comes to growth.

Additionally, healthcare professionals need effective training to maximize the potential of these apps and provide quality virtual care. 

By addressing these elements, the telemedicine industry can confidently expand its reach while maintaining high standards of service quality.

Build a Telemedicine Platform to Future-Proof Your Healthcare Service

Telemedicine app development services have emerged as a transformative force in modern healthcare. One cannot overstate their role in empowering the modern healthcare industry. Partnering with a telemedicine app development company can be a transformative force for any healthcare facility.  

To explore the full potential of telemedicine apps, choose reliable telemedicine app developers like EMed HealthTech. As a trusted telemedicine app development company, we have helped many clients achieve their desired results with custom healthcare applications

If you’re looking to embrace telemedicine and adapt your business to the demands of the digital age, get in touch with us. We’ll be delighted to discuss your project needs.

How to Choose the Right App Development Company to Build a Healthcare App

How to Choose the Right Development Company to Build a Healthcare App?

A healthcare app has become a crucial part of a healthcare delivery system. Everyone from doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, and even patients rely on such apps to get better access and service. 

If you want to build one for your business, there are a lot of things to consider. But the most important among them is deciding on an app development company. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of healthcare app development services. How can you pick the right one? 

This guide will walk you through the process of choosing the right healthcare software development partner. But first, let’s look at some hurdles in the way of app development that the right partner can help you solve.  

Challenges in the Healthcare App Development 

The idea of an app is exciting. Developing one also brings you the chance to expand your business in new ways. But it is not without challenges. Here are some of the most common issues you could run into while creating a healthcare app.

Challenges in the Healthcare App Development

Issues on Privacy:

93% of healthcare facilities face a data breach in the last three years. Protecting patient information is a sensitive issue. You could be met with issues about privacy in your app development journey. 

Clinical Verification:

The data provided in such an app should be accurate. There is no room for error where people’s lives are involved. The app you create could undergo several rounds of verification. When data provided in healthcare is accurate, there is a higher chance of better outcomes. 


The app is meant to be used by regular people. It should therefore have a very easy-to-use interface. If your app is not user-friendly, there is a 90% chance it will be deleted. It takes a good development team to create an app that is simple to use yet has everything that meets your business objectives.


Creating a custom app is not as easy on the pocket. There is a high chance you will be met with a heavy bill. With the help of an experienced custom healthcare app development company, you can cut down unnecessary expenses and choose where you need to spend. Please find more details on what is the cost of developing a mobile app for healthcare.

Signs of a Good Healthcare App Development Company

The number of app development companies is increasing day by day. How to tell the good ones from the not-so-good ones? Please find the comprehensive guide on hiring a healthcare software development company. Here are some signs to watch out for.

Signs of a Good Healthcare App Development Company

Past Experience

If there is one factor you should keep while choosing a development company, it is experience. They will better understand the security, legal and technical issues of developing an app. Therefore, no matter how exciting an app developer offers, your decision should be guided by their experience. 

Portfolio Strength

By examining the provider’s portfolio, you can measure their capabilities and proposed solutions through their previous healthcare projects. You can assess whether they have the necessary skills to handle your app’s specific requirements.

Testimonials and Reviews

Insights from past collaborators are very important. Look for testimonials on their website. This will give you more reason to consider whether they are trustworthy. 

Professionalism and Transparency

Assess how the company handles communication. A company should have a high level of transparency throughout the process. They should be honest about their expertise, availability, and project management ability. 

Shared Values

Ensure that the provider’s values align with yours and your company’s. Shared values create a strong foundation for good collaboration. A value-driven company is better equipped to handle the challenges of a project. 

Questions to Ask a Potential Healthcare App Development Partner

  • Since how many years do you provide healthcare app development services?

If there is one question that can give you a lot of information at once, it is this. The answer should be a strong number with a portfolio to support their claim. Their years and previous experiences give you an idea of what to expect from them. 

  • How qualified are your healthcare app developers? 

Ultimately, your product is going to be handled by them. It would be a blunder not to ask this. Every development team should have highly skilled and certified developers. Certifications such as Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT), Certified Professional Coder (CPC®), and Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA®) are highly impressive credentials to consider.

  • How have your previous clients reviewed you? 

Reviews and feedback can guide you through a lot of information when making a decision. Previous customers will have left behind comments that accurately describe the service. If they are mostly good, then you are good to go. Keep an eye out for the negative comments too. 

  • Will the team submit the health app to the app stores? 

The app stores are the best platform for your app to take off. It is authentic and credible. But getting it to be there has some challenges involved. But it should be easy for a development team. The team should be willing to do it for you so that your app gets maximum coverage. 

  • Do you ensure proper paperwork? 

It is easy to get tricked in the digital world. Make sure you sign appropriate contracts before you engage with them. It also builds a level of trust. The team should be willing to sign contracts and do apt paperwork before beginning work. 

Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Development Firm

When choosing a healthcare app development firm, it is not just numbers and figures that matter. There are several pitfalls you should avoid. Here are some of the most common ones.

Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Development Firm

Not Choosing a Compatible Team

When you choose a development team, you are looking for a team of real people. You could lose sight of the human factor in the mix of technical things. Make sure to assess how compatible you are as a team. Make sure there is a human connection. 

Going Just by the Cost 

A light price tag is a killer offer. Sometimes it can also be a trap. Don’t fall for the lowest service. Choose a company based on its skills, experience, values, and honesty. All of these should weigh alongside the cost. 

Not Opting for Maintenance and Support

An app might need a lot of maintenance work after it has been launched. The relationship with the development team doesn’t end with the launch. Pick a team that offers post-launch maintenance and support. After all, your business depends on the quality of the app. 

Not looking for Legal and Compliance Expertise

Your app can be in hot soup if it does not comply with the laws and regulations. There are many regulations in place for apps. The development team should have thorough expertise and experience in handling those areas.

The Best Healthcare App Benefits

Custom app development offers many benefits for doctors and patients. Let us go over a few: 

Signs of a Good Healthcare App Development Company

Benefits for Doctors

  1. Faster Decision Making: It streamlines processes, enabling doctors to make quicker decisions and allocate more time to patients.
  2. Accurate Diagnosing: Improved data analysis leads to better treatment plans and timely healthcare delivery. With it comes better patient outcomes. 
  3. Less Stress and Burnout: By automating mundane tasks and reducing paperwork, doctors can focus on what’s important and get more time for themselves as well. 
  4. Improved Communication between Professionals: Doctors can communicate with each other regardless of location. 
  5. Better Hospital and Equipment Management: IoT technology allows real-time tracking of medical equipment. It can lead to better usage and improve overall hospital management.
  6. Reduced Cost of Healthcare Provision: All other benefits of healthcare apps contribute to lowering the cost of healthcare services.

Benefits for Patients

  1. Higher Quality Care: Patients receive personalized health plans. It is tailored to their specific conditions. 
  2. On-Demand Accessible Care: Healthcare apps offer faster and more convenient access to services. This includes medication delivery and remote consultations.
  3. Better Control Over Health Data: Patients can export and share their medical records with other hospitals. It results in better data management and continuity of care.
  4. Secure Payments: In-app payments with credit cards are available. It adds to the convenience and security of medical transactions.
  5. Engagement: Healthcare apps empower patients to take an active role in their healthcare journey. 

Key Takeaways

Custom healthcare app development is a necessity in modern times. Hospitals, clinics, and even private practices are turning to it to stay ahead and create better patient outcomes and experiences. Building a good healthcare app starts with the right healthcare app development company. We hope this guide helps you understand the process of choosing one, what to look for, and what to expect along the way. 

At EMed HealthTech, we’re proud to be a healthcare app development company that ticks off these boxes. Our team actively provides healthcare facilities with the latest technology. 

We have partnered with many promising healthcare businesses and brought their app ideas to life. We can do the same for you. 

Want to learn more about our healthcare mobile app development services? Get in touch with us today! 

Cost of Developing a Mobile App for Healthcare

What Is the Cost of Developing a Mobile App for Healthcare?

Mobile devices and their gazillion apps have become an extension of our beings. There is an app to manage every aspect of our life. Healthcare is no exception, as more people turn to mobile apps to manage their health and wellness. For users, there is one for walking, running, sleeping, breathing, and everything you can imagine. 

A mobile app can be a powerful tool for healthcare providers to improve patient engagement and outcomes. However, developing a healthcare mobile app is not a simple task, and it comes with a price tag. If you are a healthcare provider, you may be wondering about the cost of developing a mobile app for healthcare.

In this article, we will explore the cost of healthcare app development, factors that impact the cost, and tips to keep the cost within budget. Here you can find a detailed guide for building a successful healthcare mobile app.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Healthcare Mobile App Development

Developing a healthcare mobile app is a complex process that requires careful planning, development, and testing. It involves various factors that influence the overall cost of the project. You can go for a ready solution or can choose custom development. Here is the difference between readymade and custom healthcare software.

Also, there are some key factors that can affect the cost of healthcare mobile app development. 

– The complexity of the app

The more complex the app, the more time and resources it takes to develop. The app’s complexity can affect the project’s design, development, and testing phases, ultimately affecting the cost.

– Features and functionalities

The more features and functionalities the app has, the more time and resources it takes to develop. Some essential features of a healthcare mobile app include patient registration, appointment booking, medication reminders, lab results, and telemedicine. Including advanced features such as real-time monitoring and health, tracking can significantly increase the development cost.

– Design and user experience

A poorly designed app with a subpar user experience can lead to low user engagement and negatively impact the overall brand reputation. Therefore, investing in the app’s design and user experience is essential to ensure that it is visually appealing, user-friendly, and meets the target audience’s needs. 

– Platform and device compatibility

The app should be compatible with different operating systems, including iOS and Android, and devices such as smartphones, tablets, and wearables. Developing an app compatible with multiple platforms and devices requires additional resources, which can affect the development cost.

– Integration with existing systems and data security

The app should integrate with existing healthcare systems such as Electronic Health Records (EHR) and provide secure data transmission and storage. Developing an app with robust data security and integration capabilities requires additional resources, affecting the development cost.

Average Cost of Healthcare Mobile App Development

Developing a healthcare mobile app can be a costly investment, and it is important to know the average costs involved before embarking on such a project. The cost of developing a healthcare mobile app can vary based on several factors that you can consider during development. Here is all the required information to develop a custom healthcare application.

When creating a healthcare app, it is essential to consider the best features to make it stand out from the competition. And also need to include the required key regulatory compliances for healthcare software and application.

Here are some of the most important features to include in-app and accordingly cost can be decided:

Average Cost of Healthcare Mobile App Development

– Multi-Option Login: A multi-option login interface allows users to log in through social media or manually enter user details. Creating and deploying a multi-option login to your healthcare app may range from $4,000 to $10,000.

– Scheduler: A scheduler is a critical healthcare app feature that helps manage different activities. This feature allows scheduling appointments and delivering synced alerts and notifications to users. Designing and integrating a scheduler may range from $500 to $700.

– Dashboard: An interactive dashboard provides users quick access to everything they wish to avail through your healthcare app. The cost of designing and developing interactive user dashboards may range from $10,000 to $15,000.

– Notifications and Reminders: Incorporating notifications and reminders are core functionalities required in a healthcare app. The feature can be personalized and precise for the users. The cost of integrating effective notifications and reminders in your healthcare app may range between $800 to $1,500.

– Geolocation: Geolocation access provides location-based functionalities in your healthcare app. Incorporating geolocation capabilities may cost between $7,000 to $15,000.

-In-App Chat: In-app chats facilitate fast and smooth delivery of solutions. Integrating in-app chat features into your healthcare app may cost anywhere between $5,000 to $10,000.

– Reviews and Ratings: Users can post reviews and ratings on your app, allowing other users to consider genuine remarks while making a call on availing of your app services. Integrating reviews and rating options into your healthcare app may cost between $3,000 and $7,000.

– Forum: A forum enhances interaction capabilities by allowing users to post their queries and product administrators to answer. Integrating a forum into your healthcare app may cost around $5,000 to $10,000.

– Privacy and Security: To sustain a competitive, risk-prone, and fast-evolving market, privacy and secure transactions are important. Implementing your healthcare app’s latest privacy and security standards and protocols can cost anywhere between $5,000 and $20,000.

– Payment Gateway: A payment gateway plays a crucial role in ensuring the lucrative accomplishment of transactions. You can expect to pay between $3,000 to $7,000 to integrate multiple payment gateways into your product.

Cost-Saving Measures for Healthcare Mobile App Development

Don’t let the costs deter you from creating the app of your vision. There are always cost-saving measures that can make the whole process much more cost-effective. The following are some cost-saving measures that can be implemented during development.

– Prioritizing essential features and functionalities

It is vital to identify the core features that your app requires and focus on developing them first. You can save time and money by prioritizing essential features by avoiding developing unnecessary features.

– Agile development methodology

The Agile methodology enables developers to continually test and validate the app’s features, making it easier to identify and fix issues early in the development process. It is an effective way to manage costs because it involves breaking down the development process into small manageable tasks.

– Use of open-source tools and libraries

Using open-source tools and libraries can save costs during healthcare mobile app development. These tools can help speed the development process, reduce costs, and improve the app’s overall quality.

– Working with an experienced healthcare app development company

An experienced company will have the expertise to develop your app efficiently using the latest technologies and tools. Here are 5 key considerations for hiring the right healthcare app developers. They will also be able to identify potential issues early on in the development process and provide solutions to address them. This can help avoid costly mistakes and delays, ultimately leading to a better and more cost-effective product. 

Choose EMed HealthTech for your Custom Healthcare App Development 

The cost of developing a mobile app for healthcare varies depending on several factors. However, by considering cost-saving measures such as prioritizing essential features, using open-source tools, and working with an experienced healthcare app development company, you can significantly reduce the overall cost without compromising quality. 

EMed Healthtech is a reliable and experienced healthcare app development company that can help you build custom healthcare apps tailored to your needs and requirements. Contact us today to learn more about our custom healthcare app development services and take the first step toward creating a successful healthcare app.


Future of Technology in Healthcare Industry and Medical Software Development

The healthcare industry is rapidly changing and evolving, and technology is driving much of the progress. From AI-powered diagnostics to robotic surgery, the future of healthcare is shaped by tech solutions. Healthcare software development is essential to provide the tools needed to make this a reality, and companies are racing to develop innovative and effective solutions.

Healthcare software like telemedicine apps, EHR software, and hospital management software is increasingly popular in hospitals, thanks to their immense benefits. This is also evident in the numbers, as a study reports 80% of healthcare providers to plan to invest in digital and software solutions in the next five years.

Let us dive into the article and find out how technology is changing the future of the healthcare industry and medical software development.


Healthcare Software Development: Industry Growth

Healthcare software development is gaining momentum in the current digital landscape. According to, the global healthcare IT market was estimated to be at $394.6 billion in 2022. It is expected to grow to $974.5 billion by 2027. This includes IT solutions like telehealth, e-prescription, mHealth, and other HCIT solutions.

Telemedicine software is one of the hottest trends in the healthcare software development market, as it is expected to have the highest growth rate during the forecast period. Telemedicine has enabled faster decision-making and improved the quality of patient care.

The drastic surge in the use of telemedicine apps during the COVID pandemic has now stabilized to give more hopeful data showing consistent growth over time. This technology is also being widely accepted across different counties. China leads the way with a 76% adoption rate by 2024. India follows closely behind, with 59% of users already using it. Here is what you can expect from Telehealth and Telemedicine in 2023 and beyond.


The State of Custom Healthcare Software Development

The healthcare industry is no stranger to technological advancements, and custom software solutions are becoming popular for healthcare organizations of all sizes. Custom healthcare software solutions offer unique advantages to providers, allowing them to tailor their software to specific needs and optimize their operations.

According to Grand View Research, the custom software development industry was valued at $24.46 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 22.3% from 2022 to 2030.

The market growth is driven by a few important factors, such as the need for real-time data analysis in industrial applications, the requirement for more flexible workspaces to maximize productivity, and the increasing popularity of the low code development platform (LCDP) for straightforward software development. In addition, the adoption of analytics and the rise of various technologies like AI-driven Chatbots and robotics automation is fueling the market growth. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic triggered the adoption of technology that allowed remote working and cost-cutting for enterprises, which led to a surge in custom software for scalability.


Custom Healthcare IT Solutions Classification

Custom healthcare IT solutions can be broadly classified into two types: business-centric and patient-centric. Let us take a look at both.

Business-centric Healthcare IT solutions

Business-centric IT solutions are designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare organizations. Some of the popular solutions in this category include:

– Hospital Management Software: This software helps manage all the operations of a hospital, from patient management to billing and inventory control

Electronic Health Record (EHR) Software: This software provides a secure, centralized repository for patient health information, enabling providers to access patient data anywhere at any time.

– Medical Imaging Software: Medical imaging technicians and doctors can store, manage, and analyze medical images such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs.

– Medical Diagnosis Software: This software helps healthcare providers make accurate diagnoses by incorporating a vast database of medical knowledge, guidelines, and algorithms.

– Medical Billing Software: The medical billing process becomes more efficient and free of error thanks to this software.

– Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Software: This software helps healthcare organizations improve their financial performance by streamlining billing and collections processes.

Patient-centric HealthTech Solutions

Patient-centric solutions are designed to empower patients and improve their overall healthcare experience. Some of the popular solutions in this category include:

Telemedicine Software: This software enables patients to receive medical care remotely, using video conferencing and other technologies.

– Patient Information Portal: This online platform provides patients with secure access to their health information, including test results, medication lists, and other relevant data.

– Personal Health Record (PHR) Software: This software gives patients control over their health information by allowing them to store, track, and manage their medical data.

– E-Prescribing Software: This enables healthcare providers to send prescription information directly to a patient’s pharmacy, reducing errors and increasing efficiency.

By improving the patient experience, patient-centric solutions help healthcare organizations achieve their goals of providing high-quality care and improving patient outcomes.

Leading Trends in Tech and Healthcare Software Development

The healthcare industry is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements and the increasing demand for better, more accessible care.

– Telemedicine and Remote Healthcare Services: With the rise of telemedicine and other remote healthcare services, patients can receive care from their homes, reducing the need for in-person visits and increasing access to care.

– Personal Medical Devices: A growing number of personal medical devices, such as wearable monitors, blood glucose meters, and heart rate monitors, are making it easier for patients to track and manage their health.

– Healthcare Software Development Based on AI: Artificial intelligence is transforming the healthcare industry by improving diagnoses, reducing medical errors, and increasing efficiency.

– Virtual and Augmented Reality Technologies: Virtual and augmented reality technologies are being used to train medical professionals, improve patient education, and even treat certain medical conditions.

– Nanotech and Robotics: Nanotechnology and robotics are being used to develop new medical devices, treatments, and diagnostic tools, making it possible to tackle some of the most challenging health problems.

– Wearable Devices: Wearable devices, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, are becoming increasingly popular among patients, making it easier for them to monitor their health and manage their wellness.

These trends are shaping the future of healthcare, improving access to care and delivering better health outcomes for patients.

Reasons to Invest in HealthTech for Your Organization

Reasons to Invest in HealthTech for Your Organization

Investing in health tech can bring numerous benefits to your organization:

– Improved Patient Outcomes: By leveraging technology and software, healthcare organizations can improve care delivery and drive better patient health outcomes.

– Increased Efficiency: Healthtech solutions can automate administrative tasks, streamline processes, and reduce errors, helping organizations to operate more efficiently.

– Better Financial Performance: By improving care delivery and reducing costs, health tech solutions can drive positive financial results for your organization.

– Increased Access to Care: With the rise of telemedicine and other remote healthcare services, patients can receive care from the comfort of their homes, increasing access to care and reducing the burden on healthcare organizations.

– Better Data Management: Healthtech solutions can provide a centralized repository for patient health information, enabling healthcare organizations to manage, analyze, and share data more effectively.

– Competitive Advantage: Investing in health tech can help your organization stay ahead of the curve and differentiate itself from its competitors.

How Custom Software Development is Shaping the Healthcare Sector

How Custom Software Development is Shaping the Healthcare Sector

Custom software development significantly impacts the healthcare sector by providing healthcare organizations with tailored solutions that meet their specific needs and goals. Here is how:

– Improving Clinical Operations: Custom software can help healthcare organizations streamline and automate their clinical operations, improving care delivery and reducing the risk of errors.

– Enhancing Patient Experience: Custom software can be used to develop patient-facing solutions, such as telemedicine platforms and personal health record systems, that improve the patient experience and increase engagement.

– Increasing Data Management Capabilities: Custom software can provide healthcare organizations with the tools they need to manage, analyze, and share patient health data, improving decision-making and outcomes.

– Enhancing Cybersecurity: Custom software development can help healthcare organizations to implement robust cybersecurity measures, protecting sensitive patient data and ensuring regulatory compliance.


The Growing Demand for Healthcare Software Developers

The demand for healthcare software developers is rising as the healthcare industry increasingly relies on technology and software solutions. The growing adoption of health tech, such as telemedicine and electronic health records, the changing patient needs and expectations, increasing regulation, and the need to improve clinical operations are driving the demand for healthcare software developers.

Healthcare organizations seek developers who can help them develop innovative solutions that meet these needs, comply with regulatory requirements, and improve care delivery through technology and software solutions. The demand for healthcare software developers will continue to grow in the coming years.

Here you can find all details about custom healthcare app development, including types, features, advantages, and more.

How EMed HealthTech Can Help You Build Custom Healthcare Solutions

It is evident from the direction of the market and the glaring numbers that custom healthcare solution is the answer the healthcare sector needs. EMed HealthTech recognizes this.

Whether you are looking to develop a ready-made or custom healthcare software solution, EMed HealthTech can help you build the right solution for your organization. With its team of experienced healthcare software developers and a proven track record of delivering successful projects, EMed HealthTech is the ideal healthcare software development company for your next project. You can hire health-tech developers from here.





10 Digital Healthcare Trends To Follow in 2023

Advances in medicine have always been closely tied to advancing technology. New inventions allow better diagnosis and care. The adoption of technology in medicine has seen a huge surge, since the onset of the COVID pandemic, especially in telehealth services. Other areas like wearable tech are also popular means of tracking vitals. All these and other factors like faster connectivity and research breakthroughs forecast a year filled with new health trends.

What is Digital Healthcare?

Digital health refers to a broad range of categories such as mobile health, wearable devices, health information technology, telemedicine and telehealth, and personalized medicine. These digital healthcare services and tools help diagnose and treat diseases and enhance the delivery of healthcare for the individual. Doctors can use data from these to make better diagnoses. It also uses technology like artificial intelligence, machine learning, virtual consultations, and more to make healthcare accessible to all. Digital healthcare has been the driving force of innovation and revolution in the healthcare industry.

Ten Digital Healthcare Trends to Look Out for in 2023

Earlier we checked 6 Emerging Digital Transformation trends in 2022 that are set to revolutionize the healthcare industry. Please check the top 10 digital healthcare trends to check in 2023.


1. AI-enabled Digital Healthcare Transformation

One of the prominent healthcare trends that are expected in 2023 is the different ways in which AI will impact healthcare. AI can help data-driven clinical decision-making, streamline healthcare system workflows, etc. AI has the potential to improve patient care, enhance the work-life balance of physicians, and optimize resources for the functioning of healthcare institutions. One example is medical chatbots powered by AI conducting human-like conversations via text, voice, or option-based inputs.

2. Wearable tech and Continuous Health Monitoring

Wearable technology revolutionizes the way people perceive their health. It has brought a level of awareness to users. They take health into their own hands and use the information from it to constantly work on themselves. These wearables also generate data that doctors use. It also enables them to take a proactive rather than a reactive approach. It helps diagnose and monitor lifestyle diseases and other health conditions early on. They are also used for clinical trials.

3. Better Privacy and Security

Technology has aided in protecting the privacy and security of patients. The use of telehealth means a broader scope of private data being leaked unintentionally or intentionally for fraudulent purposes. The large amount of data generated from wearables also has the potential to be used illegally. However, better data protection is achieved with better security systems and technology like blockchain. Healthcare centers invest in better data privacy and security plans to ensure patient data privacy and to gain their trust.

4. Universal Adoption of Telehealth

Communication systems have undergone rapid globalization and there is better connectivity than ever before. This worldwide connectivity opens up the possibility of telehealth being widely adopted rather than being an isolated phenomenon. Telehealth as a way of transmitting medical information opens healthcare access to all. Telehealth services via videoconferencing, the internet, streaming services, and other communication systems are slowly being adopted worldwide. With the COVID pandemic showing a surge in such adoption, there is a rising trend of it becoming more widely used.

5. Use of Big Data and Analytics

One of the biggest trends of the previous years was using large amounts of data to gain insights. This continues in the coming years and the different industries, including healthcare. Mass amounts of data collected from devices like mobile, wearables, and other medical devices can give valuable data. These data are used to make new correlations between the economy, ecology, and demographics. Data is analyzed to know better what we never had access to before. Analytics can be used to prevent diseases, and the spread of diseases in a community and come to valuable conclusions from studies.

6. Smart Implants

One of the advancements in technology is the possibility of smart implants. They are medical devices implanted into the human body and transmit real-time information. This information can help ascertain critical information about the person’s condition. The data can then be used to prevent emergencies and take a proactive approach to treatment. Implant-related technology has also seen widespread adoption. There is higher efficiency in regenerative medicine, a cure for disabilities that previously could not be cured, and effective patient rehabilitation.

7. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Augmented reality and virtual reality have been around for some time in the mainstream but their applications were mostly in the entertainment industry. The use of these technologies in the healthcare sector is still in the nascent stage but holds tremendous potential. AR and VR can be used for medical diagnosis, education, and training. Using simulation realities to teach different medical procedures, conducting them remotely via augmented reality, etc, are being tested worldwide.

8. Nanomedicine

Although nanotechnology has been around for a long time, there has not been significant widespread application in medical and other fields. However, the little steps over the years have accumulated to something, and 2023 is bound to see some nanotechnology in action. Inventions like xenobots, tiny organic robots with the ability to self-replicate, have made waves in the medical community. It can be used in cancer detection to find genetic anomalies or autoimmune diseases on a cellular level.

9. Investing in mental health

The pandemic and its aftermath put into stark reality the need for mental health. The pandemic put people in unusually challenging situations like isolation, loss of loved ones, and losing jobs as well. All of these brought the spotlight to the importance of mental health, and there has been no looking back ever since. With the use of telehealth services, the avenue of online mental health services has increased. 2023 shows the scope of expanding mental health services and increased investment in the same.

10. Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and Healthcare Inequality

Healthcare is no longer regarded as accessible merely considering the distance. There are a lot of other factors that determine how accessible healthcare is to a person. These factors are called Social Determinants of Health. The environmental conditions to which a person is born, lives, worship, the education and exposure they have, their gender, employment, job security, income and social protection, and so many other factors come into play. Addressing these and focusing on them to negate them and make healthcare more democratic is a challenge for the coming years.


Importance of adopting digital healthcare

Hospitals, clinics, and private practices greatly benefit from adopting digital healthcare. On the whole, digital health products have the potential to lower the expenses related to healthcare, prevent diseases with a proactive approach, and monitor and help patients with chronic health conditions. It also has a high level of personalization according to patients’ needs. Here is how digital health can help developing countries in advancing their healthcare system.

Healthcare providers benefit from digital health as it gives them the tools to have a better view of the patient;’s health, which gives them an extensive view of the patient, which allows them to give better care to the patient. Overall, digital healthcare increases positive medical outcomes and the efficiency of the process.

Why Should you Work with a Digital Healthcare Provider?

Digital healthcare provider equips you with the necessary technology to establish a solid digital healthcare system. They would have better knowledge of the technology and better access to the resources you need to set it up. A good digital healthcare provider will also give you 24/7 support. They can guide you through the processes that make healthcare practices more efficient.

Why Should You Hire EMed HealthTech’s Developers?

EMed HealthTech is an expert in healthcare IT solutions and services and a specialist in healthcare software development. At EMed HealthTech we have state-of-the-art technology and customized IT solutions and services that help the healthcare industry to adopt cutting-edge technology that gives them the upper hand in the market. We enable companies to adopt healthcare IT products and services that improve the quality of their healthcare services and increase their revenue.

Interested in discussing more? Get in touch with us!








Experts Tips and Tricks of Doctor Appointment Booking App by EMed HealthTech

The COVID pandemic was our first brush with being forced to stay indoors due to health hazards. As a response, the health tech industry pushed solutions like mHealth and online consultations to the forefront to improve people’s access to safe and effective medical care. And the result has been eye-opening in how investment in digital health and virtual healthcare business models has skyrocketed.

In this post-pandemic period, we see healthcare practitioners implementing virtual healthcare services, like mobile health apps for booking doctors’ appointments. Healthcare facilities have recognized the upward trend and are developing their apps like doctors’ appointment booking apps, hospital management apps, pharmacy apps, etc.

This article delves into how a doctor appointment booking app can be developed and what you need to keep in mind. We also share tips and tricks from our experts for developing your doctor’s appointment app.


Digital Healthcare Market & Trends

The pandemic saw a sharp spike in the utilization of telehealth services. It was reported to be 38 times higher than pre-pandemic times. The spike to 32% has stabilized at 13-17% across all specialties.

A significant factor driving the trend has been the increased confidence of patients in digital healthcare. According to McKinsey, nearly 40% of consumers in their survey said they “believe they will continue to use telehealth going forward—up from 11 percent of consumers using telehealth before COVID-19.”

The better prospects in digital health have also increased investment in digital health. Innovation picked up speed with venture capitalist digital health investment in June 2020 tripled by June 2021, according to

Studies show that the global market for such healthcare apps is growing, with an estimated market value of USD 189 billion by 2025. Another study shows that 90% of physicians use smartphones for schedule management, EHR access, communication with the team, or reference information. From the patient’s perspective, there is high engagement with mobile health technology. A study by Boston Tech Corporation showed that 74% of patients use wearables and other mHealth tools to help them manage and cope with their health conditions. The recently presented Union Budget 2022-2023 strongly indicates that Telemedicine is a Must for Digital Health.

All studies and trends show positive growth for electronic health apps like those for booking doctor appointments. It also has many benefits that make patients want to have it. Let us take a quick look at the benefits of a doctor appointment booking app.


Challenges Faced Within the Industry

The healthcare industry faces certain challenges that stand in the way of providing proper healthcare. Doctors and healthcare providers are sometimes helpless due to barriers preventing patients from receiving timely attention and treatment. Here is a quick look at them.


1. Face-to-face meetings

Not every doctor’s consultation has to be faced with this. Certain illnesses and follow-up meetings could be done over the phone or virtually. With no such provision, the number of patients blocks up an entire day’s worth of appointments.

2. Time restraint

Doctors find it difficult to manage time if they have to attend to patients and clinics at different places. A lot of time is wasted traveling.

3. Access

Healthcare providers may find themselves wanted in places they may not have easy access. This may prevent timely healthcare from being provided.

4. Better appointment management

The lack of a proper system can make the consulting process tedious. Doctors’ offices are clogged with a lack of appointment booking systems.


Challenges Associated with Traditional Methods of Taking Doctor Appointments

The traditional mode of consulting a doctor is a long procedure. And we can all agree that many challenges in it make us begrudge the system. A doctor’s appointment app directly addresses these issues. Let us look at some of the challenges within the traditional method of taking appointments.



  1. Long waiting periods: Say you are suffering from chronic joint pain. Only one ortho specialist in your nearby hospital is available for consultation only on certain days. These days will naturally have a lot of traffic too. Getting an appointment, braving the long queue, and finally seeing the doctor can be strenuous.
  2. Travel expenses: It is difficult to find doctors specializing in certain niches. You might have to travel long distances to get a consultation, which can be expensive, depending on the distance you have to cover.
  3. Skipped Appointments: There are several reasons one might skip an appointment with a doctor. Some patients may forget or skip appointments due to poor health or expenses.
  4. Safety from infectious pathogens: This is perhaps why telehealth solutions gained popularity during the pandemic. The need to be in a room full of ill people increases the chances of catching it.
    Consult from home for chronically ill: Patients who are not well enough to travel can find it even more challenging to make it to appointments. Without virtual consulting, they might choose to skip appointments.


Advantages of Developing a Doctor Appointment Booking App

A doctor appointment booking app has a lot of advantages, making it highly sought after by medical professionals for their clinics and healthcare facilities. Patients use it to get the best medical services, and there are plenty of options in the market. Healthcare facilities are competing to be the best on the scene.

Both healthcare providers and patients can benefit from a doctor consultation app.

Benefits to the hospital/clinic/healthcare provider include:

  1. Manage appointments via online channels.
  2. Avoid overbooking by accurately calculating and managing time slots.
  3. Lessen skipped appointments as the hassles and expenses of physical travel are some of the primary reasons patients skip.
  4. Streamline processes of the clinic/hospital, and increase efficiency.
  5. Automate administrative tasks and free up more time for staff for productive work.
  6. eHealthcare reports to analyze performance and make relevant adjustments to make improvements.
  7. Reduce chances of errors that may occur due to human causes.

Benefits to the patients include:

  1. Patient’s can book an appointment anytime from the comfort of their home.
  2. They can use the services of the app 24/7.
  3. Pay medical bills, and access medical records from a single app.
  4. Communicate with the healthcare providers in real time.

Three Tips for Successful Implementation of Doctors Appointment app

Now that you know the advantages of the doctor appointment app development, you may not have any doubt as to whether or not you need the app. As much as the app is helpful, it takes a careful approach to make it truly work. Many different apps launch and then fizzle out due to small mistakes or because they overlooked one or the other thing.
Here are some tips you can keep in mind, so you do not have to make the same mistakes as others.

Take Wearables into Account

Wearables have an immense market. People from all age groups increasingly use them. It is also easily accessible and affordable. The amount of data a wearable health tech generates is immense. It is also a great way to monitor patients who are under chronic illnesses.

Compliance and Regulations

This is perhaps the trickiest part of a doctor’s appointment app. Since it is relatively new, few users know the privacy policies, how the information is used, and more. Regulatory bodies also keep a tight leash on companies for collecting, storing, and processing patient data. These regulations change over time and may prove hard to keep up. You must make sure your app is compliant and follows all regulations.

Managing Doctors Listing

The doctor’s appointment app will require a doctor’s listing. You can manage the doctor listing on your own via an admin panel. Or you can use a second app for doctors where they can edit details on their own and manage their appointments.

When doctors have an app, they can manage it themselves, taking a load off your head. Patients can also get accurate data directly from doctors.

Development Tips: Features You’ll Find in a Great Doctor’s Appointment App

A well-developed on-demand doctor app is marked by the features it has. Here are some features you need to include in a doctor’s appointment app.

  1. Customization: Each healthcare facility has its own needs. A good app is marked by its ability to be customized to the client’s needs.
  2. Video consultation: A doctor appointment app has the primary facility to conduct a virtual consultation, which will significantly organize a doctor’s office.
  3. Multi-Language patient app: Considering the patients and doctors of various ethnicities using the app, the app should support English and other regional languages.
  4. Separate Mobile App for Patients and Doctors: Ideally, a doctor’s appointment app will have separate apps, one for the patient to make appointments, make virtual consolation, etc. The doctor’s app will have provisions to schedule visits, access EHR, organize consultations, etc.
  5. Own payment gateway: The app should provide the convenience of a payment gateway so that patients can make secure payments.
  6. Professional Profile: Doctors should be able to maintain a professional profile, which the patients can look up before choosing to consult them.
  7. Patient History and Electronic Medical Records: The app should integrate the patient history and previous medical records so that doctors and patients can easily access and manage them.
  8. Appointment Management: The star feature of an appointment management app is this feature. It enables patients to easily make appointments with the doctor they need according to their availability, and doctors can manage appointments and schedule their work around it.
  9. Digital Medicine order: Doctors can make digital medicine orders within the app so that the patient gets it on their profile. There is no mix-up or confusion, they simply have to show it to the pharmacy.
  10. Home Delivery of Medicines Based on Medicine order: Patients can also order medicines online, which will be delivered to their homes if they use the online pharmacy module.
  11. Peer-to-peer support: Patients can find support groups and communities to discuss their treatment journey. The feature to make communities makes the patients connect to the app intimately.
  12. 3rd Party software integrations: The app should be enabled with 3rd party software integration to enable different services. Accessing EHR, maps, calendars, etc., requires provisions to integrate.

Plan Your Budget: What Is The Cost To Make A Doctor’s Appointment App?

A doctor appointment app might cost between $40,000 and $50,000 to develop on average. The price range for adding sophisticated features like artificial intelligence is between $100,000 and $150,000.
Additional factors like the features and functionalities, app categories, UI and design, and development time also vary the cost of developing an app. The company you choose to develop your app also decides how much you will have to spend on the app.

Instead of spending money on developing a highly advanced full-fledged doctor appointment booking app, we advise starting with an MVP to gauge market acceptance before expanding to include other healthcare app features. By doing this, you could avoid giving users everything upfront and having the same medical app features for all time, ensuring that you are constantly adding value to their lives.

Our Top Tech Tricks to Remember While Developing the Doctor Consultation App

There are several ways in which you can make your doctor app or Telemedicine app development process easier. Since other products are already on the market, you can thoroughly research and find the shortcuts and tricks to improve your app.

There are several APIs that are extremely useful. You can use them to make your app much more polished and feature-rich. Here is a quick look at some of them.

  1. Manage and maintain booking via 10to8’s API. It is a great tool that saves you a lot of time developing from scratch.
  2. Symptom Checker API has a repository of symptoms by which the patients can be allocated to the doctor most apt to treat those symptoms.
  3. BetterDoctor API shows data about doctors, helping you find the best doctor for your needs.
  4. API can be used to schedule appointments with the doctor of your choice.
  5. Doctoralia API has a detailed listing of doctors with reviews from other patients so that patients can make better bookings.
  6. Payment portals like Stripe and Braintree SDKs are a necessity for managing payments.
  7. Third-party integrations to make your app packed with features like Twilio for video calling, for chatting, etc. Payment integration for national and international payments like Paytm, PayPal, and Razorpay.

The Perfect Monetisation Strategy for your App

There are many ways to monetize an app and create a paying customer out of your users. Some of these strategies offer the user to experience your services, evaluate them, and then buy a paid service. Others utilize traditional methods of monetization, like advertisements. Let us look into it.

  1. Freemium: This strategy utilizes two versions of the same app. A free version of the app has limited functionalities, while the premium version requires you to pay an amount to unlock all the services. Your users will likely shift to premium to enjoy the advanced functions.
  2. Commission-based model: This model is where you provide a platform for the doctors and patients to interact to make appointments. You can get a fee from the doctors to display their availability.
  3. Local Ads: Healthcare brands often show interest in placing advertisements in your apps. Keeping the relevant ads adds value to your customer’s experience.
  4. Paid Listing: This is another way to earn revenue from doctors. In this way, you offer the doctors more visibility and patients by placing them higher on the list of doctors for a fee.
  5. In-app purchases: This offers the patients to buy services through your app. The app is free, but you earn a commission when the patient pays for medicines, services, and visits through your app.

Building the App with Experts

A doctor consultation app is a great way to improve the patient inflow for hospitals and clinics. Its features and advantages give apps an upper hand over traditional methods. Ultimately it comes down to the quality of your app and how well it is built. A doctor appointment booking app development can be the most crucial step in your journey.

You should hire experts like EMed HealthTech for your app development. EMed HealthTech offers custom healthcare software development services at affordable prices. We use emerging technologies to make sure you get only the best. Our software is richly featured with a robust UI. We also have a healthcare-integrated platform for pharmacy, telemedicine, and lab. Reach out to us today to get an estimate. Our experts are happy to help you.


All You Need to Know About Integrated Healthcare Software

All You Need to Know About Integrated Healthcare Software

If COVID was a challenging time for us, we proved we were quick to adapt. We saw our basic needs met with the help of technology. Things we would have thought impossible are now the norm. If visiting a doctor was once a task, it is now accessible from the comfort of your home via virtual consultation. Running for the pharmacy could have been difficult, but we saw efficient delivery systems come into place. Relying on technology to help us through the pandemic. But what about in the long run? An integrated healthcare system is a solution here, let’s check how.

The adoption of technology in the healthcare sector has spiked over the last couple of years, thanks to COVID. A 2021 study by Accenture in the United States shows that 26% of people found their access to healthcare has improved since the pandemic.

The Challenges in Healthcare’s Tech Adoption

The quick shift to virtual care during the pandemic saw a great tide of digital adoption in healthcare. But is the tide retreating as the pandemic has subsided? The same Accenture study points out that the shift to virtual care has reduced since life went back to normal despite virtual care’s increasing accessibility.

One of the reasons is the lack of awareness and trust on the part of the healthcare providers and patients.

Another big reason has been the disconnected way of technology adoption among hospitals and healthcare providers. Often their operations are split between legacy systems and other technology platforms, resulting in a fragmented approach. Managing a bunch of systems that are different from each other is not just tedious and time-consuming but also leads to stress and burnout among healthcare providers.

The answer to these problems lies in an integrated healthcare system.

What is Healthcare Integration Software?

Healthcare integration aims to use the available resources to efficiently deliver healthcare services, enable effective communication between different systems of healthcare, and incorporate standardized protocols to ensure its overall smooth functioning. It prioritizes giving the best possible care to the patient, increasing the quality of the overall experience and thus getting better outcomes. It also helps the patient have a smooth transition through the healthcare system. When all of these tasks are aided by technology, it leads to an affordable healthcare system. An integrated healthcare platform combines the functions of several distinctive applications such as online pharmacy, Telemedicine, and Diagnostics lab app to create a holistic and all-inclusive environment. All you need to know more about the future of healthcare service providers click here.

The Need for an Integrated Health Care System

As mentioned earlier, technology has been used on different fronts of the healthcare system. Be it billing, management, EHR, pharmacy, or marketing, there is a large amount of data generated at each front. However, there exists a communication gap between these different fronts. The data is siloed and not put to good use.

The cost of disparate systems thus refers to the shortfalls or risks the industry has to face due to a system of unconnected tools. Data security risks, inefficient workflows, and overly complicated IT management are some of the issues faced today.

With a well-designed integrated healthcare system, these obstacles can be knocked down to bring in true interoperability. Healthcare leaders working with supply chain teams can help cleanse and standardize data to ensure efficient data management. It can also lead to a seamless customer experience and an advantage over competitors. It is safe to say that an integrated healthcare system is no longer a luxury for modern healthcare companies, but a necessity.

Features of a Good healthcare Integration Software

Integrated healthcare systems are based on collaboration and communication. Addressing the needs of patients is at the center, with benefits to the healthcare providers as well. Let us look at some of the defining features you can expect from good healthcare integration software.

Healthcare integration systems require features that enable the functioning of pharmacy, lab, and telemedicine, as well as business expansion. A good healthcare system that is built around customer convenience will have five panels. They are:

  1. Patient Panel
  2. Pharmacy Panel
  3. Doctor Panel
  4. Lab Panel
  5. Super Admin Panel

Let’s look at what features each panel has.

Patient Panel

This is the part of the software that is visible to the patients. The user interface contains the different operations such as:

  1. Search doctors based on the different parameters like specialty and charges before fixing a consultation
  2. Book a video consultation at a convenient time with a doctor of choice
  3. Super fast search without browsing the whole catalog or search via voice command
  4. Return partial or full order according to the requirement and ask for a refund
  5. Search and book lab tests or packages according to the test name or category and book a sample collection from home or an appointment.
  6. Option to book a Home visit or clinic visit with ease and manage appointments.

Pharmacy Panel

The pharmacy wing of the healthcare facility uses this part of the app where they can take care of transactions relating to the pharmacy.

  1. An abandoned cart report lets you follow up on items with added discount
  2. Order return or refund and directly transact the money to the customer
  3. Manage orders by assigning orders to pharmacists and tracking order status
  4. Create multiple sub-admins with restricted access for better management
  5. Simple and clickable banners for higher engagement and click-through rate
  6. Reports and analytics for insights on customer spending patterns, pharmacy performance, product performance, and more

Doctor Panel

This part is the user interface for doctors, where they can carry out day-to-day activities.

  1. Manage profile with details like qualification, specialty, awards, and clinic details
  2. Update availability schedule standard availability time or manually change
  3. Detailed Dashboard with details on appointments, follow-ups, and consultation
  4. Cancel the appointment with reason and the patient will be notified immediately
  5. Create and share medicine order for patient use
  6. Notifications for new appointments, follow-ups, and consultations

Lab Panel

The lab panel is designed for the use of lab admins who head the activities.

  1. Content Management of test fees, lab profiles, test requirements, and services
  2. Manage multiple Labs from a centralized location
  3. Dashboard for a better view of all bookings including scheduled and canceled
  4. Manage packages and modify them to cater to the customer
  5. Reports and analytics with insights on lab performance, customer purchase patterns, and product performance.
  6. Simple and clickable banners to improve click-through rates and engagement.

Super Admin Panel

This is managed by the administrative office of a healthcare system giving them overall visibility and control.

  1. Manage doctors and lab from a single dashboard
  2. Manage lab tests and packages, and combine them according to customer needs
  3. Manage multiple pharmacies for smooth handling of all facilities
  4. Manage products, modify or promote products for better sales
  5. Manage orders, track orders and solve order-related queries
  6. Get a better view at a glance of follow-ups, consultations, history, and other details.

Final Thoughts

Integrated healthcare systems are the most logical way forward for modern medicine. It incorporates the best technology to give the user and customer satisfaction. If you are convinced that your healthcare facility can benefit from using a feature-rich integrated healthcare system, EMed HealthTech is your perfect choice.

At EMed HealthTech, we build custom all-in-one integrated healthcare solutions, which include telemedicine apps, online pharmacy, and diagnostic lab apps along with an array of features tailored to meet your business needs.

If you’re ready to enhance your business with a world-class integrated healthcare platform, get in touch with us for a custom quote today!