
10 Digital Healthcare Trends To Follow in 2023

Advances in medicine have always been closely tied to advancing technology. New inventions allow better diagnosis and care. The adoption of technology in medicine has seen a huge surge, since the onset of the COVID pandemic, especially in telehealth services. Other areas like wearable tech are also popular means of tracking vitals. All these and other factors like faster connectivity and research breakthroughs forecast a year filled with new health trends.

What is Digital Healthcare?

Digital health refers to a broad range of categories such as mobile health, wearable devices, health information technology, telemedicine and telehealth, and personalized medicine. These digital healthcare services and tools help diagnose and treat diseases and enhance the delivery of healthcare for the individual. Doctors can use data from these to make better diagnoses. It also uses technology like artificial intelligence, machine learning, virtual consultations, and more to make healthcare accessible to all. Digital healthcare has been the driving force of innovation and revolution in the healthcare industry.

Ten Digital Healthcare Trends to Look Out for in 2023

Earlier we checked 6 Emerging Digital Transformation trends in 2022 that are set to revolutionize the healthcare industry. Please check the top 10 digital healthcare trends to check in 2023.


1. AI-enabled Digital Healthcare Transformation

One of the prominent healthcare trends that are expected in 2023 is the different ways in which AI will impact healthcare. AI can help data-driven clinical decision-making, streamline healthcare system workflows, etc. AI has the potential to improve patient care, enhance the work-life balance of physicians, and optimize resources for the functioning of healthcare institutions. One example is medical chatbots powered by AI conducting human-like conversations via text, voice, or option-based inputs.

2. Wearable tech and Continuous Health Monitoring

Wearable technology revolutionizes the way people perceive their health. It has brought a level of awareness to users. They take health into their own hands and use the information from it to constantly work on themselves. These wearables also generate data that doctors use. It also enables them to take a proactive rather than a reactive approach. It helps diagnose and monitor lifestyle diseases and other health conditions early on. They are also used for clinical trials.

3. Better Privacy and Security

Technology has aided in protecting the privacy and security of patients. The use of telehealth means a broader scope of private data being leaked unintentionally or intentionally for fraudulent purposes. The large amount of data generated from wearables also has the potential to be used illegally. However, better data protection is achieved with better security systems and technology like blockchain. Healthcare centers invest in better data privacy and security plans to ensure patient data privacy and to gain their trust.

4. Universal Adoption of Telehealth

Communication systems have undergone rapid globalization and there is better connectivity than ever before. This worldwide connectivity opens up the possibility of telehealth being widely adopted rather than being an isolated phenomenon. Telehealth as a way of transmitting medical information opens healthcare access to all. Telehealth services via videoconferencing, the internet, streaming services, and other communication systems are slowly being adopted worldwide. With the COVID pandemic showing a surge in such adoption, there is a rising trend of it becoming more widely used.

5. Use of Big Data and Analytics

One of the biggest trends of the previous years was using large amounts of data to gain insights. This continues in the coming years and the different industries, including healthcare. Mass amounts of data collected from devices like mobile, wearables, and other medical devices can give valuable data. These data are used to make new correlations between the economy, ecology, and demographics. Data is analyzed to know better what we never had access to before. Analytics can be used to prevent diseases, and the spread of diseases in a community and come to valuable conclusions from studies.

6. Smart Implants

One of the advancements in technology is the possibility of smart implants. They are medical devices implanted into the human body and transmit real-time information. This information can help ascertain critical information about the person’s condition. The data can then be used to prevent emergencies and take a proactive approach to treatment. Implant-related technology has also seen widespread adoption. There is higher efficiency in regenerative medicine, a cure for disabilities that previously could not be cured, and effective patient rehabilitation.

7. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Augmented reality and virtual reality have been around for some time in the mainstream but their applications were mostly in the entertainment industry. The use of these technologies in the healthcare sector is still in the nascent stage but holds tremendous potential. AR and VR can be used for medical diagnosis, education, and training. Using simulation realities to teach different medical procedures, conducting them remotely via augmented reality, etc, are being tested worldwide.

8. Nanomedicine

Although nanotechnology has been around for a long time, there has not been significant widespread application in medical and other fields. However, the little steps over the years have accumulated to something, and 2023 is bound to see some nanotechnology in action. Inventions like xenobots, tiny organic robots with the ability to self-replicate, have made waves in the medical community. It can be used in cancer detection to find genetic anomalies or autoimmune diseases on a cellular level.

9. Investing in mental health

The pandemic and its aftermath put into stark reality the need for mental health. The pandemic put people in unusually challenging situations like isolation, loss of loved ones, and losing jobs as well. All of these brought the spotlight to the importance of mental health, and there has been no looking back ever since. With the use of telehealth services, the avenue of online mental health services has increased. 2023 shows the scope of expanding mental health services and increased investment in the same.

10. Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and Healthcare Inequality

Healthcare is no longer regarded as accessible merely considering the distance. There are a lot of other factors that determine how accessible healthcare is to a person. These factors are called Social Determinants of Health. The environmental conditions to which a person is born, lives, worship, the education and exposure they have, their gender, employment, job security, income and social protection, and so many other factors come into play. Addressing these and focusing on them to negate them and make healthcare more democratic is a challenge for the coming years.


Importance of adopting digital healthcare

Hospitals, clinics, and private practices greatly benefit from adopting digital healthcare. On the whole, digital health products have the potential to lower the expenses related to healthcare, prevent diseases with a proactive approach, and monitor and help patients with chronic health conditions. It also has a high level of personalization according to patients’ needs. Here is how digital health can help developing countries in advancing their healthcare system.

Healthcare providers benefit from digital health as it gives them the tools to have a better view of the patient;’s health, which gives them an extensive view of the patient, which allows them to give better care to the patient. Overall, digital healthcare increases positive medical outcomes and the efficiency of the process.

Why Should you Work with a Digital Healthcare Provider?

Digital healthcare provider equips you with the necessary technology to establish a solid digital healthcare system. They would have better knowledge of the technology and better access to the resources you need to set it up. A good digital healthcare provider will also give you 24/7 support. They can guide you through the processes that make healthcare practices more efficient.

Why Should You Hire EMed HealthTech’s Developers?

EMed HealthTech is an expert in healthcare IT solutions and services and a specialist in healthcare software development. At EMed HealthTech we have state-of-the-art technology and customized IT solutions and services that help the healthcare industry to adopt cutting-edge technology that gives them the upper hand in the market. We enable companies to adopt healthcare IT products and services that improve the quality of their healthcare services and increase their revenue.

Interested in discussing more? Get in touch with us!








10 Benefits of 5G Launch on Healthcare in India

The advancements in modern technology have always been a boon for the world of healthcare. The latest 5G rollout is no different. At the outset, faster internet services and better connectivity bring immense potential to be explored in the healthcare sector.

First, let us look at the new technology that we call 5G and how it is different from its predecessors. Also, we take an in-depth look at what this means for the health sector in India. For a nation speeding its way towards development and modernization, the healthcare sector can benefit significantly from this new technology. Finally, we look at what it means for healthcare app development, which relies heavily on the speed and quality of the internet connection.

What is 5G?

Let us shed some light on what 5G is. In simple terms, 5G refers to the Fifth Generation of wireless network technology. For the previous generations, 1G focused on improving voice quality, which was picked up and improved upon by 2G. 3G is what opened the avenues of the internet to mobile users. 4G immensely increased the speed of wireless internet and data sharing.

What 5G brings to the table is high-speed connectivity, high data rate, low latency, and highly reliable communications. It also has aspects that increase energy efficiency, network efficiency, and spectrum efficiency.

When was 5G launched in India?

India launched 5G internet services on October 1, 2022. It was launched ceremoniously by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Indian Mobile Congress in New Delhi. It was flagged off and will be available in select cities across India. The 5G services will be progressively available throughout the country in the coming years. The Prime Minister called it a “knock on the doors of a new era”. The opportunities a technology like 5G presents to India are immense.


How does 5G benefit healthcare in India?

Previously 4G was used in the healthcare sector to improve the services, reach, and efficiency. However, 4G was not without faults. It was riddled with lags and would often fail its purpose. However, the new 5G improves upon 4G at incredible rates. Here are some of the imminent benefits of adopting 5G services in the healthcare sector in India.

Benefits of 5G Launch on Healthcare in India

1.  Connected ambulance

This concept could help improve emergency services, the quality of healthcare provided, and better outcomes for the patient. A connected ambulance would have means to transmit vital information about the patient, which can help better understand the patient’s condition, even before they arrive at the hospital. 5G’s better connectivity can also help doctors guide paramedics to conduct emergency procedures.

2. Collaborative surgery

Surgical procedures can get a boost with 5G procedures. While telesurgery is still a long way, collaborative surgeries are an attainable goal. With the help of AR/VR headsets, doctors can collaborate by watching in real-time and providing comments as another doctor performs the surgery.

3. Virtual consultations at HD quality

While internet connectivity already brought the facility of remote consultation, 5G takes it to a new level with its high speed and higher consistent quality. With 5G, the screening and assessments required for a consultation can be done online, thanks to the quality of the stream 5G ensures. Visual diagnoses can take a new definition with 5G assistance.

4. Faster image and records processing

5G offers better connectivity for transferring diagnostic images and reports at a stunning speed. What earlier took a long time can now in a surprisingly low amount of time. This gives patients faster access to treatment as they don’t have to shuttle between hospitals and diagnostic centers for results.

5. Remote patient monitoring with Telemedicine

Remote healthcare service delivery with a Telemedicine platform can be more efficient and proactive with 5G. With high speed, quality, and security, patients in far-off areas and those with chronic illnesses or mobility issues can use the services of 5G internet.

6. AR & VR for visually challenged

There are a lot of visually challenged people who suffer from impairment to different degrees. With the help of 5G-powered AR and VR tech, they can have a better sense of control over their surroundings with audio assistance from VR/AR goggles. Live advisors help them navigate their surroundings with high-speed 5G-powered tech.

7. Medication assistance through HD video

One of the innovative ways internet connections are used is to help those who may need help with medication assistance. This may be elderly or mentally ill patients who may not be able to have their medication in the prescribed amount or at the right time. Trained pharmacists engage them at the right time to consume the right amount of medicine. Thanks to 5G, this can be done in real-time and in high-quality streaming.

8. Innovative use in therapy

The use of AR and VR in rehabilitative therapy and distraction therapy has been implemented in different countries. It has potential applications in India as well. With the help of advanced 5G, this is possible. Patients can use AR/VR-assisted therapy.

9. 5G for medical education

The high speed, quality, and consistency 5G offers are a boon for medical students. With remote education a tangible option, 5G offers the potential to conduct in-depth training via high-speed connectivity. Students can watch AR/VR setup or live streaming procedures and collaborate.

10. Real-time transfer of data from wearables

Wearable tech has become a staple among our accessories. But when equipped with 5G tech, it becomes a powerful tool that transfers vital data in real-time. It can help recognize anomalies and connect to healthcare providers who can monitor your vitals remotely.


What does it mean for healthcare app development?

Healthcare software development is an area that is immensely benefited from the advancement of 5G technology. With 5G tech, healthcare services can be distributed more democratically and efficiently among people. Hospitals prefer to invest in custom healthcare software development as they see its potential in bridging the gap between healthcare services and the common man. Also, read A Guide to Custom Healthcare Software Development.

If you are looking for custom healthcare app development services, EMed HealthTech is a reliable destination for you. Our expert team of healthcare software developers specializes in building custom healthcare app and software that efficiently run on 5G technology. We will help you leverage technology to gain a competitive edge while delivering high-quality services to a wider group of customers. Book an appointment with us to get started today!


Telemedicine is a Must for Digital Health Ecosystem: Union Budget 2022-23 Spotlight

Telemedicine is a Must for Digital Health Ecosystem: Union Budget 2022-23 Spotlight

Technological innovations have brought in far-reaching transformations in almost every field we know of. And at present, one of the most promising developments is in the field of healthcare: The implementation of the Telemedicine app.

India, like the rest of the world, has witnessed a peak in telemedicine services lately. COVID-19 has fast-tracked telemedicine into mainstream healthcare and it is here to stay. The recently presented Union Budget 2022-2023 is a strong indication of this.  


What the Union Budget Says About Telemedicine and Digital Health

With the success of telemedicine services in the last two years, the Indian government is sparing no means to develop it further. A glimpse of this effort can be seen in the expenditure allocation for healthcare in the Union Budget 2022-2023. In a welcome move, the budget has taken some high-priority steps towards digitalization of healthcare services and the use of telemedicine as a tool to combat the ongoing mental health crisis.

The government has stressed the importance of digital healthcare by announcing the rollout of an open platform for the National Digital Health Ecosystem (now called Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission or ABDM). This would consist of the formation of digital registries for health providers and facilities, the creation of unique health identities for all Indians, as well as ensuring universal access to health services.

In addition, the government also announced the launch of a National Tele Mental Health Programme to strengthen mental health support services for people of all ages. This 24/7 telemedicine-based mental health program will be supported by a network of 23 tele-mental health centers, with the Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) serving as the main hub.

The launch of the National Tele Mental Health Program is being hailed as a positive step towards recognizing and addressing mental health issues. The program is aimed at providing counseling and care to people in need. This is especially laudable given the emotional and mental burdens that a huge section of the population is carrying post-COVID.

What’s truly encouraging is the government’s recognition of the fact that the telecommunication infrastructure needs to improve to ensure that the aforementioned benefits reach across the country and are accessible by one and all. From this perspective, the budget lays the ground for 5G rollout and deployment of optical fibers in rural and remote areas of the country under the ‘Bharat Net project’.

These steps reflect the government’s focus on building a strong and holistic health system and steering the country towards a truly digital ecosystem.

Now that we have seen the government’s progressive stance on telemedicine, let’s see why it is so important after all.


Why is Telemedicine So Important?

The introduction of telemedicine in India dates back to the early 2000s, with ISRO playing a vital role in implementing the pilot project. After that, the joint efforts of ISRO, Ministry of External Affairs, Department of Information Technology (DIT), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, etc., helped expand the telemedicine network further.

Being the second most populated country globally, the doctor-to-patient ratio in India is far lower than the standard ratio recommended by the WHO. The growth of telemedicine services in different parts of the country made it up to some extent, although it remained relatively unknown in several regions. Moreover, the lack of guidelines on the same often thwarted attempts of large-scale implementation.

However, the popularity of telemedicine received a big boost during the pandemic, when the Indian government imposed a nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of the disease. With outpatient departments shutting down in several hospitals across the country and safety concerns prohibiting people from opting for face-to-face consultations with medical professionals, the government needed to develop an effective solution.

During this time, digital health services, including telemedicine, came to the rescue. Digital healthcare services, including telemedicine, were encouraged by the government to deal with the problems in mobility brought on by the pandemic. As per a 2020 report by Practo, there was a 500% growth in online consultations, with around five crore Indians choosing to access healthcare services online. And approximately 80% of the people mentioned above consisted of first-time telemedicine users in the country.

The benefits and convenience offered by telemedicine and its growing popularity among a large section of Indians have prompted more and more healthcare providers to embrace this technology. Moreover, it has also promoted the development of advanced digital healthcare equipment that aids remote monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment. As a result, healthcare IT companies have also started focusing more on developing practical telehealth apps that allow patients to opt for consultations from the safety of their homes.


Government’s Efforts in Promoting Telemedicine 

 The government of India played a prominent role in popularising telemedicine in the country during the pandemic. The government deployed a national telemedicine system on 9th August 2020 as part of the Digital India mission. Known as eSanjeevani, this service enabled patients to seek medical help from professionals without leaving the safety of their homes. This was the first time a large-scale telemedicine service was implemented in India.

Further developments in this regard came from the National Digital Health Mission (NDHM) announcement on 15th August 2020. The objective of this mission was to build a robust digital infrastructure to provide country-wide healthcare services. 

The NDHM infrastructure includes the implementation of several digital systems across the country, such as Health ID, Digi Doctor, Health Facility Register (HFR), Personal Health Records (PHR), and Electronic Medical Records (EMR). In addition, it also aims to incorporate telemedicine services and an e-pharmacy system within its ambit.

The main goal behind the launch of this mission is to create a national digital health ecosystem that would function as a comprehensive solution for all healthcare-related needs of every Indian citizen.

In short, with government support, the future of telemedicine in India seems bright. Effective healthcare digital marketing strategies will further help to promote the adoption of telemedicine and revolutionize the arena of healthcare in India.


Summing Up

 India is on the cusp of a massive digital health transformation. The push towards more accessible digital healthcare, especially telemedicine services, is at the core of this transformation.  

The telemedicine industry in India is growing steadily with the union budget and other government attempts slowly but surely removing the obstacles that have limited its growth so far. While hurdles like lack of adequate infrastructure, proper training of medical staff, connectivity issues, data protection concerns, as well as public awareness still exist, they are being addressed.

All of this makes one thing clear — telemedicine isn’t a temporary trend that will fall into oblivion in the post-pandemic era. It is here to stay and will help transform the field of healthcare for the better in the long run.

Are you thinking of developing an effective telemedicine app to boost your healthcare business and how to build your own telemedicine app? EMed Healthtech can help you transform your business with customized software solutions. Reach out to us today!

How Integrated Platform is Shaping the Future for Healthcare Providers?

How Integrated Platform is Shaping the Future for Healthcare Providers?

In a world where technology is improving every day, healthcare providers have to keep up with the pace or risk losing business reputation, credibility, and profitability. Web-based portals and smartphone applications are already proving their mettle in the healthcare domain, but the future demands far superior optimizations. 

While some have taken over this task with multiple channels deployed on various portals, others are taking the smarter approach of leveraging a unified application platform that takes care of everything in one place. An integrated healthcare platform combines the functions of several distinctive applications such as online pharmacy, Telemedicine, and Diagnostics lab app to create a holistic and all-inclusive environment. 

But before we dive into how integrated platforms are shaping the healthcare landscape, let’s take a look at some relevant statistics: 

  1. COVID-19 affirmed the significance of digital platforms that support integrated care during a pandemic. (Source)
  2. The telemedicine market has boomed in India and is pushing the eHealth market forward, which is estimated to reach $5.4 billion by 2025. (Source
  3. 95% of doctors and healthcare workers believe that increased data interoperability plays a big role in improving patient outcomes. (Source)
  4. Over 85% of physicians believe that increased information interoperability is the key to reducing the diagnosis period. 
  5. 96% of doctors agree that easy access to vital patient data can help save lives. (Source)

As you can tell, integration, faster access, and data interoperability are some of the necessities emerging with the changing healthcare landscape. Healthcare providers, as well as consumers, are looking at a future where digital will become even more mainstream and conventional healthcare practices will take a backseat. Continue reading to learn more on how integrated platforms can prepare your healthcare business for this future, besides offering a host of other benefits.


Stepping-Up in the Face of Challenges

We have all witnessed how the healthcare sector faced severe challenges recently due to COVID-19. The collapse of the already limited physical infrastructure and support mechanisms unraveled a string of unprecedented digital threats – the loopholes inpatient records maintenance and the value of their data. 

Experts suggest that the black-market value of healthcare records can climb up to 400% higher than that of financial data like credit card numbers and bank accounts. This has lately made patient data a lucrative target for hackers all around the world – needless to say, the number of digital security breaches has risen sharply. 

While it is statistically impossible to deter every single hacking attempt, you can certainly limit its possibilities to near-zero with advanced integrated platforms. World-class software technology that follows international protocols is a step in the right direction. 

EMed HealthTech’s leading healthcare integrated solution is an excellent example of a truly integrated platform, which brings an online pharmacy app, a Telemedicine app, and a diagnostic lab booking system all in one place. Most importantly, it is built with best-in-class features and functionalities that prevent malware, ransomware, and hackers from entering into your ecosystem and gaining access to sensitive patient data. This feature not only makes you compliant with many data protection laws but also saves your business from potential losses worth millions.  


All-In-One Healthcare Integrated Solution 

With multiple platforms come several problems – over time, these tools require distinctive marketing, deploying, managing, and updating strategies that eat through your business revenue. A robust integrated solution for healthcare does not take a toll on your resources and makes things easier to handle, without compromises. It saves you from the hassles of managing multiple systems and doesn’t overcomplicate your IT environment.

Inter-application support and other advancements are built into the code, so the application works at its best all the time while you can focus on developing your core business. Therefore, when you implement an integrated platform in your process, the results show up as more sales, higher revenue, and ease of operations. 


Key to Happy and Loyal Customers

Customers today are no longer satisfied with the bare minimum. They want everything as quickly and easily as possible. With the rise in doorstep delivery apps and the recent pandemic-driven restriction in physical movement, the average consumer’s expectations have risen far above what they were a few years ago. While this is bad news for traditional business models, it signals a new era of technology-driven innovation. 

A healthcare integrated solution can be customized according to your business needs, targeting the right customers in the best possible way. With a seamless ecosystem of everything they need in one place, your customers will be more delighted with the experience than ever.

Meaningful Insights for Maximum Results  

Leading integrated healthcare platforms come with a long list of innovative features that provide a competitive edge to your business. With the benefits of laboratory, pharmacy, and telemedicine applications fused into one user-friendly platform, there is no looking back. 

These platforms also come with bonus features to get you ahead in your business by making the best use of available data. For instance, EMed HealthTech’s integrated platform encompasses in-built support for leading analytics providers like Google and Microsoft. Import your business data into leading data analytic platforms like Power BI and get actionable insights like never before.

Improved Scalability 

Customized healthcare integrated solutions offer flexibility that allows coordinated development as your business grows. No matter what the current stage of your company and your business goals, the platform can evolve accordingly thanks to the bespoke backend development.

Multiple Features for All Users

Healthcare is an umbrella industry linked to medical and dental practices and the pharmaceutical space. Modern integrated systems like our healthcare platform is a step above the service channels already in place. It provides a comprehensive solution built with simplicity and ease of use in mind, so it works great both for the tech-savvy and non-technical consumer. 


Final Thoughts

As our healthcare environment continues to evolve, we need systems that can stand up to the growing demands of preparedness and response to medical crises, patient-focused care, and data interoperability, while also helping healthcare businesses to sustain and thrive amidst the challenges. Innovative integrated healthcare platforms are the way forward for the healthcare industry and will be key to success in the era of digitization. 

Interested to know more about the all-in-one integrated healthcare platform by EMed HealthTech?

Get in touch with us today!