Cost of Developing a Mobile App for Healthcare

What Is the Cost of Developing a Mobile App for Healthcare?

Mobile devices and their gazillion apps have become an extension of our beings. There is an app to manage every aspect of our life. Healthcare is no exception, as more people turn to mobile apps to manage their health and wellness. For users, there is one for walking, running, sleeping, breathing, and everything you can imagine. 

A mobile app can be a powerful tool for healthcare providers to improve patient engagement and outcomes. However, developing a healthcare mobile app is not a simple task, and it comes with a price tag. If you are a healthcare provider, you may be wondering about the cost of developing a mobile app for healthcare.

In this article, we will explore the cost of healthcare app development, factors that impact the cost, and tips to keep the cost within budget. Here you can find a detailed guide for building a successful healthcare mobile app.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Healthcare Mobile App Development

Developing a healthcare mobile app is a complex process that requires careful planning, development, and testing. It involves various factors that influence the overall cost of the project. You can go for a ready solution or can choose custom development. Here is the difference between readymade and custom healthcare software.

Also, there are some key factors that can affect the cost of healthcare mobile app development. 

– The complexity of the app

The more complex the app, the more time and resources it takes to develop. The app’s complexity can affect the project’s design, development, and testing phases, ultimately affecting the cost.

– Features and functionalities

The more features and functionalities the app has, the more time and resources it takes to develop. Some essential features of a healthcare mobile app include patient registration, appointment booking, medication reminders, lab results, and telemedicine. Including advanced features such as real-time monitoring and health, tracking can significantly increase the development cost.

– Design and user experience

A poorly designed app with a subpar user experience can lead to low user engagement and negatively impact the overall brand reputation. Therefore, investing in the app’s design and user experience is essential to ensure that it is visually appealing, user-friendly, and meets the target audience’s needs. 

– Platform and device compatibility

The app should be compatible with different operating systems, including iOS and Android, and devices such as smartphones, tablets, and wearables. Developing an app compatible with multiple platforms and devices requires additional resources, which can affect the development cost.

– Integration with existing systems and data security

The app should integrate with existing healthcare systems such as Electronic Health Records (EHR) and provide secure data transmission and storage. Developing an app with robust data security and integration capabilities requires additional resources, affecting the development cost.

Average Cost of Healthcare Mobile App Development

Developing a healthcare mobile app can be a costly investment, and it is important to know the average costs involved before embarking on such a project. The cost of developing a healthcare mobile app can vary based on several factors that you can consider during development. Here is all the required information to develop a custom healthcare application.

When creating a healthcare app, it is essential to consider the best features to make it stand out from the competition. And also need to include the required key regulatory compliances for healthcare software and application.

Here are some of the most important features to include in-app and accordingly cost can be decided:

Average Cost of Healthcare Mobile App Development

– Multi-Option Login: A multi-option login interface allows users to log in through social media or manually enter user details. Creating and deploying a multi-option login to your healthcare app may range from $4,000 to $10,000.

– Scheduler: A scheduler is a critical healthcare app feature that helps manage different activities. This feature allows scheduling appointments and delivering synced alerts and notifications to users. Designing and integrating a scheduler may range from $500 to $700.

– Dashboard: An interactive dashboard provides users quick access to everything they wish to avail through your healthcare app. The cost of designing and developing interactive user dashboards may range from $10,000 to $15,000.

– Notifications and Reminders: Incorporating notifications and reminders are core functionalities required in a healthcare app. The feature can be personalized and precise for the users. The cost of integrating effective notifications and reminders in your healthcare app may range between $800 to $1,500.

– Geolocation: Geolocation access provides location-based functionalities in your healthcare app. Incorporating geolocation capabilities may cost between $7,000 to $15,000.

-In-App Chat: In-app chats facilitate fast and smooth delivery of solutions. Integrating in-app chat features into your healthcare app may cost anywhere between $5,000 to $10,000.

– Reviews and Ratings: Users can post reviews and ratings on your app, allowing other users to consider genuine remarks while making a call on availing of your app services. Integrating reviews and rating options into your healthcare app may cost between $3,000 and $7,000.

– Forum: A forum enhances interaction capabilities by allowing users to post their queries and product administrators to answer. Integrating a forum into your healthcare app may cost around $5,000 to $10,000.

– Privacy and Security: To sustain a competitive, risk-prone, and fast-evolving market, privacy and secure transactions are important. Implementing your healthcare app’s latest privacy and security standards and protocols can cost anywhere between $5,000 and $20,000.

– Payment Gateway: A payment gateway plays a crucial role in ensuring the lucrative accomplishment of transactions. You can expect to pay between $3,000 to $7,000 to integrate multiple payment gateways into your product.

Cost-Saving Measures for Healthcare Mobile App Development

Don’t let the costs deter you from creating the app of your vision. There are always cost-saving measures that can make the whole process much more cost-effective. The following are some cost-saving measures that can be implemented during development.

– Prioritizing essential features and functionalities

It is vital to identify the core features that your app requires and focus on developing them first. You can save time and money by prioritizing essential features by avoiding developing unnecessary features.

– Agile development methodology

The Agile methodology enables developers to continually test and validate the app’s features, making it easier to identify and fix issues early in the development process. It is an effective way to manage costs because it involves breaking down the development process into small manageable tasks.

– Use of open-source tools and libraries

Using open-source tools and libraries can save costs during healthcare mobile app development. These tools can help speed the development process, reduce costs, and improve the app’s overall quality.

– Working with an experienced healthcare app development company

An experienced company will have the expertise to develop your app efficiently using the latest technologies and tools. Here are 5 key considerations for hiring the right healthcare app developers. They will also be able to identify potential issues early on in the development process and provide solutions to address them. This can help avoid costly mistakes and delays, ultimately leading to a better and more cost-effective product. 

Choose EMed HealthTech for your Custom Healthcare App Development 

The cost of developing a mobile app for healthcare varies depending on several factors. However, by considering cost-saving measures such as prioritizing essential features, using open-source tools, and working with an experienced healthcare app development company, you can significantly reduce the overall cost without compromising quality. 

EMed Healthtech is a reliable and experienced healthcare app development company that can help you build custom healthcare apps tailored to your needs and requirements. Contact us today to learn more about our custom healthcare app development services and take the first step toward creating a successful healthcare app.

Successful Healthcare App

Building a Successful Healthcare App: An In-Depth Guide

In today’s world, mobile applications have become an integral part of the healthcare industry. With the rise of telemedicine and the need for convenient healthcare services, the demand for healthcare apps has skyrocketed. However, building a healthcare app can be daunting, especially if you don’t have the right knowledge and resources. That’s why we’ve put together this in-depth guide to help you understand the crucial steps involved in developing a healthcare app that is both functional and successful.

Healthcare Applications Overview

A healthcare application is a software for mobile devices that helps users manage their health and wellness in real-time. These apps can track a user’s vital signs, monitor their medication, schedule appointments with doctors, and provide access to medical records, among other features. 

In the modern world, healthcare applications are increasingly relevant due to the widespread adoption of mobile devices and the growing demand for personalized healthcare solutions. These apps provide a convenient way for patients to manage their health, communicate with their doctors, and access medical information anytime, anywhere. Healthcare applications can potentially improve patient outcomes and increase efficiency in the healthcare industry. Here you can check all the required information about healthcare app development and customization.

What is the difference Between a Health App and a Medical App?

Health and medical apps may seem similar, but they have important differences. Here are some key distinctions:

Health apps:

– Designed for the general public

– Focus on providing health-related services and information

– Can be used without a claim on medical evidence

– Often cost less to develop

– Provide access to apps that track daily health data, such as fitness and wellness apps

Medical apps:

– Designed for medical professionals

– Focus on diagnosis and treatment based on analytical data

– Must comply with medical evidence and meet testing and adherence regulations

– The development process can be costly

– Provide access to electronic health records and patient information

3 Main Types of Healthcare Apps

Various types of healthcare apps are designed to meet the diverse needs of patients, medical professionals, and healthcare organizations. Here are three broad categories of healthcare apps:

1. Professional Healthcare Apps

These apps are designed for use by medical professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and medical students. They provide tools and resources to help medical professionals improve patient outcomes and increase efficiency in the healthcare industry. Examples of professional healthcare apps include Medical reference apps, Electronic health record (EHR) apps, and Medical calculator apps. 

2. Healthcare Apps for Patients

These apps are designed to help patients manage their health and wellness. They provide a range of tools and resources to help patients track their symptoms, monitor their medication, and communicate with their doctors. Examples of healthcare apps for patients include Medication reminder apps, Fitness and wellness apps, and Telemedicine apps

3. Health Apps for Medical Administration Staff

These apps are designed to help healthcare organizations manage their operations more efficiently. They provide tools and resources to help medical administrators manage staff, schedules, and patient data. Examples of health apps for medical administration staff include Medical billing and coding apps, Staff scheduling apps, and Patient management apps.

Benefits of Healthcare App for Doctors and Patients

—->Benefits for Doctors:

– Faster decision making

– More accurate diagnosing

– Less stress and burnout

– Improved communication between professionals

– Better hospital and equipment management

– Reduced cost of healthcare provision

—-> Benefits for Patients:

– Higher quality care

– On-demand accessible care

– Better control over health data

– Secure payments

– Engagement

Use Cases for a Healthcare App 

Use Cases for a Healthcare App

Healthcare apps have become essential for managing and improving medical care. Here are some of the most popular use cases for healthcare applications.

1. Telehealth & Telemedicine 

Allows medical specialists to deliver remote medical services, communicate online and get efficient medical care faster.

2. Electronic Health Records (EHR/EMR)

EHR/EMR Software tracks, stores, updates, and collects all medical information about a patient on a single platform.

3. Health Informational Exchange (HIE)

Measures a patient’s vital parameters easily and quickly using only a smartphone’s authentication transfers data faster, and allows doctors to monitor and analyze the necessary information.

4. Built-in Diagnostic Systems

Collects and processes data from embedded and IoT devices integrated with EHR platforms, allowing doctors to visualize, analyze and diagnose remote patients.

5. E-prescribing (eRx)

Creates, stores, and sends out prescriptions using the medical information system in the electronic health ecosystem, minimizing errors during check-out and saving time.

6. RCM & Medical Billing

A medical billing system that covers EHR and Practices Management services, accessible on the go, saving users from investing in expensive hardware or worrying about IT, data encryption, and security compliance.

What is the Cost & Time Taken to Develop a Healthcare App?

The cost and time required to develop a healthcare app depend on the type of product, features, and team involved in healthcare app development services. It is crucial to clearly understand the requirements and target audience to build a successful app. By leveraging rapid prototyping and outsourcing to an agency in a cost-effective region, it is possible to develop a healthcare app without losing investors’ money. 

It can take anywhere between 6-8 months for development. As for the cost, no definitive number can be stated as the software’s features depend on the customer, which can greatly vary the cost. 

6 Main Steps to Build a Healthcare Mobile App

Here are the steps to follow while building a healthcare app:

Step 1: Conduct a market analysis to study your niche, understand your competitors, and identify how you can stand out.

Step 2: Study your audience through user research, such as interviews, focus groups, or surveys, to find out the pain points of your target audience. Ensure to maintain an ethical balance while conducting user research.

Step 3: Choose the healthcare app type that aligns with your app’s database, functionality, and goal. Define key points with your team, such as the kind of app you need, how it will work, and what pains it will solve.

Step 4: Create a user-friendly and consistent design that leads the user to the endpoint smoothly, with fewer interaction points and reduced cognitive load.

Step 5: Ensure your app complies with HIPAA or GDPR to protect personal healthcare information. Follow a checklist that includes limiting access, ensuring data encryption, and using HIPAA-compliant services.

Step 6: Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to enter the market faster, prioritize vital features that solve the problem, and iterate constantly. The MVP will give you a competitive advantage and help you gather feedback from real users sooner.

Healthcare App MVP: Features Checklist

When building a healthcare app MVP, it’s important to prioritize the essential features that solve the problem you’re trying to address. Here’s a checklist for healthcare app MVP features.

—>For Doctor App:

– Doctor profiles

– One-on-one and group chats

– Calendar

– Notifications and alerts

– Patient health card

—>For Patient App:

– Patient profiles

– Chats

– Calendar

– Notifications and alerts

– Surveys

Must-Have Features in a Health Mobile Application

1. API & Integrations: APIs and integrations allow seamless communication and data exchange between healthcare systems and platforms.

2. Technology Stack for Healthcare Mobile App Development:

—>Backend Technologies: Common backend technologies for healthcare app development include Laravel, Node.js, and more

—>Frontend Technologies: React Native, Java, and Kotlin are popular choices for developing the front end of mobile healthcare apps.

3. Patient and Doctor Profiles:

Creating patient and doctor profiles help users easily access and manage their personal information and medical history.

4. Telemedicine Options:

Telemedicine features like one-on-one and group chats, video consultations, and appointment scheduling help patients and doctors communicate effectively and remotely.

5. Reminders and Notifications:

In-app reminders and notifications help patients manage their medication schedules and appointments, while doctors can receive real-time alerts for important updates and events.

6. Data Security Requirements:

Data security requirements in the USA, Canada, the UK, and the EU are stringent and require healthcare apps to comply with regulations such as HIPAA, PIPEDA, GDPR, and others.

What’s Next After You’ve Built a Healthcare App?

After building a healthcare app, it’s essential to continue improving it and gain user adoption. Here are some steps you can take:

– Sneak up on users and ask for feedback openly

– Watch for major OS updates and make sure your app remains compatible

– Spy on the competition and look for areas where you can improve your app

– Validate your idea with healthcare professionals and patients

– Leverage mobile app analytics to measure and improve the overall user experience

– Conduct A/B testing to identify and implement the best features

– Define how you will market and gain adoption of your app

– Use social media to promote your app

– Create an attractive landing page for your app

– Utilize traditional marketing methods to reach a wider audience.

Final Words 

Choosing the right healthcare app development company is crucial for building a successful healthcare mobile app. EMed HealthTech is a leading healthcare app development company that can help you build an award-winning healthcare app. 

With a team of experienced developers and a deep understanding of the healthcare industry, EMed HealthTech can create custom healthcare apps that meet your needs. From ideation and design to development and launch, EMed HealthTech can guide you through the entire process to ensure that your app succeeds. 

Looking for reliable healthcare app development services? Our team will be happy to discuss your next healthcare app development project. Get in touch with us today!