
Top 10 Reasons to Develop a Telemedicine App

The concept of telemedicine apps has been around for a long time. The COVID pandemic forced us to resort to telemedicine out of the restrictions imposed on movement. It has highlighted the need to integrate a functional telemedicine system that runs alongside regular healthcare.

Connecting patients and healthcare providers via technology are being increasingly implemented worldwide post COVID. The onset of COVID also warmed up the users to the benefits of telemedicine. Post-COVID, there has been a stark increase in the number of virtual consultations via doctor appointment booking apps. Studies show that there has been a triple increase in the investment made to telemedicine in 2020 than it had in 2017.

It is an area that has the potential to change the way we see medical care. Here is all you need to know about telemedicine, its implementation via telemedicine app, why you should invest in it, and the challenges faced in the process.

What is a Telemedicine App?


A telemedicine app is a software that functions as a platform to avail various healthcare services. It serves the patients to determine the nature of their ailment, find the apt healthcare provider, and provide virtual consultation, and follow-ups. It is also an avenue to cater to pharmaceutical needs, and avail services of testing and lab facilities.

Telemedicine apps also provide the platform for healthcare providers to connect to patients, organize data and schedules, manage visits, and more.

It is a holistic platform that has a wide range of functions. When developed properly, telemedicine software can create the ideal network of healthcare providers and patients. The healthcare industry is adopting this technology to enmesh its services with the needs of the day.

If COVID showed us telemedicine was indispensable, we are making a stronger case for it. Here are some very compelling reasons why you should be investing in a telemedicine app today

1. Better access to healthcare: Healthcare has often been inaccessible to people who live in rural areas. Sometimes a specialist we need is not available in a country. This challenge of distance and access is neutralized when there is a virtual set-up that enables the meeting of people from whichever corner of the world.

2. Maintain social distance: This is the first and foremost reason telemedicine was popular during the COVID pandemic. It serves the purpose later too, as contagious diseases will spread less when more and more people opt for virtual consultations.

3. Steady care for chronic health issues: Patients who battle chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart diseases, or lifestyle diseases need not travel to the doctor for every consultation. A virtual care system enables the patient to stay in the comfort of their home.

4. Reduces patient waiting time: Access to healthcare is hindered majorly by waiting time. The availability of doctors in a particular area, the number of patients seeking the same doctor, and the lack of a proper system in place contribute to the cause of the patient.

5. Lower treatment costs: The cost of the treatment is seen to be significantly lower when it comes to virtual care. This applies to both the hospital and the patient. The hospital could save up to $24 per patient and the patient saved an average of $50 in travel expenses, a study showed.

6. Gain an edge over competitors: The telemedicine system allows healthcare providers to have an advantage over their competitors who have not adopted the technology. It also gives them access to patients who would choose a remote consultation over being physically present for one.

7. Save infrastructure costs: The first advantage of a virtual care system is to be free of infrastructure costs. Compared to the hefty architectural investment required, a telemedicine app development costs significantly less. This automatically makes healthcare more affordable.

8. Balances the doctor-patient ratio: One of the biggest advantages of telemedicine is how it negates geographical barriers to bringing services to customers. While a particular place may be constrained due to the lack of doctors in proportion to patients, another place may have an abundance.

9. Access to healthcare during epidemics/disasters: Telemedicine proved to be the best option to cater to the healthcare industry during the COVID pandemic. If this proves anything, it is that telemedicine is the most effective form of providing medical service during times of such crisis.

10. The advantage of technology: A telemedicine system puts the doctor and patient in a position where they can use technology to their benefit. For example, the doctor can refer to biometric readings taken from wearable techs to monitor the health of the patient.

To know more about how to develop telemedicine apps check out this link.

Telemedicine App Development Challenges

The world of telemedicine is a sophisticated one that focuses on making accessibility easier. However, it is not one without challenges. It has its unique challenges. Here are some of them.


1. Glitch-free UI/UX: The healthcare industry has no room for error as it could prove even fatal. A telemedicine app has to remain glitch-free and very user-friendly. The patient and the doctor must be able to navigate the app with the least difficulty.

2. Two separate apps: A telemedicine app has two significant users – the doctors and the patients. Both users have different apps. These call for two separate fronts that are integrated seamlessly.

3. iOS and Android Native Apps: Telemedicine apps must be designed to be compatible with iOS and Android OSes. This requires a larger development team.

4. Data Security: The data shared via a telemedicine app is sensitive and confidential. It requires high-level security from being leaked by hackers.

Take Advantage of High-Quality Telemedicine App Development

Creating a telemedicine app has its benefits and small challenges. But in the end, it benefits all. It creates a world of equal access and opportunity. If you are convinced that you need to create an impeccably designed telemedicine app, look no further than EMed HealthTech.

At EMed HealthTech, we deliver quality healthcare software services and solutions to all your needs, garnering the trust of the healthcare industry. Choose EMed HealthTech for your telemedicine app development services. Reach out to us today for a custom quote.


All You Need to Know About Integrated Healthcare Software

All You Need to Know About Integrated Healthcare Software

If COVID was a challenging time for us, we proved we were quick to adapt. We saw our basic needs met with the help of technology. Things we would have thought impossible are now the norm. If visiting a doctor was once a task, it is now accessible from the comfort of your home via virtual consultation. Running for the pharmacy could have been difficult, but we saw efficient delivery systems come into place. Relying on technology to help us through the pandemic. But what about in the long run? An integrated healthcare system is a solution here, let’s check how.

The adoption of technology in the healthcare sector has spiked over the last couple of years, thanks to COVID. A 2021 study by Accenture in the United States shows that 26% of people found their access to healthcare has improved since the pandemic.

The Challenges in Healthcare’s Tech Adoption

The quick shift to virtual care during the pandemic saw a great tide of digital adoption in healthcare. But is the tide retreating as the pandemic has subsided? The same Accenture study points out that the shift to virtual care has reduced since life went back to normal despite virtual care’s increasing accessibility.

One of the reasons is the lack of awareness and trust on the part of the healthcare providers and patients.

Another big reason has been the disconnected way of technology adoption among hospitals and healthcare providers. Often their operations are split between legacy systems and other technology platforms, resulting in a fragmented approach. Managing a bunch of systems that are different from each other is not just tedious and time-consuming but also leads to stress and burnout among healthcare providers.

The answer to these problems lies in an integrated healthcare system.

What is Healthcare Integration Software?

Healthcare integration aims to use the available resources to efficiently deliver healthcare services, enable effective communication between different systems of healthcare, and incorporate standardized protocols to ensure its overall smooth functioning. It prioritizes giving the best possible care to the patient, increasing the quality of the overall experience and thus getting better outcomes. It also helps the patient have a smooth transition through the healthcare system. When all of these tasks are aided by technology, it leads to an affordable healthcare system. An integrated healthcare platform combines the functions of several distinctive applications such as online pharmacy, Telemedicine, and Diagnostics lab app to create a holistic and all-inclusive environment. All you need to know more about the future of healthcare service providers click here.

The Need for an Integrated Health Care System

As mentioned earlier, technology has been used on different fronts of the healthcare system. Be it billing, management, EHR, pharmacy, or marketing, there is a large amount of data generated at each front. However, there exists a communication gap between these different fronts. The data is siloed and not put to good use.

The cost of disparate systems thus refers to the shortfalls or risks the industry has to face due to a system of unconnected tools. Data security risks, inefficient workflows, and overly complicated IT management are some of the issues faced today.

With a well-designed integrated healthcare system, these obstacles can be knocked down to bring in true interoperability. Healthcare leaders working with supply chain teams can help cleanse and standardize data to ensure efficient data management. It can also lead to a seamless customer experience and an advantage over competitors. It is safe to say that an integrated healthcare system is no longer a luxury for modern healthcare companies, but a necessity.

Features of a Good healthcare Integration Software

Integrated healthcare systems are based on collaboration and communication. Addressing the needs of patients is at the center, with benefits to the healthcare providers as well. Let us look at some of the defining features you can expect from good healthcare integration software.

Healthcare integration systems require features that enable the functioning of pharmacy, lab, and telemedicine, as well as business expansion. A good healthcare system that is built around customer convenience will have five panels. They are:

  1. Patient Panel
  2. Pharmacy Panel
  3. Doctor Panel
  4. Lab Panel
  5. Super Admin Panel

Let’s look at what features each panel has.

Patient Panel

This is the part of the software that is visible to the patients. The user interface contains the different operations such as:

  1. Search doctors based on the different parameters like specialty and charges before fixing a consultation
  2. Book a video consultation at a convenient time with a doctor of choice
  3. Super fast search without browsing the whole catalog or search via voice command
  4. Return partial or full order according to the requirement and ask for a refund
  5. Search and book lab tests or packages according to the test name or category and book a sample collection from home or an appointment.
  6. Option to book a Home visit or clinic visit with ease and manage appointments.

Pharmacy Panel

The pharmacy wing of the healthcare facility uses this part of the app where they can take care of transactions relating to the pharmacy.

  1. An abandoned cart report lets you follow up on items with added discount
  2. Order return or refund and directly transact the money to the customer
  3. Manage orders by assigning orders to pharmacists and tracking order status
  4. Create multiple sub-admins with restricted access for better management
  5. Simple and clickable banners for higher engagement and click-through rate
  6. Reports and analytics for insights on customer spending patterns, pharmacy performance, product performance, and more

Doctor Panel

This part is the user interface for doctors, where they can carry out day-to-day activities.

  1. Manage profile with details like qualification, specialty, awards, and clinic details
  2. Update availability schedule standard availability time or manually change
  3. Detailed Dashboard with details on appointments, follow-ups, and consultation
  4. Cancel the appointment with reason and the patient will be notified immediately
  5. Create and share medicine order for patient use
  6. Notifications for new appointments, follow-ups, and consultations

Lab Panel

The lab panel is designed for the use of lab admins who head the activities.

  1. Content Management of test fees, lab profiles, test requirements, and services
  2. Manage multiple Labs from a centralized location
  3. Dashboard for a better view of all bookings including scheduled and canceled
  4. Manage packages and modify them to cater to the customer
  5. Reports and analytics with insights on lab performance, customer purchase patterns, and product performance.
  6. Simple and clickable banners to improve click-through rates and engagement.

Super Admin Panel

This is managed by the administrative office of a healthcare system giving them overall visibility and control.

  1. Manage doctors and lab from a single dashboard
  2. Manage lab tests and packages, and combine them according to customer needs
  3. Manage multiple pharmacies for smooth handling of all facilities
  4. Manage products, modify or promote products for better sales
  5. Manage orders, track orders and solve order-related queries
  6. Get a better view at a glance of follow-ups, consultations, history, and other details.

Final Thoughts

Integrated healthcare systems are the most logical way forward for modern medicine. It incorporates the best technology to give the user and customer satisfaction. If you are convinced that your healthcare facility can benefit from using a feature-rich integrated healthcare system, EMed HealthTech is your perfect choice.

At EMed HealthTech, we build custom all-in-one integrated healthcare solutions, which include telemedicine apps, online pharmacy, and diagnostic lab apps along with an array of features tailored to meet your business needs.

If you’re ready to enhance your business with a world-class integrated healthcare platform, get in touch with us for a custom quote today!