How to Choose the Right App Development Company to Build a Healthcare App

How to Choose the Right Development Company to Build a Healthcare App?

A healthcare app has become a crucial part of a healthcare delivery system. Everyone from doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, and even patients rely on such apps to get better access and service. 

If you want to build one for your business, there are a lot of things to consider. But the most important among them is deciding on an app development company. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of healthcare app development services. How can you pick the right one? 

This guide will walk you through the process of choosing the right healthcare software development partner. But first, let’s look at some hurdles in the way of app development that the right partner can help you solve.  

Challenges in the Healthcare App Development 

The idea of an app is exciting. Developing one also brings you the chance to expand your business in new ways. But it is not without challenges. Here are some of the most common issues you could run into while creating a healthcare app.

Challenges in the Healthcare App Development

Issues on Privacy:

93% of healthcare facilities face a data breach in the last three years. Protecting patient information is a sensitive issue. You could be met with issues about privacy in your app development journey. 

Clinical Verification:

The data provided in such an app should be accurate. There is no room for error where people’s lives are involved. The app you create could undergo several rounds of verification. When data provided in healthcare is accurate, there is a higher chance of better outcomes. 


The app is meant to be used by regular people. It should therefore have a very easy-to-use interface. If your app is not user-friendly, there is a 90% chance it will be deleted. It takes a good development team to create an app that is simple to use yet has everything that meets your business objectives.


Creating a custom app is not as easy on the pocket. There is a high chance you will be met with a heavy bill. With the help of an experienced custom healthcare app development company, you can cut down unnecessary expenses and choose where you need to spend. Please find more details on what is the cost of developing a mobile app for healthcare.

Signs of a Good Healthcare App Development Company

The number of app development companies is increasing day by day. How to tell the good ones from the not-so-good ones? Please find the comprehensive guide on hiring a healthcare software development company. Here are some signs to watch out for.

Signs of a Good Healthcare App Development Company

Past Experience

If there is one factor you should keep while choosing a development company, it is experience. They will better understand the security, legal and technical issues of developing an app. Therefore, no matter how exciting an app developer offers, your decision should be guided by their experience. 

Portfolio Strength

By examining the provider’s portfolio, you can measure their capabilities and proposed solutions through their previous healthcare projects. You can assess whether they have the necessary skills to handle your app’s specific requirements.

Testimonials and Reviews

Insights from past collaborators are very important. Look for testimonials on their website. This will give you more reason to consider whether they are trustworthy. 

Professionalism and Transparency

Assess how the company handles communication. A company should have a high level of transparency throughout the process. They should be honest about their expertise, availability, and project management ability. 

Shared Values

Ensure that the provider’s values align with yours and your company’s. Shared values create a strong foundation for good collaboration. A value-driven company is better equipped to handle the challenges of a project. 

Questions to Ask a Potential Healthcare App Development Partner

  • Since how many years do you provide healthcare app development services?

If there is one question that can give you a lot of information at once, it is this. The answer should be a strong number with a portfolio to support their claim. Their years and previous experiences give you an idea of what to expect from them. 

  • How qualified are your healthcare app developers? 

Ultimately, your product is going to be handled by them. It would be a blunder not to ask this. Every development team should have highly skilled and certified developers. Certifications such as Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT), Certified Professional Coder (CPC®), and Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA®) are highly impressive credentials to consider.

  • How have your previous clients reviewed you? 

Reviews and feedback can guide you through a lot of information when making a decision. Previous customers will have left behind comments that accurately describe the service. If they are mostly good, then you are good to go. Keep an eye out for the negative comments too. 

  • Will the team submit the health app to the app stores? 

The app stores are the best platform for your app to take off. It is authentic and credible. But getting it to be there has some challenges involved. But it should be easy for a development team. The team should be willing to do it for you so that your app gets maximum coverage. 

  • Do you ensure proper paperwork? 

It is easy to get tricked in the digital world. Make sure you sign appropriate contracts before you engage with them. It also builds a level of trust. The team should be willing to sign contracts and do apt paperwork before beginning work. 

Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Development Firm

When choosing a healthcare app development firm, it is not just numbers and figures that matter. There are several pitfalls you should avoid. Here are some of the most common ones.

Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Development Firm

Not Choosing a Compatible Team

When you choose a development team, you are looking for a team of real people. You could lose sight of the human factor in the mix of technical things. Make sure to assess how compatible you are as a team. Make sure there is a human connection. 

Going Just by the Cost 

A light price tag is a killer offer. Sometimes it can also be a trap. Don’t fall for the lowest service. Choose a company based on its skills, experience, values, and honesty. All of these should weigh alongside the cost. 

Not Opting for Maintenance and Support

An app might need a lot of maintenance work after it has been launched. The relationship with the development team doesn’t end with the launch. Pick a team that offers post-launch maintenance and support. After all, your business depends on the quality of the app. 

Not looking for Legal and Compliance Expertise

Your app can be in hot soup if it does not comply with the laws and regulations. There are many regulations in place for apps. The development team should have thorough expertise and experience in handling those areas.

The Best Healthcare App Benefits

Custom app development offers many benefits for doctors and patients. Let us go over a few: 

Signs of a Good Healthcare App Development Company

Benefits for Doctors

  1. Faster Decision Making: It streamlines processes, enabling doctors to make quicker decisions and allocate more time to patients.
  2. Accurate Diagnosing: Improved data analysis leads to better treatment plans and timely healthcare delivery. With it comes better patient outcomes. 
  3. Less Stress and Burnout: By automating mundane tasks and reducing paperwork, doctors can focus on what’s important and get more time for themselves as well. 
  4. Improved Communication between Professionals: Doctors can communicate with each other regardless of location. 
  5. Better Hospital and Equipment Management: IoT technology allows real-time tracking of medical equipment. It can lead to better usage and improve overall hospital management.
  6. Reduced Cost of Healthcare Provision: All other benefits of healthcare apps contribute to lowering the cost of healthcare services.

Benefits for Patients

  1. Higher Quality Care: Patients receive personalized health plans. It is tailored to their specific conditions. 
  2. On-Demand Accessible Care: Healthcare apps offer faster and more convenient access to services. This includes medication delivery and remote consultations.
  3. Better Control Over Health Data: Patients can export and share their medical records with other hospitals. It results in better data management and continuity of care.
  4. Secure Payments: In-app payments with credit cards are available. It adds to the convenience and security of medical transactions.
  5. Engagement: Healthcare apps empower patients to take an active role in their healthcare journey. 

Key Takeaways

Custom healthcare app development is a necessity in modern times. Hospitals, clinics, and even private practices are turning to it to stay ahead and create better patient outcomes and experiences. Building a good healthcare app starts with the right healthcare app development company. We hope this guide helps you understand the process of choosing one, what to look for, and what to expect along the way. 

At EMed HealthTech, we’re proud to be a healthcare app development company that ticks off these boxes. Our team actively provides healthcare facilities with the latest technology. 

We have partnered with many promising healthcare businesses and brought their app ideas to life. We can do the same for you. 

Want to learn more about our healthcare mobile app development services? Get in touch with us today! 

Cost of Developing a Mobile App for Healthcare

What Is the Cost of Developing a Mobile App for Healthcare?

Mobile devices and their gazillion apps have become an extension of our beings. There is an app to manage every aspect of our life. Healthcare is no exception, as more people turn to mobile apps to manage their health and wellness. For users, there is one for walking, running, sleeping, breathing, and everything you can imagine. 

A mobile app can be a powerful tool for healthcare providers to improve patient engagement and outcomes. However, developing a healthcare mobile app is not a simple task, and it comes with a price tag. If you are a healthcare provider, you may be wondering about the cost of developing a mobile app for healthcare.

In this article, we will explore the cost of healthcare app development, factors that impact the cost, and tips to keep the cost within budget. Here you can find a detailed guide for building a successful healthcare mobile app.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Healthcare Mobile App Development

Developing a healthcare mobile app is a complex process that requires careful planning, development, and testing. It involves various factors that influence the overall cost of the project. You can go for a ready solution or can choose custom development. Here is the difference between readymade and custom healthcare software.

Also, there are some key factors that can affect the cost of healthcare mobile app development. 

– The complexity of the app

The more complex the app, the more time and resources it takes to develop. The app’s complexity can affect the project’s design, development, and testing phases, ultimately affecting the cost.

– Features and functionalities

The more features and functionalities the app has, the more time and resources it takes to develop. Some essential features of a healthcare mobile app include patient registration, appointment booking, medication reminders, lab results, and telemedicine. Including advanced features such as real-time monitoring and health, tracking can significantly increase the development cost.

– Design and user experience

A poorly designed app with a subpar user experience can lead to low user engagement and negatively impact the overall brand reputation. Therefore, investing in the app’s design and user experience is essential to ensure that it is visually appealing, user-friendly, and meets the target audience’s needs. 

– Platform and device compatibility

The app should be compatible with different operating systems, including iOS and Android, and devices such as smartphones, tablets, and wearables. Developing an app compatible with multiple platforms and devices requires additional resources, which can affect the development cost.

– Integration with existing systems and data security

The app should integrate with existing healthcare systems such as Electronic Health Records (EHR) and provide secure data transmission and storage. Developing an app with robust data security and integration capabilities requires additional resources, affecting the development cost.

Average Cost of Healthcare Mobile App Development

Developing a healthcare mobile app can be a costly investment, and it is important to know the average costs involved before embarking on such a project. The cost of developing a healthcare mobile app can vary based on several factors that you can consider during development. Here is all the required information to develop a custom healthcare application.

When creating a healthcare app, it is essential to consider the best features to make it stand out from the competition. And also need to include the required key regulatory compliances for healthcare software and application.

Here are some of the most important features to include in-app and accordingly cost can be decided:

Average Cost of Healthcare Mobile App Development

– Multi-Option Login: A multi-option login interface allows users to log in through social media or manually enter user details. Creating and deploying a multi-option login to your healthcare app may range from $4,000 to $10,000.

– Scheduler: A scheduler is a critical healthcare app feature that helps manage different activities. This feature allows scheduling appointments and delivering synced alerts and notifications to users. Designing and integrating a scheduler may range from $500 to $700.

– Dashboard: An interactive dashboard provides users quick access to everything they wish to avail through your healthcare app. The cost of designing and developing interactive user dashboards may range from $10,000 to $15,000.

– Notifications and Reminders: Incorporating notifications and reminders are core functionalities required in a healthcare app. The feature can be personalized and precise for the users. The cost of integrating effective notifications and reminders in your healthcare app may range between $800 to $1,500.

– Geolocation: Geolocation access provides location-based functionalities in your healthcare app. Incorporating geolocation capabilities may cost between $7,000 to $15,000.

-In-App Chat: In-app chats facilitate fast and smooth delivery of solutions. Integrating in-app chat features into your healthcare app may cost anywhere between $5,000 to $10,000.

– Reviews and Ratings: Users can post reviews and ratings on your app, allowing other users to consider genuine remarks while making a call on availing of your app services. Integrating reviews and rating options into your healthcare app may cost between $3,000 and $7,000.

– Forum: A forum enhances interaction capabilities by allowing users to post their queries and product administrators to answer. Integrating a forum into your healthcare app may cost around $5,000 to $10,000.

– Privacy and Security: To sustain a competitive, risk-prone, and fast-evolving market, privacy and secure transactions are important. Implementing your healthcare app’s latest privacy and security standards and protocols can cost anywhere between $5,000 and $20,000.

– Payment Gateway: A payment gateway plays a crucial role in ensuring the lucrative accomplishment of transactions. You can expect to pay between $3,000 to $7,000 to integrate multiple payment gateways into your product.

Cost-Saving Measures for Healthcare Mobile App Development

Don’t let the costs deter you from creating the app of your vision. There are always cost-saving measures that can make the whole process much more cost-effective. The following are some cost-saving measures that can be implemented during development.

– Prioritizing essential features and functionalities

It is vital to identify the core features that your app requires and focus on developing them first. You can save time and money by prioritizing essential features by avoiding developing unnecessary features.

– Agile development methodology

The Agile methodology enables developers to continually test and validate the app’s features, making it easier to identify and fix issues early in the development process. It is an effective way to manage costs because it involves breaking down the development process into small manageable tasks.

– Use of open-source tools and libraries

Using open-source tools and libraries can save costs during healthcare mobile app development. These tools can help speed the development process, reduce costs, and improve the app’s overall quality.

– Working with an experienced healthcare app development company

An experienced company will have the expertise to develop your app efficiently using the latest technologies and tools. Here are 5 key considerations for hiring the right healthcare app developers. They will also be able to identify potential issues early on in the development process and provide solutions to address them. This can help avoid costly mistakes and delays, ultimately leading to a better and more cost-effective product. 

Choose EMed HealthTech for your Custom Healthcare App Development 

The cost of developing a mobile app for healthcare varies depending on several factors. However, by considering cost-saving measures such as prioritizing essential features, using open-source tools, and working with an experienced healthcare app development company, you can significantly reduce the overall cost without compromising quality. 

EMed Healthtech is a reliable and experienced healthcare app development company that can help you build custom healthcare apps tailored to your needs and requirements. Contact us today to learn more about our custom healthcare app development services and take the first step toward creating a successful healthcare app.