Generative AI in Healthcare_ A New Era of Patient Care

Generative AI In Healthcare: Meeting The Demand For Patient Care

In today’s revolutionizing era, the integration of generative AI has become crucial for more productive, accessible, and personalized patient care. In this blog, we will discover the transformative impact of generative AI on healthcare, exploring its application, advantages, and probability. With a center on healthcare app development and healthcare software development, we’ll examine how these advances help the healthcare division accomplish way better results.

What Is Generative AI?

Generative AI alludes to fake insights frameworks able to create modern substance, such as content, pictures, or sound, based on the information they have been prepared on. Unlike conventional AI, which depends on foreordained rules and designs, generative AI employs machine learning models to make unequivocally modified yields. In healthcare, this implies creating arrangements that can analyze complex datasets, give bits of knowledge, and recommend medications. Further, generative AI can be incorporated easily with the assistance of EHR software development. 

Generative AI Provides Custom Healthcare Solutions!

Diagnostic Assistance

Generative AI exceeds expectations in diagnostic help by analyzing restorative images, lab results, and patient histories. It can more precisely identify peculiarities in X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans than human eyes. By identifying patterns and correlations that human specialists can miss, generative AI ensures earlier and more precise diagnoses. This capability is especially beneficial in radiology and pathology, where accuracy is crucial.

Personalized Treatment Plans

Healthcare software development has enabled the creation of AI systems that give personalized treatment plans. These systems analyze a patient’s hereditary data, way of life, and medical history to prescribe medicines custom-fitted to their particular needs. This approach not only improves the adequacy of medications but also minimizes potential side impacts. For example, custom healthcare software development permits the planning of applications that can anticipate how a patient will react to diverse medicines, ensuring ideal treatment.

Medicine Invention And Development

Generative AI is additionally significant in drug discovery and advancement. By simulating the interaction of atoms with organic systems, AI can recognize potential drug candidates faster than traditional strategies. This approach of telemedicine software accelerates the process of bringing unused medicines to market. Also, EHR software development integrates AI to streamline clinical trials, oversee patient information, and screen adverse impacts, making the development process more productive and successful.

Virtual Health Assistance

Virtual well-being assistants powered by generative AI offer continuous support to patients. These AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants can oversee appointments, provide restorative data, and offer updates for pharmaceuticals, improving patient adherence to treatment plans. Additionally, with healthcare software development, they can monitor indications and caution healthcare providers in case of any anomalies, ensuring timely mediation.

Top Benefits Of Generative AI In Healthcare

Enhanced Accuracy & Efficiency

Generative AI improves the precision and proficiency of healthcare delivery. Healthcare experts can center on more basic aspects of patient care with healthcare app development by automating scheduled tasks, such as information passage and analysis. AI-driven diagnostic devices decrease the probability of human error, ensuring that patients get precise analysis and suitable medications instantly.

Improved Personalization

Generative AI empowers highly personalized healthcare solutions. By considering a patient’s one-of-a-kind genetic makeup, therapeutic history, and way of life, AI systems can prescribe medicines tailored to individual needs. This personalized approach increases the probability of fruitful results and patient satisfaction.


Implementing generative AI in healthcare can lead to significant cost savings. By streamlining processes and reducing the requirement for repetitive tests and methods, AI makes a difference and lowers operational costs. Custom healthcare solutions and hospital management software can optimize asset assignment, decreasing waste and improving efficiency.

Enhanced Patient Monitoring and Care

AI-driven systems give persistent observation of patients, particularly those with constant conditions. This custom healthcare software development can track vital signs, analyze patterns, and caution healthcare providers about any changes that require attention. This continuous monitoring improves patient results by empowering timely intercessions.

Transforming the Role Of Healthcare App Development 

Healthcare app development enhances individual mobile application experience for health-related matters. It improves executive procedures, improves overall health outcomes, and painless patient care. Using this innovative application, healthcare providers can offer a wide range of services that meet the various needs of patients, caregivers, and medical specialists.

First, telemedicine software made easy appointment scheduling and rapid access to medical information possible. Furthermore, with the assistance of telemedicine software, patients can virtually confer with doctors, receive prescription reminders, and monitor their health metrics on the phone. This user-friendliness increases patient involvement and ensures quick medical response, which may be crucial for treating chronic conditions.

Second, creating healthcare app development facilitates the effective administration of medical facilities. Hospital administration apps automate tasks, including electronic health records (EHR), billing, inventory control, and patient admissions. This automation lessens the workload for healthcare personnel overall, lowers mistakes, and increases their efficiency.

Also, healthcare app development makes a difference in suppliers’ facilitation and communication. Doctors, medical caretakers, and other restorative workforces can work together to create treatment plans, trade understanding information, and keep an eye on patients’ advances in real-time. This coordinated approach ensures that patients urge exhaustive and well-coordinated treatment, which is much appreciated.

Security and protection of information are vital when creating healthcare apps. Engineers are mindful of making beyond any doubt that applications follow laws such as HIPAA to defend private, quiet information. Secure login methods and progressed encryption are fundamental to protecting mystery and certainty.

Creating healthcare apps is essential to updating healthcare delivery and enhancing its efficiency, security, and patient-centeredness. It links patients and healthcare professionals, providing a more responsive and integrated system.

How Does Healthcare App Development Assist the Healthcare Sector?

Data Privacy and Security

One of the essential concerns in healthcare app improvement is ensuring data protection and security. Custom healthcare software improvement must comply with controls such as HIPAA and GDPR to ensure confidential information. AI-driven security systems can distinguish and react to dangers in real time, defending sensitive data.

Accountability and Transparency

AI systems in healthcare must be transparent and responsible. This implies clearly explaining how AI algorithms make decisions and ensuring that these decisions can be audited. Transparency builds belief among healthcare providers and patients, cultivating more extensive acceptance of AI innovations.

Bias and Fairness

Generative AI systems must be designed to avoid biases that could lead to out-of-line treatment. This includes preparing AI models on different datasets and ceaselessly checking their performance. Ensuring fairness in AI-driven healthcare solutions is fundamental to giving equitable care to all patients.

Telemedicine Software to Resolve Future Challenges 

Telemedicine software is revolutionizing healthcare, but implementing it will present difficulties, including managing technology infrastructure, protecting patient privacy, and fostering a positive patient-doctor relationship. Data privacy and cybersecurity are critical to the electronic transmission of sensitive patient data. 

Furthermore, integrating telemedicine software with current healthcare systems might be expensive and difficult. Patients’ and healthcare professionals’ levels of technological literacy differ as well, creating a learning curve for efficient use. To address these issues and safeguard patient data, sophisticated telemedicine software includes robust encryption and security procedures.  

Through seamless integration possibilities with current systems, interoperability, and more seamless transitions are guaranteed. Accessible interfaces and extensive training courses aid in bridging the technical divide and increasing the number of people who can use telemedicine. Telemedicine can potentially improve healthcare delivery as it develops further, providing practical, effective, and safe answers to emerging healthcare problems.

How Generative AI in Healthcare Brings Changes In the Future?

The future of healthcare will be significantly shaped by generative AI – healthcare software development. Advances in AI innovation will lead to more modern diagnostic tools, personalized treatment plans, and efficient medication discovery processes. AI will moreover encourage better patient engagement through virtual well-being colleagues and telemedicine solutions. As healthcare app development advances, we can anticipate more coordinates and user-friendly stages that improve patient care.

Besides, AI-driven clinic management software will optimize operations, from planning to stock management, ensuring that healthcare providers can focus more on persistent care. The continuous change of AI capabilities will drive development, leading to superior healthcare results and more proficient systems.

Bottom Line

Generative AI is introduced in an unused time of persistent care, characterized by upgraded precision, productivity, and personalization. Through healthcare app development and healthcare software development, AI arrangements are becoming more available and compelling. As the healthcare segment proceeds to grasp these advances, patients can see forward to move forward with care and better outcomes. Taking a significant step towards a more efficient, equitable, and patient-focused healthcare system is crucial, as integrating generative AI in healthcare is not only a technological advancement. Are you seeking to develop a healthcare app for your specific needs? EMed HealthTech is here to fulfill your requirements; contact us right away!

Transforming Healthcare The Power of Software Development Solutions

Transforming Healthcare: The Power of Software Development Solutions

Many people are preoccupied with fulfilling their obligations and need more attention to their health. In these circumstances, many people want a platform that allows them to efficiently and flexibly meet doctors, obtain medication, and ask for advice. To better serve people’s requirements, the healthcare sector has moved to online platforms in today’s world with the help of medical software developers offering custom healthcare software development.

Technological advancements are revolutionizing patient management, administrative procedures, and therapeutic approaches in the dynamic global healthcare sector. The development and integration of advanced telemedicine software emerge as a pivotal, transformative element, responding to the escalating demand for efficient and effective healthcare solutions, thereby fostering improved patient outcomes. 

Healthcare is transforming thanks to the integration of healthcare software development, which also improves patient outcomes, increases accessibility for people worldwide, and increases productivity.

What Are The Present-Day Healthcare Challenges?

Numerous obstacles prevent the healthcare sector from operating effectively and efficiently. One of the main problems is the laborious management of patient data. Traditional paper records are hard to keep up with and can also be lost or erroneous. 

In addition, the cost of healthcare is rising quickly, which makes it harder for people to pay for the care they need, particularly in underprivileged areas. The gap in healthcare access is another major issue, especially in rural and underdeveloped regions with few medical facilities and specialists.

Custom healthcare software development presents viable answers to these ubiquitous issues. By automating and optimizing procedures, technology can help improve data management, cut operational costs, and increase access to healthcare services.

The Role of Software Solutions in Improving Health Care 

Delivering Electronic Health Records (EHR) is at the forefront of improving health data management. EHR systems enable the digital storage of patient information, making data easily accessible to authorized healthcare providers regardless of location. This accessibility offered by software development in healthcare enhances continuity of care, reduces errors in patient records, and speeds up the diagnostic process.

Telemedicine software have become essential tools in bridging the gap between healthcare professionals and patients in remote areas. Healthcare software design makes healthcare accessible in areas lacking adequate medical infrastructure through video calls, remote monitoring, and digital consultations.

Further, telemedicine software is also revolutionizing patient management by allowing individuals to monitor their health through their smartphones. These custom healthcare software development provide features such as medication reminders, health advice, physical activity tracking, and direct communication with healthcare providers, promoting a proactive health management approach.

Improve Patient Outcomes With Predictive Analytics 

Prescient analytics is revolutionizing the field of healthcare by upgrading understanding results through data-driven figures and mediation. Leveraging tremendous chronicled information and advanced calculations, this innovation permits therapeutic experts to proactively address potential well-being issues sometime recently they raise. By expecting maladies and complications, healthcare suppliers can start preventative measures or tailor treatment plans that viably oversee or indeed turn away the movement of conditions like diabetes or cardiovascular illnesses.

Utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), predictive analytics changes crude well-being information into noteworthy bits of knowledge. These progressed instruments handle and analyze huge data sets quickly, accomplishing a level of exactness that far outperforms conventional strategies. For illustration, a predictive show might analyze a patient’s hereditary data, way of life variables, and past well-being records to distinguish special hazard variables and suggest particular way of life alterations or medications.

The integration of predictive analytics in healthcare settings comes about in critical benefits, counting made strides, quiet care, decreased clinic readmissions, and more effective utilize of assets. Eventually, by implanting AI and Machine Learning into their operational system, healthcare can not as it were optimize their benefit conveyance but too altogether upgrade the quality of life for their patients. 

Reduced Costs And Operational Efficiency 

Software solutions significantly reduce operational costs associated with healthcare delivery. The automated system streamlines administrative tasks such as scheduling, billing, and compliance documentation, allowing medical staff to focus more on patient care rather than paperwork.

For example, automated invoicing software can reduce fee entry errors, increase revenue, and reduce financial discrepancies.

In addition, custom healthcare software development designed for hospital supply chain management can effectively track inventory levels, predict supply and equipment needs, and prevent backlogs overpriced or out of stock. Effective resource management ensures that healthcare providers can deliver uninterrupted services while controlling costs.

Future Trends And Innovations In Healthcare Software Development 

Several emerging trends are expected to continue to transform the healthcare industry. Blockchain technology, known for its security and transparency, is poised to revolutionize how patient data is stored and shared between healthcare providers. 

Blockchain can facilitate a more collaborative environment between healthcare systems without compromising patient privacy by ensuring data integrity and security. The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is another rapidly growing field. This network of connected devices transmits patient data to healthcare providers, helping to improve the quality of care through continuous monitoring and data collection.

Additionally, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are significantly advancing in medical training and patient treatment scenarios. These technologies enrich the medical training experience and facilitate complex surgical procedures by providing a real-time, three-dimensional view of a patient’s anatomy.

The Bottom Line

There is no denying that hospital software development is transforming the healthcare sector by solving its key challenges. Healthcare software design technology is at the heart of the healthcare revolution, with improved data management through EHR, improved accessibility through telemedicine software, reduced costs through automation, and predictive insights from advanced analytics.

As the industry continues to evolve, healthcare providers and policymakers must adopt and invest in software development in healthcare, ensuring that the benefits of technology modernity are fully utilized to create a more efficient, effective, and comprehensive health system globally. 

EMed Healthtech being one of the leading custom healthcare software development services providers has a team of medical software developers offering top-notch solutions for transforming healthcare by making it more accessible and easier to get quick consultations and advice on the matters. Looking for software development in healthcare? Get in touch with one of the best hospital software development providers, right away!

Healthcare Software Product Development

Top Challenges and Their Solutions in Healthcare Software Product Development

The healthcare industry has seen incredible transformation since the rise of technology. Be it through devices that aid in medical procedures or software that streamline healthcare workflow, a lot has happened in a matter of decades.

But has it been an easy journey? 

The healthcare sector has been notorious for being slow to accept technology into its folds. It is understandable as numerous challenges come in the way. The nature of the healthcare industry does not allow the luxury of choosing novelty over efficiency. 

But we have advanced so much that we can now provide the best ways to overcome these challenges. 

In this article, we discuss some of the challenges faced in healthcare software product development. Our experts also offer the best solutions that can help fix the issue. 

#1 Navigating the World of Compliance and Regulations in Healthcare Software Development


Managing the complex regulatory landscape of healthcare is not easy. It involves understanding and adhering to numerous medical regulations. It is easily one of the biggest challenges faced in healthcare software product development. 

Different regions have different laws and standards that govern the privacy, security, and quality of healthcare data and software. For example, in the US, there is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), while in the EU, there is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Failing to comply with these regulations can result in hefty fines, legal actions, and reputational damage.

Medical software development teams often face the challenge of tackling these healthcare regulatory compliances


To overcome this challenge, the healthcare software development team needs to engage in continuous learning, keeping up with ever-changing regulations and best practices. They also need to work with experts who understand the healthcare application categories and regional requirements, such as medical device classification, data protection, and clinical validation. 

Moreover, they need to adopt standards like HL7 FHIR, MedMij, and DICOM to ease the compliance process and ensure interoperability with other systems. These standards provide a common framework for exchanging, storing, and processing healthcare information.

#2 Care Mobility and Scalability in Healthcare Software


Adapting to the rapidly changing expectations of patients and healthcare professionals is another challenge faced in healthcare software product development. Patients want to access their health information and services anytime, anywhere, and on any device. 

Healthcare professionals want to use software that is compatible across devices and platforms. It should also have the ability to scale up or down as needed.

However, developing software that can meet these demands is not easy. It requires considering various factors. These include user interface design, performance optimization, data synchronization, security, and compatibility. It also requires testing the software on different devices and platforms, and ensuring that it can handle varying loads and traffic.


To overcome this challenge, healthcare developers need to focus on cross-platform applications and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). PWAs can provide a seamless user experience regardless of the device or platform. Cross-platform applications are those that can run on multiple operating systems, such as Windows, iOS, Android, etc. PWAs are web applications that can be installed on the user’s device and offer features such as offline access, push notifications, and fast loading.

By using these technologies, healthcare software developers can ensure that their software is accessible, responsive, reliable, and scalable. They can also reduce the development time and cost by using a single codebase for multiple platforms.

#3 UI/UX Design in Healthcare Product 


Designing healthcare apps is used by all kinds of people. It has to be genuinely helpful, responsive, and have an intuitive UI/UX design. This is oftentimes another challenge faced in healthcare software product development. 

Many healthcare apps fail to address the real needs and preferences of patients, such as convenience, accessibility, personalization, and engagement. They also fail to provide a user-friendly and attractive interface that can enhance the user experience and satisfaction.


To overcome this challenge, healthcare app and software developers need to integrate interactive communication tools, such as video conferencing, online appointments, and voice chats. It should be able to enable better communication and collaboration between patients and healthcare professionals. 

They also need to continually refine the healthcare UI/UX design by collecting feedback from both patients and healthcare professionals and applying user-centric design principles and best practices. By doing so, they can ensure that their healthcare apps are helpful, engaging, and easy to use.

#4 Privacy and The Risk of Medical Data Breaches in Software Development


There is a lot of sensitive data involved in the healthcare industry. Ensuring the utmost security and privacy of critical medical data is another challenge faced in healthcare software product development. Medical data is highly sensitive and personal, and it can be subject to various threats, such as cyberattacks, data breaches, unauthorized access, and misuse. 

These threats can compromise the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of medical data, and cause serious harm to patients and healthcare organizations.


To overcome this challenge, the healthcare IT expert team needs to implement comprehensive security measures, from the interface level to deeper layers. They need to employ multi-factor authentication, automatic log-offs, and data encryption. One can also integrate seamlessly with systems like HIS, RIS, and PACS for secure medical data access. 

They also need to follow the best practices and standards for data protection and security, such as HIPAA, GDPR, ISO 27001, etc. By doing so, they can ensure that their healthcare software is secure, compliant, and trustworthy.

#5 Specific Customization Needs for Healthcare Software 


Every healthcare provider has unique requirements. Standard software rarely cuts it. Healthcare providers have different workflows, processes, policies, and preferences that need to be reflected in their software solutions. Standard software might not be able to accommodate these specific needs. This is a major challenge that can result in inefficiency, frustration, and dissatisfaction.


To overcome this challenge, custom healthcare software developers need to collaborate with business analysts experienced in eHealth projects. By understanding the specific needs of each healthcare provider, developers can tailor software solutions that meet their expectations and requirements. 

Customized healthcare software solutions can result in more effective medical software development, as they can improve functionality, usability, performance, and compatibility. They can also provide a competitive edge and a unique value proposition for healthcare providers.

#6 Data Integration in Health Software Product Development


There are a lot of types of data sources in healthcare facilities. It can lead to integration issues. 

Healthcare data can come from various sources, such as electronic health records (EHRs), laboratory information systems (LISs), medical imaging systems, wearable devices, and mobile apps. These data sources can have different formats, standards, and protocols, making it difficult to integrate and synchronize them. 

Data integration issues can affect the quality, accuracy, and completeness of healthcare data, and hamper the decision-making and coordination of care.


To overcome this challenge, health tech developers need to prioritize the development of software that offers seamless integration and synchronization across different systems. They need to use common data models, formats, and standards, such as HL7 FHIR, MedMij, and DICOM, to facilitate data exchange and interoperability. They also need to emphasize the advantages of medical device software that can reduce errors and ensure real-time monitoring.

In a Nutshell

There are numerous challenges in the world of medical software product development. But in the hands of an expert, these challenges can be deftly overcome. If you are in the process of custom healthcare software development for your healthcare facility, we hope reading this blog will give you some direction on identifying the key obstacles in your way and what you can do to overcome them. 

The better way to do it is to hire experts who can handle this from start to finish. At EMed HealthTech, we have been the preferred healthcare software development partner of many organizations and startups. With our end-to-end services and custom approach, we can bring your software product to life. Get in touch with us today to discuss your project!

Healthcare Software Development Company_ How Can It Transform Healthcare

Healthcare Software Development Company: How Can It Transform Healthcare?

Healthcare software development companies are driving a technological change in the medical industry. They are using cutting-edge techs like AI and IoT to craft innovative solutions that are changing the way we see the medical world. 

These solutions are making waves from patient care to clinical decision-making and overall operations. IT solutions like telemedicine and electronic health records are helping doctors provide a more data-driven, patient-centric approach. 

The potential these solutions have for the future of the healthcare industry is immense. Let us take a look at how healthcare software development company is changing healthcare as we know it. 

Enhanced Patient Care

With technology, there is better access between patients and doctors. Patients can access the doctor in time via telehealth systems. Doctors can provide better treatment thanks to more information and coordination between systems. Using systems like electronic health records (EHR) also helps bring together better treatment plans. Overall, the patient gets better healthcare. 

Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring

Telemedicine app development is a major advancement in recent times that has completely changed healthcare. It enables remote delivery of healthcare services like consultation, medicine delivery, and follow-ups. This technology is also used via IoT healthcare devices. Patients can gather more info about their vitals over time which leads to better treatment plans. Doctors can also monitor chronically ill patients. They can provide better health management and care. 

Efficient Medical Workflow

The medical workflow has become smoother and more efficient thanks to software solutions. There are specific solutions that automate administrative tasks. Software systems patient management software also takes care of other aspects like booking visits, billing, and record keeping. This reduces the amount of paperwork. When the staff is free from such admin loads, they can focus on more productive work and better their services. 

Data Analytics for Insights

This is the age of data, and healthcare has no lack of it. Software services in healthcare collect vast amounts of data. Data analytics derive meaningful insights from this data. It helps in many ways. Firstly, it helps identify trends and patterns. It can help understand potential health risks and lead to informed decisions. With healthcare data analytics in the picture, there is a vast improvement in patient outcomes as well.

Improved Medication Management

Previously, tracking a patient outside of the hospital or clinic meant dialing them in person and enquiring. There was not much control over how they managed their medications. This meant the effectiveness of the treatment could not be ensured. With healthcare solutions, there are provisions for this as well. Healthcare providers can send reminders, track prescriptions, and more. Patients can also gain info about drug interactions and timely intake. On the whole, medicine adherence and patient safety become better. 

Coordination and Data Exchange

When technology and healthcare come together, there is a new possibility of coordinating healthcare between different clinics and hospitals. Exchanging info, patient records, and treatment plans between healthcare facilities means doctors can work together to improve care options. They can understand the effectiveness of treatment plans and alter them if needed. The patient ends up getting better care than before. 

Patient Engagement and Education

Technology has made it possible for the patient to become active in their healthcare journey. They are more engaged than before, thanks to the different software that connects them to healthcare providers. Patients also have more information than before. This software makes them more aware of their conditions, treatment methods, and expected outcomes. With this knowledge, they are more likely to follow their prescriptions. An empowered patient plays an active role in bringing better outcomes. Here is a detailed guide on Patient Engagement software development.

Remote Training and Education

Remote education has recently been a major part of technology, especially during the pandemic. In terms of healthcare, this has found many applications as well. Healthcare professionals use remote education and training for learning and skill development. This way, they can stay updated on all the recent developments in the world of medicine. 

Security and Privacy Measures

With technology in the mix, there is more focus on the privacy and security of patient data. But thanks to robust security measures in healthcare software, patient data is more secure than ever. Strict rules and healthcare regulatory and security compliances are in place to ensure patient data security and discretion. 

Growth Potential of Healthcare Software Development 

Healthcare solutions play an important role in increasing business growth. There is a major shift from paper-based administration to a digital one. Patient data is stored in cloud systems, which means a lot of work is automated and needs little maintenance. Operating costs are also lower this way, raising the ROI. 

Growth Potential of Healthcare Software Development

Easy Access Across Devices

Software systems used for healthcare have one major advantage. It can be accessed from different types of devices like mobile phones, tablets, and desktops. This means it is used optimally and in sync. Users can log in wherever they are, enabling real-time data access. 

Improved Healthcare Quality 

Custom software solutions are changing the traditional healthcare system by integrating cutting-edge technologies. Features like automated systems and advanced processes make healthcare delivery more efficient. Every aspect of healthcare, from patient appointment scheduling to data storage, undergoes a redesign to align with current healthcare standards. This software removes outdated procedures and makes the whole process faster, ultimately increasing the quality of healthcare services.

Scalability and Sustainable Growth with Custom Software

Unlike off-the-shelf software, custom solutions offer healthcare providers major advantages. One of them is the possibility of scaling up with growth. Custom healthcare software development means that the software can level up along with the company’s growth. The software can be maintained according to the needs of the hospital or clinic. It is a sustainable model too. 

Picking the Right Healthcare Software Development Company

The impact of technology in healthcare has changed how we give and receive medical care. There is a software solution to every problem out there, making all our lives better. Doctors can perform their duties better, and the staff can focus on theirs. With mundane tasks automated, patient care and experience improve. 

In short, the whole process of healthcare delivery has changed. Rapid advancements are also making patients more active in their healthcare journey. With custom medical software development, healthcare centers can create apps that fit their exact needs. 

If you are looking for one such healthcare software development company, we are here to help. At EMed HealthTech, we are a healthcare software development company with an aim to innovate. We create custom solutions that fit your needs and enhance your business. Our solutions give you the choice of scalability and better returns too. 

If you’re looking for reliable healthcare software development for your business, reach out to us today and take advantage of our expertise.


Future of Technology in Healthcare Industry and Medical Software Development

The healthcare industry is rapidly changing and evolving, and technology is driving much of the progress. From AI-powered diagnostics to robotic surgery, the future of healthcare is shaped by tech solutions. Healthcare software development is essential to provide the tools needed to make this a reality, and companies are racing to develop innovative and effective solutions.

Healthcare software like telemedicine apps, EHR software, and hospital management software is increasingly popular in hospitals, thanks to their immense benefits. This is also evident in the numbers, as a study reports 80% of healthcare providers to plan to invest in digital and software solutions in the next five years.

Let us dive into the article and find out how technology is changing the future of the healthcare industry and medical software development.


Healthcare Software Development: Industry Growth

Healthcare software development is gaining momentum in the current digital landscape. According to, the global healthcare IT market was estimated to be at $394.6 billion in 2022. It is expected to grow to $974.5 billion by 2027. This includes IT solutions like telehealth, e-prescription, mHealth, and other HCIT solutions.

Telemedicine software is one of the hottest trends in the healthcare software development market, as it is expected to have the highest growth rate during the forecast period. Telemedicine has enabled faster decision-making and improved the quality of patient care.

The drastic surge in the use of telemedicine apps during the COVID pandemic has now stabilized to give more hopeful data showing consistent growth over time. This technology is also being widely accepted across different counties. China leads the way with a 76% adoption rate by 2024. India follows closely behind, with 59% of users already using it. Here is what you can expect from Telehealth and Telemedicine in 2023 and beyond.


The State of Custom Healthcare Software Development

The healthcare industry is no stranger to technological advancements, and custom software solutions are becoming popular for healthcare organizations of all sizes. Custom healthcare software solutions offer unique advantages to providers, allowing them to tailor their software to specific needs and optimize their operations.

According to Grand View Research, the custom software development industry was valued at $24.46 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 22.3% from 2022 to 2030.

The market growth is driven by a few important factors, such as the need for real-time data analysis in industrial applications, the requirement for more flexible workspaces to maximize productivity, and the increasing popularity of the low code development platform (LCDP) for straightforward software development. In addition, the adoption of analytics and the rise of various technologies like AI-driven Chatbots and robotics automation is fueling the market growth. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic triggered the adoption of technology that allowed remote working and cost-cutting for enterprises, which led to a surge in custom software for scalability.


Custom Healthcare IT Solutions Classification

Custom healthcare IT solutions can be broadly classified into two types: business-centric and patient-centric. Let us take a look at both.

Business-centric Healthcare IT solutions

Business-centric IT solutions are designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare organizations. Some of the popular solutions in this category include:

– Hospital Management Software: This software helps manage all the operations of a hospital, from patient management to billing and inventory control

Electronic Health Record (EHR) Software: This software provides a secure, centralized repository for patient health information, enabling providers to access patient data anywhere at any time.

– Medical Imaging Software: Medical imaging technicians and doctors can store, manage, and analyze medical images such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs.

– Medical Diagnosis Software: This software helps healthcare providers make accurate diagnoses by incorporating a vast database of medical knowledge, guidelines, and algorithms.

– Medical Billing Software: The medical billing process becomes more efficient and free of error thanks to this software.

– Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Software: This software helps healthcare organizations improve their financial performance by streamlining billing and collections processes.

Patient-centric HealthTech Solutions

Patient-centric solutions are designed to empower patients and improve their overall healthcare experience. Some of the popular solutions in this category include:

Telemedicine Software: This software enables patients to receive medical care remotely, using video conferencing and other technologies.

– Patient Information Portal: This online platform provides patients with secure access to their health information, including test results, medication lists, and other relevant data.

– Personal Health Record (PHR) Software: This software gives patients control over their health information by allowing them to store, track, and manage their medical data.

– E-Prescribing Software: This enables healthcare providers to send prescription information directly to a patient’s pharmacy, reducing errors and increasing efficiency.

By improving the patient experience, patient-centric solutions help healthcare organizations achieve their goals of providing high-quality care and improving patient outcomes.

Leading Trends in Tech and Healthcare Software Development

The healthcare industry is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements and the increasing demand for better, more accessible care.

– Telemedicine and Remote Healthcare Services: With the rise of telemedicine and other remote healthcare services, patients can receive care from their homes, reducing the need for in-person visits and increasing access to care.

– Personal Medical Devices: A growing number of personal medical devices, such as wearable monitors, blood glucose meters, and heart rate monitors, are making it easier for patients to track and manage their health.

– Healthcare Software Development Based on AI: Artificial intelligence is transforming the healthcare industry by improving diagnoses, reducing medical errors, and increasing efficiency.

– Virtual and Augmented Reality Technologies: Virtual and augmented reality technologies are being used to train medical professionals, improve patient education, and even treat certain medical conditions.

– Nanotech and Robotics: Nanotechnology and robotics are being used to develop new medical devices, treatments, and diagnostic tools, making it possible to tackle some of the most challenging health problems.

– Wearable Devices: Wearable devices, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, are becoming increasingly popular among patients, making it easier for them to monitor their health and manage their wellness.

These trends are shaping the future of healthcare, improving access to care and delivering better health outcomes for patients.

Reasons to Invest in HealthTech for Your Organization

Reasons to Invest in HealthTech for Your Organization

Investing in health tech can bring numerous benefits to your organization:

– Improved Patient Outcomes: By leveraging technology and software, healthcare organizations can improve care delivery and drive better patient health outcomes.

– Increased Efficiency: Healthtech solutions can automate administrative tasks, streamline processes, and reduce errors, helping organizations to operate more efficiently.

– Better Financial Performance: By improving care delivery and reducing costs, health tech solutions can drive positive financial results for your organization.

– Increased Access to Care: With the rise of telemedicine and other remote healthcare services, patients can receive care from the comfort of their homes, increasing access to care and reducing the burden on healthcare organizations.

– Better Data Management: Healthtech solutions can provide a centralized repository for patient health information, enabling healthcare organizations to manage, analyze, and share data more effectively.

– Competitive Advantage: Investing in health tech can help your organization stay ahead of the curve and differentiate itself from its competitors.

How Custom Software Development is Shaping the Healthcare Sector

How Custom Software Development is Shaping the Healthcare Sector

Custom software development significantly impacts the healthcare sector by providing healthcare organizations with tailored solutions that meet their specific needs and goals. Here is how:

– Improving Clinical Operations: Custom software can help healthcare organizations streamline and automate their clinical operations, improving care delivery and reducing the risk of errors.

– Enhancing Patient Experience: Custom software can be used to develop patient-facing solutions, such as telemedicine platforms and personal health record systems, that improve the patient experience and increase engagement.

– Increasing Data Management Capabilities: Custom software can provide healthcare organizations with the tools they need to manage, analyze, and share patient health data, improving decision-making and outcomes.

– Enhancing Cybersecurity: Custom software development can help healthcare organizations to implement robust cybersecurity measures, protecting sensitive patient data and ensuring regulatory compliance.


The Growing Demand for Healthcare Software Developers

The demand for healthcare software developers is rising as the healthcare industry increasingly relies on technology and software solutions. The growing adoption of health tech, such as telemedicine and electronic health records, the changing patient needs and expectations, increasing regulation, and the need to improve clinical operations are driving the demand for healthcare software developers.

Healthcare organizations seek developers who can help them develop innovative solutions that meet these needs, comply with regulatory requirements, and improve care delivery through technology and software solutions. The demand for healthcare software developers will continue to grow in the coming years.

Here you can find all details about custom healthcare app development, including types, features, advantages, and more.

How EMed HealthTech Can Help You Build Custom Healthcare Solutions

It is evident from the direction of the market and the glaring numbers that custom healthcare solution is the answer the healthcare sector needs. EMed HealthTech recognizes this.

Whether you are looking to develop a ready-made or custom healthcare software solution, EMed HealthTech can help you build the right solution for your organization. With its team of experienced healthcare software developers and a proven track record of delivering successful projects, EMed HealthTech is the ideal healthcare software development company for your next project. You can hire health-tech developers from here.





10 Benefits of 5G Launch on Healthcare in India

The advancements in modern technology have always been a boon for the world of healthcare. The latest 5G rollout is no different. At the outset, faster internet services and better connectivity bring immense potential to be explored in the healthcare sector.

First, let us look at the new technology that we call 5G and how it is different from its predecessors. Also, we take an in-depth look at what this means for the health sector in India. For a nation speeding its way towards development and modernization, the healthcare sector can benefit significantly from this new technology. Finally, we look at what it means for healthcare app development, which relies heavily on the speed and quality of the internet connection.

What is 5G?

Let us shed some light on what 5G is. In simple terms, 5G refers to the Fifth Generation of wireless network technology. For the previous generations, 1G focused on improving voice quality, which was picked up and improved upon by 2G. 3G is what opened the avenues of the internet to mobile users. 4G immensely increased the speed of wireless internet and data sharing.

What 5G brings to the table is high-speed connectivity, high data rate, low latency, and highly reliable communications. It also has aspects that increase energy efficiency, network efficiency, and spectrum efficiency.

When was 5G launched in India?

India launched 5G internet services on October 1, 2022. It was launched ceremoniously by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Indian Mobile Congress in New Delhi. It was flagged off and will be available in select cities across India. The 5G services will be progressively available throughout the country in the coming years. The Prime Minister called it a “knock on the doors of a new era”. The opportunities a technology like 5G presents to India are immense.


How does 5G benefit healthcare in India?

Previously 4G was used in the healthcare sector to improve the services, reach, and efficiency. However, 4G was not without faults. It was riddled with lags and would often fail its purpose. However, the new 5G improves upon 4G at incredible rates. Here are some of the imminent benefits of adopting 5G services in the healthcare sector in India.

Benefits of 5G Launch on Healthcare in India

1.  Connected ambulance

This concept could help improve emergency services, the quality of healthcare provided, and better outcomes for the patient. A connected ambulance would have means to transmit vital information about the patient, which can help better understand the patient’s condition, even before they arrive at the hospital. 5G’s better connectivity can also help doctors guide paramedics to conduct emergency procedures.

2. Collaborative surgery

Surgical procedures can get a boost with 5G procedures. While telesurgery is still a long way, collaborative surgeries are an attainable goal. With the help of AR/VR headsets, doctors can collaborate by watching in real-time and providing comments as another doctor performs the surgery.

3. Virtual consultations at HD quality

While internet connectivity already brought the facility of remote consultation, 5G takes it to a new level with its high speed and higher consistent quality. With 5G, the screening and assessments required for a consultation can be done online, thanks to the quality of the stream 5G ensures. Visual diagnoses can take a new definition with 5G assistance.

4. Faster image and records processing

5G offers better connectivity for transferring diagnostic images and reports at a stunning speed. What earlier took a long time can now in a surprisingly low amount of time. This gives patients faster access to treatment as they don’t have to shuttle between hospitals and diagnostic centers for results.

5. Remote patient monitoring with Telemedicine

Remote healthcare service delivery with a Telemedicine platform can be more efficient and proactive with 5G. With high speed, quality, and security, patients in far-off areas and those with chronic illnesses or mobility issues can use the services of 5G internet.

6. AR & VR for visually challenged

There are a lot of visually challenged people who suffer from impairment to different degrees. With the help of 5G-powered AR and VR tech, they can have a better sense of control over their surroundings with audio assistance from VR/AR goggles. Live advisors help them navigate their surroundings with high-speed 5G-powered tech.

7. Medication assistance through HD video

One of the innovative ways internet connections are used is to help those who may need help with medication assistance. This may be elderly or mentally ill patients who may not be able to have their medication in the prescribed amount or at the right time. Trained pharmacists engage them at the right time to consume the right amount of medicine. Thanks to 5G, this can be done in real-time and in high-quality streaming.

8. Innovative use in therapy

The use of AR and VR in rehabilitative therapy and distraction therapy has been implemented in different countries. It has potential applications in India as well. With the help of advanced 5G, this is possible. Patients can use AR/VR-assisted therapy.

9. 5G for medical education

The high speed, quality, and consistency 5G offers are a boon for medical students. With remote education a tangible option, 5G offers the potential to conduct in-depth training via high-speed connectivity. Students can watch AR/VR setup or live streaming procedures and collaborate.

10. Real-time transfer of data from wearables

Wearable tech has become a staple among our accessories. But when equipped with 5G tech, it becomes a powerful tool that transfers vital data in real-time. It can help recognize anomalies and connect to healthcare providers who can monitor your vitals remotely.


What does it mean for healthcare app development?

Healthcare software development is an area that is immensely benefited from the advancement of 5G technology. With 5G tech, healthcare services can be distributed more democratically and efficiently among people. Hospitals prefer to invest in custom healthcare software development as they see its potential in bridging the gap between healthcare services and the common man. Also, read A Guide to Custom Healthcare Software Development.

If you are looking for custom healthcare app development services, EMed HealthTech is a reliable destination for you. Our expert team of healthcare software developers specializes in building custom healthcare app and software that efficiently run on 5G technology. We will help you leverage technology to gain a competitive edge while delivering high-quality services to a wider group of customers. Book an appointment with us to get started today!



Custom Healthcare Software vs. Readymade Healthcare Software

Technological advancements have found innovative applications in every industry. The Healthcare sector has benefited by using technology to make its processes smooth and more efficient. They may be healthcare software development that aids in running a medical facility smoothly or a device that provides better medical service.
When it comes to hospital management software, there are a lot of options available. Are you looking for business-centric medical software like a patient health record management system, medical billing software, or hospital management software? There is also the option of patient-centric software like telemedicine software, appointment scheduler, medicine order software, etc.

Whether you are looking for a patient- or business-centric healthcare software, there are two ways to go about it. You can either choose custom healthcare app development or software development that suits your needs or buy ready-made software available in the market. It is a tough decision as it is a huge business investment. So we break down everything in this article to help you choose the right one for your business strategy.

What are the different types of healthcare software?

Before you dive into the world of custom-made and ready-made healthcare software, let us look at the different kinds of healthcare software that are used by a medical facility like a hospital:

healthcare software


Online Pharmacy Software

An Online Pharmacy/ePharmacy is an online platform for medical store owners, through which they can sell medicines online to their customers.

Hospital Management Software

This versatile software has many components like appointment management, patient management, supply management, facility management, insurance management, support management, etc.

Medicine Delivery Software

A medicine delivery software allows patients to order prescribed medicines online that will be delivered via the nearest pharmacy store.

EHR Software

EHR or Electronic Health Record serves as a patient’s medical history database. With comprehensive data available, medical services become more efficient.

Telemedicine Software

Telemedicine, a part of Telehealth, delivers healthcare using electronic information & technology and supports healthcare when distance separates the patients.

Medical Imaging Software

This software allows doctors to view, store, train, and share medical data and provide efficient treatment.

Doctor Appointment Booking Software

Doctor appointment booking software is specially developed to help patients to book, manage and schedule appointments with doctors or video consultations.

Medical Billing Software

This software is ideal for hospitals to prevent mistakes, enhance the patient experience, and provide an efficient interface to manage all the expenses within a facility.

Medical Lab Diagnosis Software

This is an AI-powered lab diagnosis software that can automate and interconnect medical diagnostic processes. It ensures that there is a low chance of error in the diagnostic results.

What are Custom Healthcare Software and Readymade Healthcare Software?

Custom Healthcare Software

Every health care facility is different. Each has a different approach to doing business and hence has unique requirements. Naturally, such a facility would want custom healthcare app development or software development to suit its needs. It is a personalized healthcare product designed according to the business’s needs. It is designed to easily adapt to existing business processes and launch new digital workflows with ease. It is not meant to be sold or distributed to other parties.

The different tools and features of such custom healthcare software are privately owned by the same company. With custom healthcare software development, features suited to the business are readily available. The healthcare business can easily target certain aspects, maximize efficiency, and exact the required output. It is a transparent application with no hidden functionality or costs, with an interface designed specifically for the client’s ease.

Ready-Made Healthcare Software

Readymade healthcare software is generic. It is built by large healthcare software development companies that cater to entire industries and different businesses.
Readymade healthcare software is suitable for a whole range of businesses. Hence it has a larger host of functionalities to serve the needs of different types of users. It is designed for commercial sale. It has easy configurations that allow it to be integrated into existing systems without hassles.

It has a lot of features, some of which may be useful and some of which might not be. It can also have hidden costs and features irrelevant to the business buying such software. Its features cater to the general need of a particular type of business rather than the specific needs of a business. Hence it cannot fully adapt to the needs of the business.

Benefits of Custom Made Healthcare Software

Let us look closely at the advantages of custom healthcare software development and readymade healthcare software.

Custom healthcare software advantages

  • Customization: Custom-made software has highly adapted features to your business processes.
  • Compatibility: Software designed to suit your needs is highly compatible with your business processes and workflows.
  • Autonomy: You can automate tasks, integrate processes and expand features in any way that works for you.
  • An advantage over competitors: With a higher level of personalization, you get a competitive advantage over other businesses.
  • Scalability: Your business is ever-changing and growing. Custom healthcare software that scales up with your growth is a great investment.
  • Economical and Effective: Custom-made healthcare software is much more economical than ready-made healthcare software. This is because businesses can use all the features without renewing their license yearly or buying new features as the business grows.
  • Better Security: It has a better security system than software openly available for sale. It ensures all your data, including patient and administrative data, are safe from prying eyes.
  • Compliance: Compliance is a sensitive issue that has to be handled with care. Custom-made software ensures that it is built and compliant with the rules and regulations under whose jurisdiction your business falls.

Benefits of Ready-made Healthcare Software

  • Readily available: There is no need to spend time developing software as it is readily available off the shelf.
  • Lower initial investment: Buying ready-made software solutions is cheaper than developing a custom-made one. It has free trial periods that let you decide whether the software suits your needs. It has flexible price ranges determined by the number of software users than the software itself.
  • Multi-Functional: A ready-made solution is meant for use by many people than a custom-made solution. This means you get a feature-rich product that can be used according to your specific needs.
  • User Friendly: It is designed to be highly user-friendly and meant for intuitive use. Since it cannot be explained to each new user, it is meant to be self-explanatory.
  • High Community Support: Since it is used by many people, dedicated communities provide invaluable support in the form of information and hacks to make it easier to use.
  • Maintenance and Support: Ready-made software gets automated updates throughout its usage. You can also avail of comprehensive support for your application without having to deploy your teams for it.

EMed HealthTech: Your Answer for all Healthcare Software Solutions

There are plenty of healthcare software service providers that design software for the needs of your business. However, finding a design company that tailors software to your needs can be a tough challenge. Whether ready or custom-made healthcare software, you need to hire software developers who can diligently understand your needs and apply them to the software.

Also, check out this blog What is the Importance Of Healthcare IT Solutions in Patient Care?

EMed HealthTech has been a leading player in the healthcare software development industry for almost a decade. We specialize as healthcare IT consultants providing expert service with our software solutions. Whether you are planning to hire healthcare app developers for custom or ready-made healthcare software, EMed HealthTech has done it all. With a long list of loyal clients, we focus on empowering our clients with healthcare software solutions that maximize business outcomes and improve user experience. Reach out to us today to get a free estimate.


Key Regulatory Compliance Standards That Healthcare Software Developers Should Know About

Building healthcare software from scratch is no cakewalk. A lot of effort goes into ensuring the software works as planned and checks every box, from performance to compliance. However, this last bit is where many custom healthcare software development projects take stumble.

Healthcare regulatory and security compliance and regulations are matters that cannot be taken lightly. With authorities worldwide tightening up data security norms, the penalties for non-compliance are harsh, and companies at fault have to pay dearly. Earlier this year, a healthcare software provider was fined a whopping $1.5 million in fines to French data protection authorities. In the US, penalties for security violations by medical companies can cost up to $1.5 million.

In short, the devil is always in the details, and the nitty-gritty details in the regulations can land you in trouble.

Therefore, if you are planning on healthcare software or healthcare app development,

This article will give you an idea of what compliances and regulations are, why they are implemented, and the different regulations you should be aware of.

What are Regulatory Compliances for Healthcare Products?

As in every industry, the healthcare industry is also ruled by certain regulations that determine what is legal and illegal. These are designed with everyone’s best interest at heart, and not complying can come with hefty penalties. There are issues like privacy and data security, and safety and care for the patient that these regulations try to address. If healthcare software does not follow these regulations, it can invite large amounts of fines and disciplinary action from the government.

Every country has certain regulations the healthcare industry needs to follow while implementing healthcare software solutions. Some of the major regulations are given below.

  1. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) -USA
  2. The Federal Food, Medicine, and Cosmetic Act-(FFDCA)-USA
  3. Food and Medicine Administration (FDA) -USA
  4. Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) -USA
  5. Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) – Australia
  6. Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) -Canada
  7. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) — The European Union -European Union

Complying to these depending upon where your healthcare service is focused is crucial. Let us look at some of the reasons why regulations and compliances need to be followed.


Why Is It Essential to Follow Regulatory Compliance in Healthcare Software and App Development?

Privacy & Data Security

Regarding healthcare software development, the primary concern that regulations take care of is privacy and data security.
The digital world is constantly threatened with cyber attacks, and, naturally, there are potential threats to healthcare solutions too. The sensitive data that people share with healthcare providers are stored digitally. This software often uses cloud computing technology to function. All of these cyber spaces are prone to attacks and data theft.
This threat also makes people more reluctant to use software solutions, making everything much easier. It is a hurdle healthcare providers have to overcome. Thankfully, governments are issuing strict regulations that protect patient health information(PHI).

Patient-Centric Care

These regulations are not only about data protection but part of an overall effort to make healthcare more patient-centric. With these regulations in place, the healthcare IT service provider has to put the patient’s needs first and give utmost care to not let any slip-ups happen. It also curbs fraudulent practices within the healthcare system, ensuring no patient is taken advantage of by the big industry. In connection to the previous point, data protection protects the patient from potential emotional harm a data or identity theft can cause them.

Avoid Fines and financial losses

The price to pay for not complying with government regulations can be sometimes too high. It is rightly so as it is not a small thing to overlook. Fines as high as $1.5 million can be incurred if the healthcare software used does not comply with the regulations of the place.

A healthcare service provider can also incur heavy losses if these protective measures are not adhered to. Data breaches, holding data for ransom, etc are ways in which healthcare providers can be ensnared in the cyber traps.

Regulatory Approval

It goes without saying that you cannot get your software product to work in the public sector without the seal of approval from these regulatory bodies. Moving forward without gaining a certificate of compliance is impossible. Only in the case of updated regulations can the above problems come into existence.
These are some of the compliance reasons. Let us look at some of the healthcare standards you should be aware of before you hire healthcare software developers.

Regulatory Compliances for Healthtech Products in Different Countries

Countless regulations ensure compliance in the healthcare industry. Instead of it being a deterrent, it ensures better services and benefits for all involved. Some of the major ones are:


The Federal Food, Medicine, and Cosmetic Act govern medical devices, under which healthcare software falls, pharmaceuticals, and more. To get FFDCA compliance, one has to first comply with several other approvals like the PMA (Pre-Market Approval), Pre-Cert Program (Digital Health Software Pre-Certification Program), SaMD (Software as a Medical Device), and the LDT (Laboratory Developed Test).


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 defines the rules ones needs to follow if one intends to collect, store and exchange personal data from a customer. Healthcare facilities that do not comply with this can bring legal action against them.

If your software is related to PHI (protected health information), EMRs (electronic medical records), or EHR (electronic health records), then you need to comply with the HIPAA requirements.


The HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical) Act came into place to promote the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology. It enforces healthcare providers to comply with HIPAA regulations.

Food and Medicine Administration (FDA)

Every software application or standalone device meant for mass public use must first undergo the rigorous scrutiny of the FDA under the United States Department of Health and Human Services. FDA assesses the software for compliance and regulations and only then approves its use and distribution among the public.

OAIC – Australia

Regulations pertaining to the use and distribution of software and healthcare technology are administered by the OAIC or Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. It defines how the personal information from patients is collected, stored, and disclosed. It also gives patients full control over sensitive data. Healthcare providers must give them complete network security and immediate reports in case of data breaches.

PIPEDA – Canada

Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, 2000 (PIPEDA) governs the rules for personal information handled by businesses for commercial activity. It is similar to HIPAA, however, it provides additional data protection in medical apps. It can fine up to $100,000 for each case of violation.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) — The European Union

This is generally applicable inside the European Union. Compared to other regulatory bodies, GDPR widens what falls under sensitive data, including biometric data, genetic data, IP addresses, and data on racial and ethnic origin and religion. Individuals can withdraw their consent at any time.


Compliances and Regulations in custom healthcare app development must be carefully considered before the final product is rolled out. It is better to be aware of and implement the regulations than to suffer financial losses and government legal action. Before you decide to hire healthcare app developers, you must check whether they have a history of non-compliance or legal action being taken against them.

Also, check out this blog A Guide to Custom Healthcare Software Development.

It is better to hire an experienced team that can provide the best custom healthcare services and solutions with all the necessary compliances than to clean up after the mess of an inexperienced team. EMed HealthTech is your best bet if you want to create a system that adheres to all regulations. We provide the best service to our clients with compliance followed to the dot and constant updates on all changing regulations. Reach out to us today to book an appointment with us at EMed HealthTech.


A Guide to Custom Healthcare Software Development

Healthcare and technology have found new grounds for collaboration with the various forms of virtual health care via Telemedicine apps. Be it for your appointment with your doctor, collecting blood reports, or even tracking your general well-being and vitals, there is a technological solution for it today.

Healthcare technology has eased the many problems we face from the conventional healthcare system. Virtual healthcare in the form of virtual doctor visits, mobile pharmaceuticals, laboratory service, and health records management has become a household name as well as a need of time. The shift to technologically advanced solutions that are convenient is inevitable.

Let us then take a look at what the numbers suggest:

  1. Although telemedicine or virtual healthcare has been around for a long time, its usage saw an all-time spike in April of 2020. The usage of virtual healthcare during April 2020 was 78x higher than in February 2020, according to McKinsey and Company.
  2. The Asia-Pacific regions reported a surge from 4% to 56% during 2021, as per a survey by Willis Towers Watson.
  3. The Indian telemedicine industry is predicted to have a CAGR of 23.89% from 2020-2025 according to

Apart from the response from the patients, healthcare providers are also eagerly adopting virtual care and telemedicine software solutions. According to the survey by COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition, more than 60% of healthcare providers found telehealth applications more convenient and more than 50% found more work satisfaction.

What is Healthcare Software Development?


Many different software solutions are designed to help the functioning of healthcare personnel or centers. They perform a broad range of activities that optimize performance, manage data, cut down the time taken and reduce costs in the process of imparting healthcare services.

Healthcare software is used by both healthcare service providers as well as receivers. Hence it has features as well as specific user interfaces that cater to both ends. Each healthcare software is made to suit the needs of the situation, be it a large hospital or a small clinic.

Healthcare software can thus be considered a broad name for all the different applications that cater to the healthcare industry. We will discuss more of the different types below.

Different Types of Healthcare Software

It is no secret that the prevalence of smartphones and tablets has enabled the use of healthcare software on a large scale. There are umpteen apps that provide some sort of healthcare service. Be it a platform to connect to a healthcare provider or one that promotes general wellness, the numbers keep on growing.

Healthcare apps can be divided in a broad stroke into two- for healthcare providers and patients or general users. The apps and the functionalities that cater to each are vastly different from the others.

Custom Healthcare Software for Patients

The software designed for patients and general users is designed to solve one or the other health issue, monitor health, etc. These apps allow them to seek medical attention if needed. Here are some of the different types of custom software developed for patients.



  1. Healthcare accessibility software: These are software that allows users who need medical consultation to seek it personally. These are designed to be multifaceted, one of which serves the patient. It allows for easy and convenient consultation which would otherwise take a lot of time and money. It may also have features that allow users to access their laboratory reports, access pharmacies to place orders, and store medical history and access it with ease.
  2. Mental Health Software: Virtual care has created greater access to mental health services. There is dedicated software that provides the platform for consultations, therapy sessions, etc.
  3. Health monitoring software: These are the most prevalent form of healthcare software. They provide a plethora of services that help manage health issues. They allow patients to keep track of their illnesses.
  4. Medication and pharmaceutical services: These apps allow patients to virtually place orders for their medicines, make subscription offers for long-term medications, and more. There are also apps designed to remind patients to take medication on time.
  5. Lifestyle apps: These are applications that guide users to lead healthy eating habits and hobbies that promote general wellness.
  6. Fitness apps: These apps cater to those who are looking for personalized solutions to their fitness problems. Solutions like exercise, yoga, activities like sports, and diet plans to help achieve fitness goals.


Custom Healthcare Software Development for Healthcare Professionals

When it comes to custom software development for healthcare practitioners or providers, it caters to a lot of different categories of people and services. Some of these apps have more than one functionality and some have all. Depending upon the need of the medical care facility, they are:



  1. Telehealth: Applications that provide a platform for healthcare providers to impart their services are referred to as telehealth applications. Telemedicine apps and Doctor appointment booking apps are used by doctors for consultations and make it very convenient for both the doctor and the patient.
  2. Hospital management software: These are software that is integrated into the hospital system to enable smooth and optimized functioning of the different aspects of a hospital. It also provides data management capabilities, insurance, and payment processing, administrative work, claims management, and patient information.
  3. Health Record Software: These act as repositories of information, that provides a unified platform to easily access patient records and medical history. Knowing the health records of a patient gives the healthcare professional a better idea of providing treatment.
  4. E-Medicine order software: Share medicine orders with ease to patients using this application.
  5. Monitoring software: This software allows healthcare providers to closely monitor the health of patients. This is useful for patients who are chronically ill or are at some incapacity to take care of themselves.


How to Build a Custom Healthcare Software Development?

A software solution for your healthcare facility or business is a great initiative as the above-mentioned stats prove how much they are in demand. It also has other advantages like optimizing performance, improving efficiency, increasing revenue, and increasing customer satisfaction.

There are two ways to build a custom healthcare software

  1. employing an in-house team of developers
  2. Outsourcing

While employing an in-house team may seem like a feasible option due to proximity, speed, and efficiency, it has many disadvantages like higher expenditure, lack of expertise or experience, etc.
Time and again healthcare facilities chose to employ outsourced talent to build custom software for healthcare.

Before you consider picking a custom healthcare app development company like EMed HealhTech you should look for technological expertise, industry knowledge, the capacity and scalability of the company, and its developer’s skills. Another important aspect is the security measures that are incorporated into the healthcare app as it deals with very sensitive information.

Why Choose EMed HealthTech to Develop a Custom Healthcare Software?

EMed HealthTech is a leading healthcare IT company that focuses on delivering quality and innovation. We cater to healthcare facilities of all sizes and provide customized healthcare IT solutions that help improve business prospects.

Your search for hiring healthcare software developers ends with EMed HealthTech. Contact us today to get a free estimate for your custom medical software development project.