Patient Engagement Software

Patient Engagement Software: How is it Evolving & Transforming Healthcare

Healthcare is changing with each new invention. Technology is an important part of healthcare. With it, the gap between healthcare providers and patients is decreasing. 

There is an increasing use of technology to interact with healthcare. Patients’ engagement with healthcare facilities is changing. The software solutions transform healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes, from patient portals and mobile health applications to remote monitoring systems and wearables.

Patients want to be more involved in their healthcare decisions. They are more aware of their conditions and can make informed decisions. This empowerment comes from better access to information. 

Over time, patient engagement software has improved. They play a significant role in the changing healthcare world. It even leads to better outcomes for the patient. 

Patient-centralized care becomes an innovative approach to the healthcare industry. In this approach, patient care and engagement are at the center of their health journey. This article explores how patient engagement software is transforming healthcare.

How Patient Engagement Software is Transforming Healthcare

Patient engagement is driving key change in the world of medicine. Let us look at some of them. 

Increased patient satisfaction and outcomes

This software provides patients with more information about their condition. With more information, they know how to cope. They better have access to healthcare providers. The patients are more empowered to make active changes. 

This improves patient satisfaction with the care received. The outcomes are better as they are inspired to make positive changes. Here is how healthcare IT solutions and services can help to improve patient care.

Improved patient-provider connection

With patient engagement software, patient and doctors are more in touch. This software has made medical attention more accessible. With video calls and messages, the patient can stay updated. All of these reduce the need for visiting the doctor in person.

Better learning and self-management

Patients have better access to info. The software promotes the patient to take action as they know what to do. They can work towards preventing adverse health conditions. 

Lowered healthcare costs and readmissions

The software can help reduce patient readmission. With better monitoring, patients can stay home and get medical attention. They can make virtual visits via the apps. The ER can take a breather as it will be less crowded.

The doctors can monitor the patients who stay home. This allows them to recover from the comfort of their home. They can prevent health issues with more knowledge. 

6 Types of Patient Engagement Systems

Patient engagement software comprises many systems and tools. They are designed to enhance patient involvement and improve healthcare outcomes. In this section, we will explore several types of patient engagement systems. 


1. Telehealth

Telehealth has gained importance in these times. The global pandemic pushed everyone to choose remote healthcare services. These services focus on providing medical services in their own home. It may be a consultation or getting a prescription. Telehealth makes it all possible. 

Video calls and messages connect the patient and provider. These tools help overcome the physical barriers between them. 

Telehealth is ideal for those in remote places. They can connect to doctors in far-off places. It is helpful to those who have issues with mobility. 

2. Patient Portals

In this app, patients can view their medical information and get refills. Specialized software is available to make schedule appointments. 

Patients can communicate with their healthcare providers. They can manage their records through these software products. 

With all these conveniences, patient engagement rates become high. They take an active role in their health. 

3. Health Data Analytics

Health data analytics systems bring in a lot of new data sources. It analyzes patient data from different sources. They may be electronic health records, wearables tech, and patient reports. They find patterns and trends to help healthcare providers make informed decisions. 

These systems help prepare personalized treatment plans. It can help spot high-risk patients and improve care delivery.

4. Automated Appointment Reminder Systems

Missing appointments can affect your health. It will affect your treatment and journey to good health. Automated appointment reminder systems can help reduce this. It uses text messages, emails, or phone calls to keep patients in the loop. 

This software can help reduce missed appointments. Providers can manage their schedules better. Patients get timely care, and healthcare providers can improve their efficiency. 

5. Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring is helping everyone keep track of their health. It takes the help of connected devices and wearable gadgets. It can collect and send real-time health data to healthcare providers. Doctors can monitor patients who stay at home. They can monitor vital signs, medication, and symptoms. 

Providers can watch their health status, spot warning signs early, and act. Doctors can provide proactive and personalized care.

6. Healthcare Payment Automation

Healthcare payment automation systems make transactions easier for patients. With automation, patients can do billing, and payments online. 

Patients can review and manage their healthcare expenses better. They will get automated reminders on their devices. These systems improve patient satisfaction and make the processes smoother. 

Innovative Technologies That Enhance Patient Engagement Solutions

Technology is improving at breakneck speed. The medical world is warming up to adopting this tech. Patient engagement software is getting better by the day. There is exciting new tech that is disrupting the world of patient engagement. They are the: 

  1. Internet of Things (IoT)
  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  3. Blockchain

Innovative Technologies That Enhance Patient Engagement Solutions

1. Internet of Things (IoT) Implementation

IoT consists of devices such as wearables and connected sensors. They enable remote monitoring of a patient’s vital signs. It can keep track of physical activity and sleep patterns. With regular reminders, it can ensure proper medicine intake. This data can be used to provide healthcare providers with useful feedback. 

Doctors can take timely action by monitoring these devices. Patients can get better insight into their health. It promotes self-management among patients. 

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence has been making waves in every realm. It has shown its magic in patient engagement solutions as well. AI algorithms can analyze large volumes of patient data.  It can identify patterns, and generate insights. This new information can help doctors come to accurate diagnoses. 

With this data, they can make better treatment plans and personalized care. 

AI brings AI-powered chatbots into the picture. They can be virtual assistants that interact with patients. They can provide information and quick answers. Chatbots can provide support and help in such times.

They identify patients who are at risk of certain conditions. With predictive analysis, at-risk patients can seek quick help. 

3. Blockchain

Blockchain technology has the potential to transform healthcare. It provides a whole new level of security and transparency. 

With blockchain, information is safe from tampering. This ensures they are in better control of their data. They can share their healthcare journey in safe accounts. 

It allows different facilities to communicate sensitive data. This can improve care coordination and patient outcomes. 

Healthcare providers are recognizing the potential this technology holds. Thanks to it, patient engagement solutions are getting better. 

Summing Up 

Patient engagement software plays a significant role in transforming healthcare. As technology advances, these solutions are becoming more effective. 

The healthcare industry is integrating these solutions. It can lead to better outcomes for the patients as well as doctors. It leads to better interactions and an overall reduction in costs. 

If you want reliable patient engagement software, we, at EMed HealthTech, can help. EMed HealthTech is a leading custom healthcare software development company

We have a proven track record in healthcare app development. We focus on innovative and user-friendly healthcare software. You can enhance patient engagement and improve healthcare delivery, with EMed HealthTech. 

Ready to take the next step in transforming your healthcare service? Contact us today!

Patient Engagement Software Development

A Complete Guide of Developing a Patient Engagement Software

Patient engagement software has a recent concept. It refers to the services through which patients can interact with healthcare. There are different kinds of apps that come under this list.

Healthcare is becoming more easy to access, thanks to technology. It has become a major part of healthcare facilities. 

Patients are more involved in their healthcare journey. The average patient is now more active, informed, and in control of their health. With technology to help them, patients manage their health better. Some tools and resources help patients communicate with their providers. They can educate themselves about their conditions too. 

This article aims to look deep into patient engagement software development. We discuss its benefits, types, and development process. Let’s dive right in. 

What is Patient Engagement Software?

As the name suggests, patient engagement software engages with the patient. It may be virtual visits to doctors, getting info, and test results. 

Patient engagement tools include several types of tools. They are :

  1. Self-management tools
  2. Contact tools
  3. Education tools
  4. Care coordination tools

The tool empowers patients to take control of their health. 

There are many benefits to patient engagement in healthcare. It has been shown to improve patient outcomes. At the same time, it reduces healthcare costs. 

Patients who are in touch with their doctors are more likely to stick to treatment plans. They tend to have better health and better experiences. Patient engagement increases trust and strengthens the relationship between patients and healthcare providers. 

InsightAce Analytics research has some interesting findings. The Patient Engagement Solutions Market is projected to grow in the coming years. Its current worth is 13.26 Billion in 2022.  The market is likely to reach an estimated value of 36.16 Billion by 2031. It has a CAGR of 12.1% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2031. Here is how patient-centric care becomes a revolutionary way to offer healthcare that is beneficial for all parties involved.

InsightAce Analytics sheds light on the influence of cloud technology. Cloud tech plays a pivotal role in its growth. 

Cloud-based solutions provide a flexible and scalable platform. It helps in storing and accessing patient data. They allow safe storage and privacy. Engaging with patients becomes easier because of it.

Cloud solutions offer remote access. This way healthcare professionals can reach patients beyond the traditional healthcare setting.

The outpatient health management category has experienced similar expansion. It is contributing to the overall development of the market. 

The Key Benefits of Patient Engagement Software

Patient engagement solutions have become an important tool in healthcare. It offers numerous benefits for patients and healthcare providers. Some key benefits of patient engagement software are: 

Benefits of Patient Engagement Software for Healthcare Systems:

—Improved Communication

Patient engagement software allows better contact between providers and patients. This means there is a quick and secure exchange of information. Be it test results, appointment reminders, or medication instructions. This makes the communication process smoother. There is also a lower risk of miscommunication.

—Enhanced Patient Satisfaction

It offers convenient features that increase satisfaction. Some of its features are: 

  • Online appointment scheduling
  • Access to medical records
  • Secure messaging. 

It empowers patients to take an active role in their healthcare. 

—Efficient Workflow

Patient engagement software automates many healthcare tasks. Automated tasks include: 

  • Appointment reminder
  • Patient Education
  • Billing 

It reduces manual work a lot. Healthcare providers can focus more on the patient this way. It lightens the paperwork load and improves patient care.

—Improved Patient Outcomes

Patient engagement software helps patients with learning more about their conditions. They can get info suited to their needs. The patient shows an active interest in their health. It leads to better patient outcomes and disease management. When patients take an active role in their healthcare, it improves their overall health and well-being.

Benefits of Patient Engagement Software for Patients:

—Enhanced Access to Healthcare

Patient engagement software enables remote access to healthcare. It offers different virtual services. People who have mobility issues or live in remote areas will find this helpful. It makes healthcare more convenient and available to a broader range of patients.

—Empowered Health Management

With more access to their healthcare records, patients are more aware. This awareness will make them active in managing their health. Patients feel empowered to make decisions based on the information. They will tend to engage in preventative measures as well. 

—Convenient Communication

Patient engagement means there is better contact between the patient and the doctor. There are messaging features in the app which make communication clearer. Patients can avoid the hassles of visiting the doctor for minor issues. It saves time and resources. 

—Health Education and Resources

There are a lot of ways to learn in patient engagement software. Patients have access to material tailored to their needs. They can access this information anytime. With better know-how, they can make better decisions about their health. There is no being in the dark anymore. 

—Improved Adherence to Treatment Plan

When the patient is in contact with the doctor, they will stick to their treatment plans. The software can provide them with cues to do so. They may be timely reminders, track progress and give personalized plans. Patients are inspired to stay on track with their medication. It will lead to better health outcomes. 

4 Types of Patient Engagement Software

Let us explore the different types of patient engagement software there is. Let us understand their purpose in a healthcare facility. We also take a brief look at the features of each. 

1. Patient Feedback Software

Patient feedback software is a type of software that collects and analyzes feedback. This feedback can help increase patient satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. The feedback is used to increase loyalty toward the organization.

Patient feedback has great potential to improve the patient experience. 

Here are some of the features that patient feedback software offers:

—Anonymous feedback

Patients can provide feedback anonymously. This way they are more likely to feel more comfortable sharing their honest thoughts and experiences.

—Easy to use

Patient feedback software should be easy for both patients and healthcare providers. This will encourage patients to provide feedback.  This also makes it easier for healthcare providers to collect and analyze feedback.


Patient feedback software should be secure to protect patient privacy. This is important because patients should feel confident that their feedback will be confidential.

2. Patient Check-In Software

Patient check-in software is a type of patient engagement system that is gaining popularity. It helps patients check into their appointments before reaching there. Patients can check in online before they arrive at their appointment. This can help to reduce wait times. It improves the patient experience and frees up staff to focus on other tasks.

Some of the features that patient check-in software offers are:

—Appointment scheduling

This app can help patients schedule appointments online or on mobile. This can help to reduce wait times and improve the patient experience.


It can help patients check in for their appointments online or on a mobile device. This leads to less waiting time.


Patient check-in software can help patients pay for their appointments online. This can help to reduce wait times and improve the patient experience.


This software can help patients communicate with their healthcare providers. It improves the patient experience and the quality of care that patients receive.

3. Patient Registration Software

Patient registration software streamlines the patient registration process. It provides custom and secure registration forms. The software automates a lot of manual work. 

Some of the features of patient registration software include:

—Automated registration

Patient registration software can automate the registration process. This saves time for patients and staff.

—Customizable forms

Developers can tailor-make the software to meet the specific needs of the healthcare center.

—Secure forms

Patient registration software uses secure forms to protect patient data.


Patient registration software is available on mobile devices. This is convenient for patients to register for appointments on the go.

4. Patient Communication Software

Patient communication software helps healthcare centers contact their patients. It makes it easy to send and receive messages, and reminders. 

Some of the features of patient communication software include:

—Automated phone call

This software can send automated phone calls to patients. It can be used to remind patients about appointments. It can also provide learning material, or check in on them.

—Two-way text messaging

It can be used to send and receive text messages. The software reminds patients about appointments and answers their questions.

—Marketing services

The software can send marketing messages to patients. It promotes new services and offers discounts. This software can keep patients informed about new events at their healthcare center.

Patient Engagement Software and App Technologies

While the adoption of IT solutions in healthcare is picking up the pace to improve patient care, it is essential to look at what is the importance of healthcare IT solutions to improve patient care. The software uses different types of technology in its making. They are used to make all the services possible. 

The technologies used for these integrations include:

On the server side, the range of technologies used are: 

  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • CodeIgniter
  • Symfony
  • Python
  • Django
  • Node.js 
  • NET

Front-end development involves creating user interfaces, The tech involved here are:  

  • HTML
  • CSS3
  • ReactJS
  • AngularJS
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap.

They create appealing user interfaces.

Mobile app development utilizes technologies like: 

  • Flutter
  • React Native
  • iOS Native
  • Android Native.

They help deliver seamless experiences across different platforms.

Different tools streamline project management and communication. Tools such as: 

  • Jira
  • Slack
  • Trello
  • Basecamp
  • Google Meet
  • Bitbucket.

There are many third-party integrations as well. They are:

  • FirebaseUniware (Unicommerce)
  • Criztel
  • ShipRocket
  •  NepXpress
  • FedEx
  • HMIS 

They enhance functionality and optimize operations.

There are payment gateways for easy money transfers. Some of them are: 

  • Paytm
  • PayPal
  • RazorpayStripe
  • PayUMoney
  • CCAvenue
  • CinetPay

These services cater to different regions and countries. 

There are a lot of opportunities in terms of the technology available. An expert patient engagement app development company can create a great many apps using this advanced tech. 

This technology can enhance communication, streamline workflow and integrate other services. The result is a seamless experience for both the patient and the healthcare provider. 

Cost of Patient Engagement Software Development 

The cost of developing patient engagement software can vary. It can depend on many factors.  The specific requirements and scope of the project can influence the cost. 

Several other factors contribute to the overall cost. 

  • The complexity of the features is one such instance. The more complex they are, the higher the development costs can be. 
  • The number of platforms the software needs to support is another factor. The healthcare developers will need to optimize it. It helps the software work on platforms such as web, mobile, or both. This will influence the cost. 
  • The more customized the software is, the higher the cost. It takes immense effort and experience to build a custom tool. It will cost higher for custom work that suits your needs. 
  • The number of external integrations will determine the cost too. It takes additional resources to add integrations like EHR/EMR, payment portals, etc. 
  • The time taken to develop is another factor. The skill level of the developer also decides the cost. A skilled healthcare developer means a better product. But it comes at a higher price. 
  • The maintenance of the software is another major cost concern. It is something people overlook during the planning and budgeting phase. The kind of support provided by the company decides the cost. 

You have to understand that each patient engagement software project is unique. Based on the client’s specific needs and customizations, the cost can vary. If you are low on budget, start with something small. Stick to the basic functions. 

If you have a bigger purse, choose customizations and advanced features. 

It is hard to know the correct cost on your own. It is best that you consult the development company. There is no fixed price as every client is unique. 

Why Choose EMed HealthTech For Your Patient Engagement Software Development Needs? 

With its healthcare domain expertise, EMed HealthTech stands out as a trusted choice for custom healthcare software development. There is a good reason for it. Here they are: 

  • We focus on custom development. We understand that each client has unique requirements. Our aim is to deliver tailored solutions. 
  • Our team makes sure we understand your needs. We make it a point to match our client’s vision and objectives. 
  • We use cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices. This way, our products are high-quality, scalable, and efficient software solutions. 
  • We promise high-quality customer service and timely project delivery. It is what sets us apart from our peers. 

With EMed HealthTech, you can trust that your software will deliver outstanding results. 

Summing Up 

Patient engagement software is transforming the healthcare industry. It is bringing huge changes to how patients and healthcare providers interact. 

With patient engagement software, there is better communication, smoother processes, and better treatment outcomes. 

What’s more? New tools and resources help patients participate in their healthcare journey. 

The benefits of patient engagement software are hard to ignore. It is something every healthcare provider wants. It is just a matter of choosing the right healthcare app development company

When choosing a company, choose a reputed one like EMed Health Tech. We specialize in developing custom healthcare software solutions. We make what you need to drive your facility to success. Our experienced healthcare developers will make you the most efficient software. 

Get in touch with us today. Let us transform healthcare services with innovative solutions. Reach out to us today! 

Patient-Centric Care: An Innovative Approach to Healthcare

Patient-Centric Care: An Innovative Approach to Healthcare

The age of information is upon us, and we are more than aware of the intrinsic working of healthcare services. Patients know what they want, and they expect high-quality treatment. But are healthcare services still playing catch up with the changing times? 

This article delves into the idea of patient-centric care, a revolutionary new way of healthcare that is advantageous for all parties involved. Let us look at how this approach brings innovation into the health sector and healthcare app development.

Let’s Explore the Definition of Patient-Centric Care 

While this is a relatively new concept, there have been debates about what it means to have patient-centric care and its degree of effectiveness. Let us now take a look at what is the general idea behind patient-centric care. 

Patient-centric care is rooted in the idea that all healthcare decisions and quality measurements are driven by the individual’s specific health needs and desired health outcomes. The patient and the healthcare provider partner in the treatment process. The perspective taken is not simply a clinical one but rather an emotional, mental, spiritual, social, and financial perspective. 

Elements of Patient-Centric Care 

While the above-mentioned ideas are at the core of a patient-centric care system, let us look at key elements that solidify it. The definition may vary from one institution to another, but the ideas mentioned below will always be at their core. 

– The healthcare system’s mission, vision, values, leadership, and quality-improvement drivers are congruent with patient-centric objectives.

– Care is collaborative, coordinated, and readily available. The appropriate care is delivered at the appropriate time and location.

– Physical comfort, as well as emotional well-being, are prioritized in care.

– Patient and family preferences, values, cultural traditions, and socioeconomic circumstances are all considered.

– Patients and their families are expected to care for team members and have a say in patient and system decisions.

– Family members’ presence in the care setting is encouraged and facilitated.

– Patients and their families receive complete and timely information, allowing them to make informed decisions.

Why is it Important to be Patient-Centric in Healthcare? 

Patient-centric care has gained center stage due to various reasons. Here are some of the reasons why patient-centric care is essential.  Here you can check more about the importance of Healthcare IT in patient care.

Better Engagement With the Patient:

In a patient-centric approach, the patient has a better engagement and positive viability and continues to participate holistically in the healthcare system. This results in patients engaging better with the treatment care, thus reducing the symptoms, effective treatment, and lower readmittance in the hospital. <

Managing expectations due to greater awareness among patients:

It is the internet age, and patients are more than aware of the various medical conditions and how they affect them. They are more vocal about the healthcare they expect. When the patient is at the center, they are taken along through the decision-making process, giving them complete insight into their treatment plans. 

The importance of gathering information about the patient’s needs:

Having a clear understanding of how important it is for every employee to gather information about the needs of patients quickly is one of the reasons. A patient-centric approach without any kind of vision leads nowhere and, in particular, does not reach the point where objectives can be met. 

Benefits of Patient-Centric Care

The main objective and advantage of patient-centric care are enhancing personal health outcomes. Here are some of the benefits of implementing patient-centric care: 

– an increase in patient and family satisfaction ratings.

– A better reputation for healthcare providers among patients 

– improved productivity and morale among support staff and clinicians

– improved distribution of resources

– increased financial margins and decreased costs across the entire spectrum of care.

Patient-Centric Care Examples 

Patient-focused care is implemented in various ways in a range of healthcare settings. Here are a few examples:

Patient-centric care in the doctor’s office:

In a doctor’s office, the patient’s problem is given more attention than the patient’s diagnosis. Patients and doctors have a close, trusting relationship in patient-focused care models. patient-centric care is primarily based on human interaction, but doctor’s offices may also use various tech-based tools. 

Patient-centric care in the hospital:

The patients and their families are encouraged to be part of the care team. Hence, they can visit outside of strict visiting hours, decide who gets to visit them, participate in care discussions, etc. The design of the patient-focused care hospital fosters family cooperation by providing a comfortable setting that caters to the needs of the patient and the family.

Personalized medicine:

The patient-centric approach is also extended to treatment and therapies. Medications are customized to the patient’s needs. The patient’s genetics, metabolism, immune system, biomarkers, etc., are considered to create personalized medications and therapies. 

Patient-Centricity and Technology: Is Any Technology Desirable For a Patient-Centric Approach?

Patient-Centricity and Technology


In an era of information overload, patients are more informed of their conditions and treatments than ever before. There is also technology to track every data point of a person. Patients also expect high-quality medical attention. A patient-centric culture fosters all of this. 

Let us look at some of how technology and patient-centricity overlap. 

Telehealth and Telemedicine Software:

One of the most significant applications of patient-centric care ad technology is through telemedicine and telehealth. Patients can use their mobile phones or computer to access healthcare facilities that would otherwise be inconvenient in many ways. Bringing such healthcare IT services to their home, even remotely, enabled a healthcare practice that is patient-centric and highly convenient as well. Here you can check what you can expect from Telehealth and Telemedicine in 2023 and beyond.

Artificial Intelligence (AI):

AI has successfully been implemented in areas like robot-assisted surgery, virtual nursing assistant, and administrative workflow assistant. Significant progress has been made in how AI is used to help the healthcare sector. AI has been paired up with image-based algorithms to make a diagnosis in the fields of ophthalmology, dermatology, etc. It has also been used for predictive data analysis to identify high-risk patients. 

Digital Therapeutics:

In digital therapeutics, programs and treatments that complement or replace clinical drugs are developed using digital tools. Smartphones and wearable technology can continuously and non-intrusively gather user health data. Digital therapeutics programs can produce predictive analytics tools in behavioral change programs for mental illness, chronic illnesses, and lifestyle habits when combined with AI and machine learning.

Creating a Patient-Centric Telehealth Software 

One of the advantages of the patient-centric system is how it allows the healthcare system to build a closer, more holistic relationship with the patient. The telehealth system brings one such important bridge into view. With its various facilities that enhance convenience, healthcare centers are actively investing in telehealth software. You, too, can join those who are choosing success. 

If you are looking for a healthcare software development partner, EMed HealthTech is the ideal choice for you. You will find that we have the best technology, which can be customized to your needs to develop the best healthcare software for your facility. Reach out to us today to get started.